You wouldn't even need to take them off dude. Width you'll get with a bit of squinty eye, a tape measure and an educated guess. Length is super easy if these have no preload on them.
I think we should have a crack (jk) at freeing off those rings this weekend mate.
Penetrating oil and a wrapped flat-headed screwdriver. Done?
This heap continues to amuse
"OMG too much rust 4lowz!"
Plus gas ftw
Yeah, lather them in plus gas for the next few days. Nothing else easily available comes close.
Don't use WD40 or equivalent, it's w**k for this stuff.
It's just getting them loose that I'm worried about. But yeah, cheers for the advice!
This is what I'm up against:
HKS HiperD by j0eyD, on Flickr
Not much adjustment left, as you can see. Unless there's a way of taking the lower adjuster ring out and making sure the big one doesn't move?
That is a lot of adjustment! Hammer + chisel the bottom ring until it turns and then move it backwards and forwards progressively until the thread has cleaned up.
colour code your sills, get some slightly bigger wheels on there, you wont even need to lump-hammer your suspension
I refuse to be a pikey and use a chisel. Nigh on impossible to find replacement parts for these and I don't want to damage anything... I'll get them loose, I just want to be a bit careful!
I refuse to be a pikey and use a chisel. Nigh on impossible to find replacement parts for these and I don't want to damage anything... I'll get them loose, I just want to be a bit careful!
you're lucky, I'm struggling to find the confidence in mine. A few years of being mothered by FWD and ESP has turned me soft
you're lucky, I'm struggling to find the confidence in mine. A few years of being mothered by FWD and ESP has turned me soft
Its not pikey mate, and the rings will most likely be the same size as any other coilovers (If you somehow manage to break one). The worst you will do is deform the edges a bit but I can't see them cracking. Ram on!
That's the short wheelbase for you.
They are snappy Joey I disagree.. a wet Llandow trackday confirmed this.. as did Tony's description after a fair few laps drving it...
Well tbf mine is on original bushes and dampers with Apex springs so that doesn't help.. but compared to something bigger wheel base.. S-body, E36 etc well there is no comparision! haha
I'd imagine mine would feel 400% better with a suspension overhaul. Could be a mission for a Unit Saturday. Polybush all round!
I don't recall the old NB being a problem when it did brake traction though, that was a 1.8 with normal diff so fairly similar to a Mk1 1.6 in terms of power/weight (and near as makes no difference, chassis)