Picked up my tent yesterday, eBay Bargain 4 man tent, £80 brand new, set it up today, OMG it's huge! I can stand up in the living area bit with head room
Also bought an airbed/sleeping bag combo all in one thing which is pretty cool, does anyone have a pump for it? While in Argos i also got a picknick bowl, plates, knife, fork and spoon set in plastic, there is 4 so i can just eat off them and then bin them

I'm such a man
With regards to Tools i'll be taking my:
- Halfrauds 150 piece tool set
- Breaker bar,
- Various fluids for my car
- Impact wrench set (i find these handy as they are longer)
- Coil pack
- Leads
- Paper roll
- My low alloy trolly jack
- Duct tape
Other spares we will need that would be handy if some else brought that we could share would be:
- Brake pads (I think Rhys is binging these)
- Axel stands
- Impact wrench (I think Rhys is bringing one)
- Torch!! (I might actually get one tbh)
- Cable ties (DannyR i think this one is for you

to bring)
- Tow rope maybe :dapprove:
- Air pump for airbeds/tyres
- Tyre pressure gauge
- Hand wipes for oily hands (I think Rhys is bringing these)