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My new ride (contains images of a distressing nature)

Here's some piccies of my new beast *

First up I wasn't sure if I should keep it the same colour, so I decided to go VW polo harlequin stylee !
We've got, silver, blue, red, white & oh - some lovely rust:cool:
As for the interior, I went for some great recliners, so reclined you can't see them in the car - pure gangsta stylee !


Then I was having trouble sourcing a decent front bumper for it - so I decided sod it, i'll get one from an ASTRA gte & hold it on with some electrical clips, hell why not :) !!

I welcome your thoughts :)

* this heap of junk has nothing to do with me at all, I just thought i'd make up a story about it.

If you live in Clacton, Essex you'll have probably seen it about :rasp:
  6/468 17poo
wow i live in clacton, thats really not a surprise!!!thats the meccano multi storey car park isnt it in town, probly the cheapest car park in history, how was your stay in clacton, eventful id imagine!!!
  '03 172, now a 2004 CTR
I live about 35 miles away from clacton so I might go for a drive down there this weekend to see if I can spot the beauty for myself!
wow i live in clacton, thats really not a surprise!!!thats the meccano multi storey car park isnt it in town, probly the cheapest car park in history, how was your stay in clacton, eventful id imagine!!!

Tbh I thought it was complete dive (sorry) full of little chavs all spotty & stuff, plus there were a load of them in 1.2 saxos & clios driving round & round giving it the big like they had a good car, this was in the afternoon.
Plus there were a load of chav girls hanging round the Mcdonalds - who had been stopped by the police.
  6/468 17poo
Tbh I thought it was complete dive (sorry) full of little chavs all spotty & stuff, plus there were a load of them in 1.2 saxos & clios driving round & round giving it the big like they had a good car, this was in the afternoon.
Plus there were a load of chav girls hanging round the Mcdonalds - who had been stopped by the police.

Mate i agree with you 100% its horrible, had to sort an isa out in town today havent been in clacton town for months and it just seems to get worse, the mcdonalds corner makes me feel sick!!!thank god im moving soon!!woohooo!
how many times did you see the same car going round and round and round banging out phat tunes ;) lol
From memory, I saw a 1.2 clio & a 1.2 corsa, both were the usual chavved up cars, massive wheels, massive stereo & spoilers. All driven by idiots who thought that their car was the best thing on the road :rolleyes:
T*ats ! Each of them must have been round about a dozen times at least.
lol @ going round the block

i thought it was bad up this way, obviously not! quite a few clios up here with 17's on looking like tractors on standard suspension, if they see me i usually get the fingers, i must have not realised that their cars are mint ;) no doubt it was someone like this who broke into my car last week
  6/468 17poo
workin in the local halfrauds really doesnt help either i have to serve most of em!!i still cant believe i havent seen this mismatch of a car, bloody quality have to tell paul about it!!
