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New Member - 2 Clio's - 1 Mk1 Sleeper, and 1 Mk3 1200cc run about

  Street Sleeper Clio
Hi Guys,

First time poster here, and I'm about to pick up my first Clio this weekend.
I've previously owned a Renault 5, had a runabout Fiesta for a bit, and I'm now going back to Renaults.

I'm buying a 1995 Renault Clio 1.2 3 door in blue.
It's currently in my mates workshop having an F16ie engine fitted.

I'm also buying a 51 plate Clio 1.2 5-door for my missus, and selling her VW Beetle 1.6 as it's a bit too expensive to run for the return she gets from the car.

I'm sure I'll be asking lots of questions, and hopefully this forum will be the hub where I get all my info from.

So what do these 1.8 16v Clio's go like?
My street sleeper is staying cosmetically standard.
I'm even fitting a towbar on it to tow my race bike to the track each month. :D

But in terms of power, I've heard there are 2 types of the F16 engine? F7R and F7P? Or something along these lines.
I'm not sure which of the two I have. How can I tell?

My old R5



  Clio 1.2 - 41k miles
Welcome to the forums, nice 5 mate! My Dad loves them ha ha. He used to have a Gordini Turbo when he was younger :). But yeah its looking good.
  Street Sleeper Clio
Right, so it's an F7P which is going in it.
What do these go like? What can I expect?

It's going to be on the standard 13" wheels, Jay tells me it's had a re-map, but I dont have any knowledge of this.
Once it's done, I'll have to get some dyno time to see what it's kicking out.

Do they have much potential? I dont want some crazy time bomb, but I want to be able to p*ss off a few Civic Type R owners. :p

And yeah, the 5 was lush! It was a 1.1 shell, with the full GTT kit, interior etc, and a 1.7 Volvo engine in it.

  Street Sleeper Clio
I went to have a look at my little Clio last night (a good look in day light).
I also had a look at the valver engine, and bits and pieces which are going on it.

Once I get them I'll make a bit of a project/show and tell thread, so I can show lots of pictures, and ask lots of questions.

From what I saw last night, the engine is pretty nice.
Jay has removed the PAS pump, and is fitting a shorter belt (From a Volvo I think he said). Apparently this'll free up some horses on the engine too.
The engine looks pretty clean, it's got a pile of receipts for new parts, brand new alternator, water pump, cam-belt etc.
It's also got a sticker on the ECU, saying it's been re-mapped by a company, I think was called Superchips or something (Dont quote me)

The engine will have it's 1.8 Rad, manifold, front pipe.
I've also got a brand new, stock 1.8 16v exhaust system for it, the only part I am unsure of is the Cat. It's the original 1.2 cat.

Rox's Clio:

It also needs a few bits and pieces.
I want a set of alloys for it really, and I will fit the 14's on this, onto my little clio, with some lower profile tyres, to help on the grip, but keep the sleeper look.
It's got a few paint flakes on the boot, and a few chips in the bonnet. But for the price I'm getting both cars for, it's a bargain. :)


  Street Sleeper Clio
My bad, it's a Mk2 Facelift.
I need to get up to speed with the Renault scene again.
