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Naples MK1 Track car project

  Clio Williams 3 K24
I'm enjoying the thread mate. Keep up the good work.
I am hopefully going down the F4r route soon.... :evil:
  Mk1 F4R
I have been ordering items for the conversion as i only got 54 days to get it finished (end of february). This is when my current insurance finishes on my dads car, the focus that i have been driving since the car went bang at oulton park, November 17th.

The items i have for the conversion so far.
Lot more to order too

172 Widetrack/Suspension
172. Driveshafts
172. Wishbones
172. Discs
172. Calipers
172. pads front/rear - carbonmetallic PF97's
172. Hubs - milled down 2mm eather side to allow the williams coilovers
Williams. Anti roll bar
Williams. Steering rack
Williams. Cilovers - Fk konigsport fully adjustable
AST Solid topmounts - in the post from kam Racing
172 Engine
172. Head - Need to be sent off to get skimmed
172. Catalytic converter - Will be cut up to make the downpipe
Waiting for these items to arrive
172. Bottom end
172. Cams
172. Manifold
172. Inlet
172. Breather plate
172. Throttle body
172. Flywheel
172. thermostat,lambda,map,air sensors
172. Radiator + all engine pipes
172. Clutch
172. Engine loom
172. Ecu - decoded and emulated to remove the immobiliser
172. Clocks
RMD steering wheel
Brake fluid - Super blue racing
Battery cut off switch
Items that i still need
172. Fuel rail
172. Injectors
172. Wishbone Powerflex poly bushes
Williams. Anti roll bar Powerflex poly bushes
172. Header tank
Clio/volvo. Manual steering aultonator bracket
172. Release bearing
172. Coilpack
172. Spark plug leads
Valver. Gear box - 1.8 JB3
soon Mk1. Cage
General things
Gear box oil
Spark plugs
Fuel filter

There is prob some stuff i have missed, if you can think of anythin ive missed plz do tell
Need to get these parts asap so if anyone has any of these for sale plz let me know.
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  JDM Dc2
spare bottom end? joking. have fun with the wiring too lol...

didnt realise youve got so much stuff so already, need to get a move on lol, need a hand with anything even just to make a brew let us know ;)
  Mk1 F4R
Lol you joker :D

I might have to get new bottom end if this one from whitley isnt any good, got to get it cheaked to see if its all ok first
  BMW E36 328
That was an interesting read mate, the car is looking reli good, not seen it for a while lol
  Mk1 F4R
Little update on wot has been going on over the last few days

Everything has been sanded down and then treated with anti rust/primer paint

Whent from looking like this


To this





primered the back too think im going to gor for naples red on the back just over the master cylinder and on the strut tops and then the rest is going hammerite black 3 coats of the stuff


As i was painting i came across this (in the pic below) apparently its a common proble on the mk1 to get rust under the front passanger side light, i decided to push the corroded metal away and then paint over it in the anti rust/primer paint, dont know if this is the right thing to do but ive done it any way, Dont know wether to cut it out or not to weld a new piece of metal


Pushed throug and painted



One side half painted in black, only the rest to paint now

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  bmw e92 330d '09
very good read! nice car too, my mates sister has a naples red mk1 but she won't sell! and its in really good nick she bought it form a grandma who went for her hovis in the morning ad then put it back in the garage! she only gave £270 for it M reg with less than 50k on it.... i was wounded! it would have been great but ahwell just have to wait i spose

if your still debating about wheel colours i wolud go for gunmetal grey or anthracite on the williams wheels... that would look mint! :D

keep going good project!
  Mk1 F4R
Cheers mate, £270 for a M reg with less than 50k that is a bargin as you say offer her £400 for it lol, I payed £700 for mine it came with the willy wheels but still needed quite abit of work doing to it, never mind its all being gutted and redone all new parts and painted etc etc..

Think im going to stay with the naples red and white for now but i can always have a go on my track wheels to see wot other colours look like, Black, gunmetal grey, anthracite or some silly colour again
  Clio Williams & 182
Nice thread, good work :)

The rust point you painted over is indeed a common area for the to go and they often rust all the way through like that. I think what you have done is fine. The reason they rust there is there is no where for water to escape...but in your case there is now lol.
  Mk1 F4R
I think an update is in order. part 1/2

Got the coilovers back the other day from them being milled, holes enlarged by 1mm overall to take the 172 hub bolts.

Big thanks to whiteley for coming down over the weekend and bringing this lot down
I can now make a start on preping things, Still waiting on a lot more to come in the post. Hope the snow goes pritty quick so i can get my items

Dephasor pully, Exhasut pully, sonsors and tappets and lifters
Bottom end, dont have a pic as its at the factory missing a piston, thanks to f0xy for donating another one.
God knows how this has happend,piston crown all smashed up


connecting rod shaft bent


Rocker cover and breather plate


172 cams


172 phs 1 cable throttle body


upper and lower inlets


The sump that came on the bottom end had two cracks in it not fixable so i bought of f0xy cheap, this one has a little crack but more fixable than the other



The head that i collected a while back, need to take the valves out and the thermostat off the side so i can send it off to be skimmed

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It works any way, I've seen them fitted both ways...

