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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
  Mk4 .:R32
It's a love hate relationship with this game.

Love the concept.

Hate the fact it f**ks up a lot, host migration and how well you do is all around your connection. sometimes I'll own and get like 28 kills and 4 deaths, then other times it's all jittery and I shoot someone and then manage to kill me after I've shot them about 4 times. Then on the killcam it shows they started shooting before you...what the f**k. pisses me off. They need to iron out a couple of major issues then it'll be awesome.

looking forward to a new version coming out whenever that may be, hopefully they learn from this mess! And also hope it won't be a treyarch production
  Two 0 Shitx
Keeps signing me out of PSN and generally being a tw*t! Just hauled ass on firing range, ran out of ammo on crossbow and commander so just ran around knifing people got about 6 of them and they still didn't kill me, the game ended. Hate score limit when your on a rampage!

How do you report people Kev? That little b*****d is sending me messages again, thought i might get him banned as he has admitted he's 9 in a message to me :p
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Same as if you mute some1. Click on there name in a lobby and a list comes up of friend request etc then report is on there then it will ask why and you select a reason. Not sure how to do it outside a lobby but I'm sure you will be able too.

Oh and next time ya run out of bullets try picking another weapon up. Lol I love killing some1 with there own gun.
was playing search and destroy last night and some kid came on pretending to be pissed of lambrini, then they started saying his mum was irresponsible for letting her kid get 'wasted' so young so he got her on the mic and she started trying to argue when everyone was either calling her a ****, a milf or asking for her number haha.

it was lame but i had to laugh or you'd just get angry and it's just a game lol


Need some more folk who like playing zombies on my list!

I've only really started liking it a few weeks ago.. Best is level 22, would have got further but one of my mates timed out!
Where we did really s**t??! Probably.
Ill be up for a game or 2 of zombies if we can get 4 of us together.

Just had a quick few games messing about with different classes. COD is the one and only game that has the ability to give me some real rage. lol


Won't be tonight mate, got a game lined up after Top Gear with 3 mates then I'm hitting the sack for sleep.

Tomorrow evening sometime :)
  Listerine & Poledo
Right, what was the deal last night? Couldn't get onto a server at all, neither could loads of mates, but there were still people playing on-line (according to PSN anyway).

  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Starting to get a bit bored of it now TBH. It's always the same every game.

Need to find something else to play.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
God I was h'actually awesome last night!

I need to upload some of these videos!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Nah I wouldn't even say that but finishing top with something like 23-5 and finishing top of captures and defends is beasting imo. I'm a flag player! I'm a team player.
  Listerine & Poledo
Nah I wouldn't even say that but finishing top with something like 23-5 and finishing top of captures and defends is beasting imo. I'm a flag player! I'm a team player.

Good man

I've had enough of TDM, it's all about games that have a reason for me. Dom. Headq's. Dem. all that jazz
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
its the game thats boring treyarch have sucked the fun out of it. ive gone back to mw2 and its actually fun to play and people die when you shoot them most of the time.
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
Guys, check out this spawn trap from a Demolition game we played the other night. The spawns are fixed in Demo, so cannot be flipped. PMSL

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  Two 0 Shitx
How does he keep switching ti different guns? And what perks are everyone using right now? Have lightweight, warlord and marathon atm.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
How does he keep switching ti different guns? And what perks are everyone using right now? Have lightweight, warlord and marathon atm.

You on about ravage? He's picking peoples guns up who he kills so he doesn't run out of bullets.

As for perks my standard class is lightweight pro hardened pro and marathon pro. I like to move around the map fast so best setup for me.
  Listerine & Poledo
Olympia, ballistic knife
nova, frag
Lightweight pro, slight of hand (working on pro after prestiging), marathon
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Played s and d on this last night. Such a waste of time when Americans are on a whole clip and they don't die. f**king yanks. They were calling me' the angry Brit. Lol
  Mk2 ph1 clio
Level 36 on ascension on solo. Will have to take a screenshot/photo on my phone next time cause it doesnt save anywhere unless you have 2 people playing at least :mad:

Found it pretty easy tbh, only died cause i got cocky n tried to get a drink while shooting lol


ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Fixed my PS3 again because it YLOD grrr :mad: but when i longed onto BO it said i've violated the terms and it stole all my money, any idea?
What sensitivity are we using chaps? I think I've been on 3 and I put it up to 6 recently. Then I was thinking this was a bit tough but I realised I'm playing S&D so I see an enemy once every 5 mins and I'm not aiming very much. Now I've done a bit of boring TDM I've got used to it enough but I think I'll keep working it up
