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  Clio mk3 1.2
I figured i would create a thread on my first ever car.
I bought a 1.2 Clio MK3 in august 2017 3 days after i passed :grimacing: with 50k miles, unfortunately it is the only thing i can really get insured on for a first timer but here we are.
After i passed back in August I decided that a Clio was the only real option as i didn't fancy going to buy them smaller city cars.
The car came with;
  • 12 Month Breakdown cover
  • 3 month warranty
  • 12 month MOT
So it was a no brainier for me. However, all good things come with a cost...
IT HAD TO HAVE A BLACK BOX FITTED! And it doesnt have alloys :(

I then came across quality website btw and that's why Im here.
Anyway, it is what it is and hopefully i can get rid of the box come august 2018. Below are a couple of pictures of the motor;


As you can see its not the best but i plan on making it look a lot meaner, even if it is only a 1.2.

Plan of action;
  • Tinted Rear windows
  • Wind deflectors
  • Led number plate lights
  • New Wheel trims
  • Possible new head unit or Bluetooth upgrade
  • Full headlight conversion
  • De-badge the back
Other modifications will come to mind during the project. As i said, its not a RS its just a 1.2.:up:
I do plan to keep this thread updated. Feel free to ask any questions:smile:


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ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Nice simple improvement mods and nothing else, honestly you'll thank us later as will your bank balance.

I'd personally not waste the money on wind deflectors and get some nice clean plates instead from somewhere like fancyplates (you get discount as a member). What I mean by clean plates is no boarder and no branding on the bottom, they look so much better.
  Clio mk3 1.2
Great first car mate, bet your happy :smile:

Welcome to th club :smile:
Nice simple improvement mods and nothing else, honestly you'll thank us later as will your bank balance.

I'd personally not waste the money on wind deflectors and get some nice clean plates instead from somewhere like fancyplates (you get discount as a member). What I mean by clean plates is no boarder and no branding on the bottom, they look so much better.
Yeah I was going to look into that, might get some private ones but haven’t decided yet. Thanks mate
  A Class AMG Line
Nice little cars to do up! I'm new here too and I've done a few mods and plan on uploading a thread to show the progress. One thing I will say, don't get an HID kit, from March they will fail an MOT, so get some xenon full & dipped beams then LED sidelights, they do the job really well! Can post links if needed!
  Clio mk3 1.2
Nice little cars to do up! I'm new here too and I've done a few mods and plan on uploading a thread to show the progress. One thing I will say, don't get an HID kit, from March they will fail an MOT, so get some xenon full & dipped beams then LED sidelights, they do the job really well! Can post links if needed!
Sorry been away for a while, if you've got the links it would be much appreciated.
  A Class AMG Line
Sorry been away for a while, if you've got the links it would be much appreciated.
That’s the link for the LED sidelights, these are amazing, 100% worth it, the light given off is really good. If you want to see, let me know and I’ll post a picture for you.

Here are the lights, you can also get them with fog lights, just check the ebayer out. Theses are good lights and do give a good xenon look, but they won’t light up the road as good as high quality Philips ones (I have) but they don’t give then “xenon” effect as advertised
  A Class AMG Line
That’s the link for the LED sidelights, these are amazing, 100% worth it, the light given off is really good. If you want to see, let me know and I’ll post a picture for you.

Here are the lights, you can also get them with fog lights, just check the ebayer out. Theses are good lights and do give a good xenon look, but they won’t light up the road as good as high quality Philips ones (I have) but they don’t give then “xenon” effect as advertised

Forgot the link, here is it
