I removed the alarm because it was installed by a f**king gypo c**t and it was more of a pain in the arse than something useful
It was so shoddily installed that they twisted and taped most of the wiring, and the alarm sounder wasnt even tightened down. It was finger tight and they used one of the heater matrix bolts, which is probably why I've had water ingress because it was loose as f**k 🤬
All the stupid twisted and taped alarm wiring removed and the bolt back in and tight
Fusebox tidier now
Wiper motor, linkage, bottle with new pump back in. Someone had replaced the pump with a Chinese knock-off which had failed, 22 year old genuine Renault pump in
Cleaned and coated the plastics
Gave all the joints a good coat of ACF
All back together. Engine bay given a quick clean.
I put the rubber seal back in at the back of the engine bay. I've never ran this but I've noticed whilst plodding on at 50/60mph on the motorway the blowers get a bit cooler. I think without all the excess s**t on the engine it doesn't work as hard and there's nothing blocking the rad either. A bit less 'through' airflow might help
Tested everything, wipers smoother than ever, I just needed to use a bit of stranded wire to clean out the washer jets