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my mk1 cup racer blog (updates page 29)

  Disco 3 &4 1993 mini
Re: My mk1 track car blog

awesome cheers for that mate, hopefully have an update on mine as soon as the frogs pull their fingers out so keep your eyes peeled
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

right trax is getting nearer, and the list of things left to do is getting shorter, but its still going to be tight :shock:

by the way you'll all be glad to know i got a new phone last week, so now i have a decent 5 megapixel camera :lol:

spent this weekend sorting various bits out as we couldnt work on the sill, first job was to fit my battery bracket to stop it flying around in the event of an accident, drilled through the boot floor and fastened it down, then drilled the holes for the cables in the grp box lid, and then bolted that down aswell with some cap bolts i had lying around



next job was to fit the sender take off in the top rad hose (for the fan controller) and also put some renault type D coolant in, i have said this before, and i will say it again, the bottom rad hose clip is the biggest b**ch to get on in the world! i spent about 30 mins on that clip alone! :x
but after some chopping of the hoses and a full coolant refill/de-gassing all seems well, apart from i took my eye off the expansion bottle for about 30 secs and the engine guzzled it up!! the pipes got rather warm in a very short space of time, but i quickly filled it back up again, hope no damage was done (the last thing i need now is a headgasket failure) :oops:


i also fit some heat shield material to the back of the engine to stop the heat from the manifold boiling my brake fluid, all i can say is i now know why this stuff is so expensive! :shock: after having the engine idling for 20 mins (time for fan to cut in) the manifold was super hot, i could put my hand down the back of the heat shield and hold it there indefinately! very very good stuff! you can just about see it in this pic


look at all those wires!! :lol:

after i had tested the fan temp controller i turned my attention to my new otto-racing rev counter, a quick read of the instructions it seemed like a doddle to wire up, even for an electrical noob like me :oops:

so about 15 mins later i was done



i have attached it over the stock rev counter with no more nails, making sure i didnt obstruct any warning lights etc needed for the mot, fit perfectly, another ghetto mod 8)
and after setting the led's up where i want them, i took a quick vid


i am well and truly impressed with this piece of kit, well made, easy to install, some good functions on it too, like maximum rpm recall, wiring for an external shift light and lap timer switch input.

and with my new phone i took a couple of overall pics of the car, now with black centre caps



so all in all a pretty productive weekend, all thats left to do is:

finish wiring for headlights, indicators and hazards, and tidy up engine bay wiring
finish welding n/s sill, fill and spray
fit wing mirrors
refit seats and harnesses
get cambelt done (belt kit arrived today)
mot, tax and insure (insurance should be a giggle....not!)

all before trax on 7th sept :roll:
wish me luck


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Re: My mk1 track car blog

You know what I love most............ the white writing on the tyres.

Fully old skool cool

Djw John

Scotland - South
ClioSport Area Rep
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Youd never know that the rev counter wasnt standard ;)

However Im liking the fat its easy to do, may get one of them for the ol' turbo if teh price is right!
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

cheers for all the comments guys :D

Youd never know that the rev counter wasnt standard ;)

However Im liking the fat its easy to do, may get one of them for the ol' turbo if teh price is right!

lmao yeh got that 'factory fitted' look hasnt it :cool:

i was gonna piss around and flush mount it and make it look neat and tidy, but why spoil the habit of a lifetime and start paying attention to detail now? :rasp:

oh and it was £69, billy bargain if you ask me!
  Some of a Clio 1.8 16v
Re: My mk1 track car blog

This is awesome progress fella and it's so good to see an overall view of the car it looks so sweet and purposful. As Cookson said the tyres are such a touch!!! Keep it coming mate so i can have a good ok round it at trax.
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

cheers beanie (or moo, whichever one you are lmao)

'purposeful' is one word to call it, and it sounds better than bodged! lol
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Nice progress! Love the car.

How much are cambelt locking tools costing you?
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Nice progress! Love the car.

How much are cambelt locking tools costing you?

cheers mate

im trying to rent some locking tools

Lol at the no more nails. Thought i was a bodger!

Looking good tho

cheers bud, yeh gotta bodge certain things because i'm running out of time now :( my original plan was to mount it neatly in the dash somewhere, but it would take me too long, i was also going to flush mount the fan temp controller, but again thats something i can sort at a later date, so its getting stuck on the dash for now lmao :cool:
  Ph1 172 + Combo van
Re: My mk1 track car blog

nice update, i think i might be coming to trax, are you going out on the track?
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

no won't be on track, i'll be lucky to get it ready in time, so things like oil cooler won't be fitted :(

going to have to drive it for a while to get used to it before thrashing on track :eek: plus its bound to have a few niggles on the first few hundred miles, it wouldnt be a renault if it didn't :approve:
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

right no pics on this update, i didnt really take any :eek:

basically this weekends task was to change the cambelt, i have been dreading this job from day one as it means engine has to come out again!

