Picked this up today as a replacement for the volvo 360.
It’s blue with a blue leather interior and some beautiful fake wood.
It’s a factory manual so getting pretty rare these days. I probably paid too much money for it but you only live once and I’m hoping that these are now creeping up in value.
The drive back was nice but it’s a bit of a barge. Needs some lower profile tyres and probably some lowering springs.
The seller had cleaned the car but I wasn’t happy with it so smashed a few more hours today and am happy with the results.
It’s blue with a blue leather interior and some beautiful fake wood.
It’s a factory manual so getting pretty rare these days. I probably paid too much money for it but you only live once and I’m hoping that these are now creeping up in value.
The drive back was nice but it’s a bit of a barge. Needs some lower profile tyres and probably some lowering springs.
The seller had cleaned the car but I wasn’t happy with it so smashed a few more hours today and am happy with the results.