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MX5 Number 2.

  Listerine & Poledo
Shut and pay your dues you floppy-haired pauper!

Anyway, if CS are going to force that Listeriney is ghey, then I may as well play along, you'll never convince the internet otherwise.

Knew there must have been a good reason for the divorce
  Listerine & Poledo
Well that was never, ever in question.

One thing I learnt the hard way though, if you go and marry a set of walking tits that you've not got a word to say to, you're gonna have a bad time


ClioSport Club Member
Joe i'll have his HKS instead of the mazdaspeed I just picked up!

Ok so on Apex's my car sits from middle of centre cap to bottom of arch

Back- 350mm Front-320mm

And i'll get pics of the Minilights tomorrow night when i'm back down at my other workshop (dad's house haha)
I'll be having them if he's still alright with selling them for not much ;)

I'll measure how high mine is anyway... I have a feeling it's going to be in the 400's though! lol
  Listerine & Poledo
I just saw the video (It's in the BBQ meet thread).

It's not as apocalyptic as I thought it would be.

Needs charger whine ;)


ClioSport Club Member
I'm along the lines of Joe's thinking...

Although tempted by a cheap 1.8vvt lump with itb's and some megasquirting
It should be getting some this week if all goes to plan :)

goodj, I was properly ready to dismiss all of those until I watched the first video... Christ that's a loud wine! Reminds me of the Kenne Bell Cobra.

But... OMG ITB's!
1.7 B6 (basically my engine, but very VERY highly strung)

That video is taken just after it was built IIRC
Build thread is pretty cool too!

I'm sure we've all seen the FujiRacing BP engined '5

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ClioSport Moderator
Is it low yet?

If the answer's "no" then I'm going to give you a 'LowLine'.

Like a deadline, but if it's not low by the date set, then you'll get banned for a day, then the next deadline will be 7 days after, if it's not low, it'll be two days off.. and so on.

Now, here's where it gets interesting, I'll let you set the LowLine, but if I think it's not close enough, I'll half the amount of days you allowed, so pick wisely.
Check back later this week Rob! You might not be disappointed.

Oh and...



ClioSport Club Member
I'm sure we've all seen the FujiRacing BP engined '5

Link to build...I need that noise!!!

If I ever have the money for the V8 conversion, I'll let you know where to pick one up from

Tbh I actually have no idea how much work it is but cant be that bad!

Mine'll be low before his... and mine doesn't even need it, I'm only doing it to spite Jamie

Go for it they look a bit old and rusty tbh so i'm on fleabay stateside tonight ;)
  Listerine & Poledo
We need an underground network of dealers that can ship us parts, from far east Asia, preferably with next day, AM delivery