saturday was spent removing the loom, alternator, soldering any wiring connections so that they didnt get seperated when removing the engine and collecting the engine crane in the back of my 106! :eek:

sunday came and the legend that is ben_p arrived to do my belt, i wasn't confident doing it myself with all the horror stories, so i entrusted ben with that task ;)

we got to work and removed driveshafts, radiator, plenum, manifold to downpipe bolts and all engine mounts. got the crane on the engine and lifted it out. first schoolboy error on my part was that i had forgotten to undo the gear linkage, so that got royally bent when lifting the engine out :cry:

with the engine out ben set to work on the cambelt, referring to the renault manual as we went. i basically stood back and watched him at this point. with a few ups and downs and nerve racking moments along the way (i won't go into detail) we got the job done and put the engine back in, connected the loom back up and turned the key. it runs! which is a good start!!! :D only time will tell if the timing is bang on

i have to go back tonight to put the driveshaft nuts back on and wheels on as it got too dark to finish the job

i need to say a massive thank you to burp, who sent me the cam pulley locking tool at very short notice in time for the weekend, thanks mate :D

and also a monumental thank you to ben_p, the guy is a legend, one of the nicest people i have met, very generous and always willing to help. thanks again mate, i owe you BIG time!
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

brap brap! POP!

lmfao don't you be jinxing it!! :quiet:

went back last night, sorted a gearbox bolt 'we' (ben :rolleyes: ) snapped, tightened up driveshafts, fit manifold heat shield, fit 197 starter motor heat shield (good god what a task that was!), filled it up with coolant, bent my gear linkage back into place, tightened up dog bone, tightened suspension bolts and refit fuel rail gaurd

dismantled gazeebo, which promptly fell on the car, good job i couldnt care less about the bodywork :clown:

last job is some gearbox oil, and then electrics and welding
  172 Race Car
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Why did you have to take the engine out to do the belt change? is it a tight fit in that engine bay?
  '92 172, Lotus Elise
Re: My mk1 track car blog

It's not on mine, i've done it twice now

my cambelt is currently off too, so about to do it a 3rd time!
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Why did you have to take the engine out to do the belt change? is it a tight fit in that engine bay?

you could do it by tilting the engine as im sure matteh has, but we opted to take it out for better access
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

just arranged recovery of the car back to my house on sunday :eek:

not sure if i can have the welding or electrics done in time :S so might have to pay someone to finish it locally :dapprove:

going to make the call to the insurance company on my dinner, that should be an interesting phone call.......'any modifications sir? err yes, where shall i start!'
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

just got a quote from flux

£984 fully comp, breakdown recovery and all the rest of it on there aswell

£450 excess, which is a bit steep!

like for like on mods in the event of an accident as you'd expect, the reason its quite high is because i cant use the pug's no claims bonus on this policy, meaning i have to start a fresh on the ncb front :( bit of a bummer but overall i dont think £984 is too bad considering what the cars had done to it. just deciding if i can be bothered shopping around :dead: :sleepy:
  Some of a Clio 1.8 16v
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Thats probabaly about right without a no claims i'm afraid. I was planning to use my 6yrs no claims on mine as not having no claims on the nissan insurance makes a much smaller difference as it's only 175quid tpft.

Might be worth seeing how much more for the pug without if you were to use it on the clio?
  172 Race Car
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Try HIC insurance. They were about £100 cheeper than flux for mine and gave me track day insurance at no extra cost
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

right bit of an update, didn't take many pics as i just forget when i'm busy
this was the setup for doing the cambelt, did the job and kept us dry, tried to blow away a few times!


then with the cambelt done it was time for the clio to come home, not sure if you are aware but i have been doing all this work on the gf's parents drive, some 40 miles away! so found a local recovery company and the journey began

sat on the drive ready to go



on the truck, good job i raised the front coilovers as the middle exhaust section scraped a little as it went on, all was good though


reversing down the street


and on our way


recovery driver was a legend, seemed really interested in the car, and i don't think i have ever seen a D reg truck go so fast :shock:
  172 Race Car
Re: My mk1 track car blog

Are you planning to paint it at some point?

I wouldnt tbh, looks proper sl@g like in its curent guise
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

(crap just remembered i still havent sent your tools back! really sorry mate i will get on it)

no won't be painted, i have got alot of decals for it though, including the 197 cup racer side decals in white :D quite like the stealth/s**t heap look aswell though lmao

my gf will kick off if i don't apply the decals! thats the bit she is most looking forward to lol
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

wahey last night i got my wipers working (sort of), just followed the haynes diagram, used the old relay off the interior loom, got washer pump working too (this may seem easy to some of you, but i am still learning about electrics so to get anything working is a triumph!)

the problem is that i can't get the intermittant wiper setting to work, can get 2nd and 3rd speed and washer pump, but not the one controlled by the relay :(

prob just leave it as it is! should pass an mot like that :D
  F4R'd ITB'd '92 cup racer
Re: My mk1 track car blog

auto electrician is coming to have a look at it on monday

just been told by mot tester that the wipers will need to park in the correct position, so better check that tonight. and that because it was fitted with abs as standard the abs light needs to come on for 3 secs on ignition then go out (the car doesnt have abs anymore)

so i think a small relay will sort that out :D
