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MOT Failure - Emissions - Please help!

  Clio 1.2 16V
Hi all. Took my 2005 1.2 16V Clio to get tested today and it failed on the emissions:

"Exhaust emissions carbon monoxide content after 2nd fast idle excessive (2.92) [7.3.D.3]"
"Exhaust emissions lambda reading after 2nd fast idle outside specified limits (0.91) [7.3.D.3]"

The results were:
Engine temp: warm
Fast idle test...
Engine speed - 2500-3000rpm -- Not checked
CO - Max 0.20% - 2.92% - FAIL
HC - Max 200ppm - 122ppm - PASS
Lambda - 0.97 to 1.03 - 0.91- FAIL

Car has 116,000 miles, and was driven about 0.5 miles to test centre.
The car has been loosing a little bit of power when putting the accelerator down and sometimes chugs to get up to speed. Sometimes also hard to start. Changed coil pack and plugs about 2 months ago where it somewhat rectified the problem but has now gone back to its usual. Last night the Engine Management Light came on and has stayed illuminated (solid orange - not flashing).

Any help/advice would be appreciated. I am trying to get it into a garage to get it plugged in but its late on in the evening now and the ones i've been able to contact have 2 weeks waiting list.

Thanks all!


I Love Ed Sheeran
ClioSport Club Member
Is your cat sealed properly, not blowing anywhere? Often the flexi's go on these but you would hear it.
Could need a new precat lambda, or a new cat.
  Clio 1.2 16V
Hey! Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately I can't hear any blowing, none that has been or is readily noticeable anyway. Thank you!
  PH2 172
Step 1: take the spark plugs out & observe if they are all clean/biscuit brown.
Step 2:If not, do a compression check.
Step 3:If the compression check reveals inconsistent psi/bar between cylinders,(if psi/bar are all the same, replace the spark plugs with new, to save time later),
check & adjust the valve clearances if required.
Step 4: Repeat the compression test.
If all compressions are now matched, your problem is probably solved.
That`s enough to be going on with and you have not spent a penny on someone`s guesswork expertise.
  Clio 1.2 16V
Just had the car plugged in. Fault code P0130, O2 sensor bank 1 circuit 1. Pre-cat sensor.
Will replace the sensor and update, cheers all. Unfortunately I don't have a compression kit otherwise I'd do that anyway, but spark plugs all seem to look okay and even in their colour. Only replaced a couple of months ago when I done the coil pack.
  172 cup
Maybe you're garage is rushing the emissions test! Mine fails every year I just ask them to spend a bit longer on it! Getting it red hot ECT ECT , in the end they get it passed !
It's a good idea to have a really fast/long run before turning up, to get the exhaust nice and hot. I think some of that Redex or similar stuff in the tank can also help, going from anecdotal reports I've read.
  Clio 1.2 16V

Just an update on my issue - which is now solved. Thanks everyone for your responses.

So, the car had been running like rubbish. Trouble starting, being sluggish to respond to accelerator inputs, power loss etc etc. Sometimes it would run okay and others it would be pretty bad. So i changed the coil pack and sparks and initially ran better but the problem returned only worse.

Was driving after all the chugging etc on the motorway, and the engine management light (EML) flagged up. Took it for the MOT the next say and failed on emissions as per original posting. I then had it plugged in with post CAT lambda sensor being shown as the issue. I bought a lambda sensor from ebay for £25 (along with whatever else was needed for the MOT... a lot) and fitted it. Just before fitting the lambda sensor the EML light went out; but the car was still running really bad so I changed it anyway. Car was running noticably better (sill the odd chug, but a lot better). The next day the EML illuminated again. Took it for the MOT and failed on emissions again, only worse than before:

CO - Max 0.20% - 10.4% - FAIL
HC - Max 200ppm - 290ppm - FAIL
Lambda - 0.97 to 1.03 - 0.71- FAIL

Sent the car to a garage, and they plugged it in again (different garage). Lambda sensor showed up as being an open circuit, thus the problem was identified as a faulty wire in the loom going to the sensor (not the lambda sensor itself). Had the wire in the loom repaired and low and behold the problem was solved and EML out. Took the car back for the MOT the same afternoon:

CO - Max 0.20% - 0% - PASS
HC - Max 200ppm - 1 ppm - PASS
Lambda - 0.97 to 1.03 - 1.00- PASS

The car runs a lot better with all chugging etc gone and throttle response back to normal.

Cheers for all your help and i hope this post helps someone!