IIRC having it fitted upside down give an extra 3bhp ;)
  clio 1.8 16v, civic vti
looks like that cylinder has had a valve head dancing around in it, looks like my old b16 honda engine after it dropped a valve (no they never blow up do they.......)
Its my sump :rasp:

B/E turns over fine unlike mine, lol. Going to check it with some plastigauge when its apart to put the other piston in.
  Mk1 F4R
Par 2/2

Had the day off monday due to the bad weather, that didnt stop me from going into the garrage and craking on with the car even though it was freezing, not to worry though coz i got one of these to keep me warm.


Got the firt coat of hammerite on, starting to look better




Next job was to move the fuel lines out of the way and pull the break lines away from the bulk head so i could paint behind them and , all of the firt coat on now


While waiting for it to dry a little i decided that the wiper mecanism needed to come out along with the blower unit, might not be putting it back in yet ill have to see, im going to be getting rid of the sound deadening and then painting the scuttle tray





Half way through doing the second coat i ran out of paint so i poped off to the shop and came back with these, one of the black paint tins is used up


Craking on fuel lines tucked away in the arch and second coat on, also testing wot the top slam panel looks like


Whilst waiting for that second coat to dry a little i masked up the upper inlet so no spray can get inside it, all the little holes too

  Mk1 F4R
Third and final coat of paint went on, thank god for that it takes ages dabbing it all on. Waited till it was fully dry a few hours later with the help of the electric heater, then coverd the master cylinder and were the engine mount goes with paper masked off at the top, i then let loose with the rattle can (naples red)on the strut top and the top of the bulk head using a sheet of paper were needed to keep the over spray to a minimal.
Looks awesome in my opinion, since the pics were taken i have gone over it a further 2 times and the black on the strut top is now gone.






Gave it a couple of goings over with the white primer, now looks like this


Later on in the evenig i went down to halfords to get myself a valve removing tool something like £12.50 on trade, looks all good and well till you try and use it

First job when i got to the factory was to remove the termostat housing then remove the valves, that was the plan anyway


Thermostat off



As it turns out the valve remove tool is crap and doesnt fit anyway so dont know wot that one is for, anyway took it back tonight and swapped it for this beast, think it should be for £36 omg it is so going back when ive finished with it got 28 day todo so.


It has a detachable end and two different sized ends one for smaller valves and one for bigger sized ones makes it easier getting the collets out


Looking at the other sping compressor it just looks so wrong now as this one makes more sence, hopefully ill have the valves out of the head tomorrow
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  Mk1 F4R
Yes and no, the plenum itself is going to be white and have naples red writing, think im going to stick with the white and naples theme for now
ill figure out how to do the lettering when i get to it, any ideas of how to do it
  TrackCar & F30 330d
Hmmm well i'm not 100% sure if this will work but years and years ago when i used to play with RC cars when i sprayed up the bodies i used to apply this silicon stuff with a brush to the windows. I would then spray the body of the car after it had dryed and then peal off the silicon stuff and it would then leave the windows clear.

So if the stuff is still around then spray the lettering with the red and then carefully apply this silicon stuff and then spray it white. Peal off the silicone and bish bash bosh red lettering and white plenum.
Its called Fasmask, ive used it before. Works pretty well but it didnt work too well when i tried to use it for the lettering on my inlets.

I just used paint out of a pot, a brush and patience to paint the letters one by one.
  Mk1 F4R
sounds like a good idea, were do i get this stuff from and wots it called, think i used this stuff in art at high school.

I was going to paint it white and then once dry, spray the naples red into a tray then roller it on or take my time and mask it up or might give nathj a pm as he knows wot he is doing
  TrackCar & F30 330d
The roller is a good idea. Might waste quite a bit fo paint as the roller will have to soak up paint befor been able to have enough on it to get an even coat.

Best thing is probably to do what F0xy says. Spray some into the lid and apply with small brush.
Should have sprayed the lettering Naples first, let it fully dry for a few days then used some Fasmask onto the lettering, then done everything white and peeled the mask off the lettering to leave it red.

If you put the Fasmask on too soon it will just peel the Naples paint off the lettering. Also you'd have to do it that way really as you'd need a lot of the stuff to be able to mask off the whole inlet, if you wanted to spray the lettering last of all.

As said though, paint and brush is by far the best method.

When I tried a roller, it just ran down the edges of the letters onto the inlet, as the excess had nowhere else to go.
  Mk1 F4R
Would there be anything i could add to the paint to make it thiker but not make the paint go funny, think the best way to do it would be like as said, were can i get it from and howmuch.
