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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

  Astra Twintop
One time someone threw a tomahawk from spawn across Summit and managed to kill my RCXD lol

My mates brother has spawn kills on Summit/Cracked/

Just launches it the second the game starts, on summit he launched it, smashed a skylight, bounced, and killed some bloke!



ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Anybody ever dropped a gaymore down infront of a tactical insertion? I did it the other night and it felt good when +100 popped up LOL
  Fiesta ST-3
Not been in this thread before... thought I would have a look though!

Any of you guys play harcore headquarters? On nuketown couple of days ago I managed to get 102 - 24... fair to say I was on a mission :)
  Bus w**ker
Anybody ever dropped a gaymore down infront of a tactical insertion? I did it the other night and it felt good when +100 popped up LOL

Personal favourite was when you found someone hiding in a corner because they are using a RC or chopper gunner etc, stick a gaymore down and run off. Shortly after BOOM, I got a few pissy messages from doing that when I used to still play this s**t. Apparently one them worked for "TREVARCH" and were going to have my account deleted...
  LY 182
Anybody ever dropped a gaymore down infront of a tactical insertion? I did it the other night and it felt good when +100 popped up LOL

Rofl never thought of doing that actually. I have just waited a few times for the respawn and killed em straight away. Always find it amusing lol.
  Listerine & Poledo
Personal favourite was when you found someone hiding in a corner because they are using a RC or chopper gunner etc, stick a gaymore down and run off. Shortly after BOOM, I got a few pissy messages from doing that when I used to still play this s**t. Apparently one them worked for "TREVARCH" and were going to have my account deleted...

I never realised they employed pissy yankee children :)
  328, MK1 Clio 1.4
I had some guy send me a raging voice message last night after destroying his little clan, I was on form, playing cap the flag, I went 60-7, and we annihilated them. I invited him to our party and he joined and went mental, saying we were cheating, LOL. I have never heard anyone get that angry over a game before. PMSL.
  Listerine & Poledo
Youtube was made for Elpresador.

I've never got along with CTF, probaby because I'm not very good.... and COD generally.


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Why the f**k cant i get a game on this atm? Not changed anything, internets fine, infact i was playing a game yesterday about 3:15 n then half way through a capture the clap match it tryed to find a new host n kicked people one by one then i couldnt get a match after that :S


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Nothing wrong for me, just had 4-5 games without trouble...never had a problem.

Well no one on my ps3 list is having problems as they are having games. I dont cheat, havent tryed hacking, dont have an offencive clan tag or emblem. The problems i have with this game are unreal. Connection to friends is a joke and ive even changed my NAT type, connecting to games takes the piss, when on the ps3 XMB i select BO's and instantly i have the multiplayer screen up WTF? often when on the multiplayer screen where you select create a class etc it doesnt show my level or emblem or even the highligh on the options, when in a party scrolling through the menus the screen flickers !
  Never above 25mpg
Xbox Live is perfect. Shame the game isn't!

Been back on to WAW for a few Der Riese games recently. Makes you appreciate no zombies coming up from the ground.


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
PSN's perfect for me but this game isnt, if it looked as good as it does but played like MW2 it would be sweet
  Two 0 Shitx
Had trouble earlier, kept signing me out of PSN and crashing, seems fine now. Headset is working, i sync'd it but i hadn't changed the audio output settings!

Had a very upset 9 year old send me a message earlier calling me a cheating c**t haha
  Two 0 Shitx
Must admit it took me back a bit, sent him one back saying if he sent me a message again i'd tell his mum, he didn't repond...

And yes i did feel proper childish having an argument with a 9 year old.
  Two 0 Shitx
haha round 'em up kev

  Astra SRI/ Hornet
been raping on this game recently, had a few weeks off multiplayer and nothings changed. been spas/suppressor raping just for lolz and still come top. lol


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Had a few cracking games yesterday, guy in my team 35 kills 2 deaths, no defends, no captures. Finished 4th in our team. We raped.

Does he know there is a team deathmatch mode?

Loving it at the moment, roughly 9/10k xp every game.
  Listerine & Poledo
Had a few cracking games yesterday, guy in my team 35 kills 2 deaths, no defends, no captures. Finished 4th in our team. We raped.

Does he know there is a team deathmatch mode?

Loving it at the moment, roughly 9/10k xp every game.

"aaalllwight people!"
  Giulietta 940
Played a bit this weekend on the PC. I usually play hardcore domination but found, to my dismay, that pretty much every single domination server was just Nuketown 24/7... Now would someone mind telling me what is so great about this map? I find it incredibly boring, and playing domination is nigh on impossible.

Don't get me wrong, I can see how it would be fun for FFA or TDM, but domination? Really?


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
March is when we get the maps but they might get my disc in the post with s**t smeered on it!

What happens when you get banned from playing online?
Anybody ever dropped a gaymore down infront of a tactical insertion? I did it the other night and it felt good when +100 popped up LOL
I was playing search and destroy on WMD - I saw a guy hiding and doing something like deploying a napalm so I claymored him.

I planted the bomb then he managed to go from prone to crouch and kill me but he couldn't move off the spot so the bomb blew up hahaha


ClioSport Club Member
  340i M-Sport & 182
Fixed my connection problems now, beleive it or not it was the internet chache and the cookies WTF
  Two 0 Shitx
I was playing search and destroy on WMD - I saw a guy hiding and doing something like deploying a napalm so I claymored him.

I planted the bomb then he managed to go from prone to crouch and kill me but he couldn't move off the spot so the bomb blew up hahaha

He came off better really... Tried putting a gaymore next to a TI last night but the guy stepped on it and survived but i was next to it so it blew me up.... FAIL!

There was an American kid getting seriously irate last night about people taking his care packages or something, sounded like that kid from the youtube videos, the one that tried to put a remote up his arse, funny as fook!
