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My new car... meet Ruby.

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
What size are the front tyres? You could probably get some superautohappygrip tyres for £25 each.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
well i dropped it off for its service and MOT this morning, had a list of little niggles for them to look at whilst its there, particularly a new noise tat started over the weekend, sounds like a slipping belt, increases with revs.

Will see what they come back with.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
well service and MOT are set prices so thats OK. I would say the prices are pretty reasonable.. but that would be a lie haha.


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Most service prices are set. Its the other bits that get you.

Like on the TVR, full big service with solid lifter adjustment = £600.

Cost to change two £1.16 bushes in the rear suspension = £532
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Full 7 year service is £1200. Silly thing is they do the services based on 10k a year. Mines only on 12k yet this will be is 8th service including the 1st 1k oil change and check over.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
She wont be for sale for some time i do hope, i knew what i was getting into, ive gone into this with a money no object hat on. Im not cutting corners as i want it to be one of the best examples when i do come to sell it :D


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
She wont be for sale for some time i do hope, i knew what i was getting into, ive gone into this with a money no object hat on. Im not cutting corners as i want it to be one of the best examples when i do come to sell it :D

Why did you buy one in that colour then? :eek:
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
everyone loves the Toro red. It is stunningly beautiful.

Well its in the MOT station now (got a phone car from my mate "errrr whys your car in a crappy garage". i can only assume they sub contract the MOTs there)
everyone loves the Toro red. It is stunningly beautiful.

Well its in the MOT station now (got a phone car from my mate "errrr whys your car in a crappy garage". i can only assume they sub contract the MOTs there)

Noooo, really? Not as if Audi Stockport do that either...

edit - sorry that came across as a little over sarky. Still bitter about Audi f**king up my MOT insurance and not allowing me to claim £750 for some broken springs because their half arsed outsourced MOT station failed to spot two broken springs.
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  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
Not really sure what thats got to do with this thead tbh?

plenty of people do it, dont have a jib at me for something a company i happen to work for does
Not really sure what thats got to do with this thead tbh?

plenty of people do it, dont have a jib at me for something a company i happen to work for does

See edit. Calmy calmy.

I called him forearms in person the other day, he looked shocked.

I hope that Aston fits on their ramps ok...

I was genuinely stumped. Only Chris and Naith call me that in person, and I've not seen them for years :(


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Did you just call him stumpy? Question goes out to both of you...
Down. Crack pipe. The. Put. Kevin.

Ste, I do have normal arms. They use to be larger due to cycling and masturbating.
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf

had an owners meet yesterday, fallen in love with the v12 vantage... i like the idea of mine with the wheels on! *dreams*
  DC2 TypeR / E36 328i
I saw a V12 Vantage the other day flying around the ring,

but I don't think the V12 wheels on the V8 are a good idea.

Whats the difference between that and putting M3 wheels on a 320 for example?
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  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
i has RS4 wheels on my TT, makes no odds to me, i wont be doing it anyway as ive just had new tyres all round but i think it looks beautiful!

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Out of interest, how much were the set of tyres? Just interested in the running costs of a proper car :)
Great looking car, really nice - I know this thread started last year, but I've been off here for ages.

Love it!!! :approve:
  AMV8, Mk1 Golf
not too far off that fitted etc, they are 19s are a bit of a pig, also have to be the AM9 varient of the Bridgestone tyre, well i guess it doesnt HAVE to be... but keeping everying "correct"
