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My new car... meet Ruby.

Love the Aston.
Have you thought about a classic car? I ran a series 3 landrover for abit and insurance was a few hundred quid... It did require abit of tlc but it was easy to work on... only issue is it probably uses more fuel than the Aston.
As a young lady with an Aston can't you mindfuck one of your male colleagues into picking you up everyday?! There must be a parts guy or valeter that wants in... couple of texts...lift every moring!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Lol I already have one classic car in my life I certain don't want another!

and no... I'm not that kinda girl.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
Love the Aston.
Have you thought about a classic car? I ran a series 3 landrover for abit and insurance was a few hundred quid... It did require abit of tlc but it was easy to work on... only issue is it probably uses more fuel than the Aston.
As a young lady with an Aston can't you mindf**k one of your male colleagues into picking you up everyday?! There must be a parts guy or valeter that wants in... couple of texts...lift every moring!

If you were indeed a female, you would be commonly known what is a c**t with a c**t.
  Disastra Coupe
As a young lady with an Aston can't you mindf**k one of your male colleagues into picking you up everyday?! There must be a parts guy or valeter that wants in... couple of texts...lift every moring!

You sound a lovely person :dead:
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
It has no lock, no heater and no radio.. Plus on bike carbs it does less mpg. I'm happy on the train.. Apart from when it's an hour late like today
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
was only 3 mins late this morning, i can deal with that.

ive bought a season ticket now so im commited for at least a month haha. actually its quite nice. no traffic


  BMW 440i
I'd rather sit in traffic than wait around at train stations in the cold! (If it's outdoors).
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
weather the nevelty will wear off or not im not sure, but its quite fun at the moment haha, by the time ive walked/ jogged to the station, im nice and warm so even when its freezing its OK, and they do have nice warm waiting rooms
I hate public transport. Owning an Aston and having to take the train is ridiculous, it's like eating cornflakes for dinner when there's a steak in the fridge. You should be praised for making a bold move into Aston ownership, not banished from the car park, shame on them!


  BMW 440i
weather the nevelty will wear off or not im not sure, but its quite fun at the moment haha, by the time ive walked/ jogged to the station, im nice and warm so even when its freezing its OK, and they do have nice warm waiting rooms

It probably will eventually, especially when it's freezing, but gives you time to come up with a Plan B anyway!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
ill try and do a tunnel run this weekend :)

made me smile last night when i took my mate out and his mrs rang, i assume she asked what he was doing "Im in an Aston Martin!!"

No idea what ive posted so heres some more


Astonb-9 by laurataylor225, on Flickr


Astonb-3 by laurataylor225, on Flickr


Aston-2 by laurataylor225, on Flickr


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
You were very angry.

I'm going to reply to you but I thought i'd let the dust settle a bit first.
You were very angry.

I'm going to reply to you but I thought i'd let the dust settle a bit first.

I have less hair, I'm certain of it.

Laura, I'll need to fit a mahoosive cone filter on the S3 first, then won't feel quite as mediocre!
I had one fitted as part of the Badger5 TIP setup and map. Took it off as soon as I got home and re-fitted the standard box with a green cotton filter lol.
Rolling roaded at 288, but AMD is known for being a little on the positive side. I'd be happy with 270's. Pre boost leak it was kicking out 218+g/m2 on the VCDS logs, which equates to 273bhp (not sure why I'm going into so much detail in your Aston thread...)
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
HAHAH sorry yeah, erm Aston.

been given some details on how to force my phone to pair, so ill give that a try tonight
  '12 Clio 1.2 TomTom
Still love this car. Really nice colour too.

If you ever get bored, I'm sure we could come to an agreement for a straight swap with my Mk3. :p
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
no videos, too busy this weekend.

but someone said they wanted to see it being used fir shopping....

found this rather ominous glow in the dark handle inside the boot... must remember that if i ever try and kidnap anyone!!

oh and it doesn't fit in parking spaces at frankie and bennys!!

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Handle fitted due to people re-enacting the James Bond bit where he locks a guy in the boot?

Boot looks spacious enough, would love one!


  BMW 440i
Love the handle! Lol!

Also, thats not the cars width, that's just female parking! :rasp:


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
1 I can't believe you eat at F&B's! :( 2, why haven't you taken up more space? Asking for dents! :eek:

Love the golf bag shaped boot! Brilliant!
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
whats wrong with f&b?

there was a parking warden just a few up! he would fully ticket me for taking up 2 spaces, you can't see the other side, its not rubbish parking lol
