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*** Official Call of Duty: Black Ops thread ***

  Fiesta ST-3
Tbf, even with some of the better players I was coming against yesterday, I wasnt doing too bad with it!!
Found it to be good when you're firing from the hip.

Its a challenge I suppose.

I fooking hate the MP5K. Its stupendously inaccurate.
  LY 182
Just got Hacker Pro. Should be fun! Capturing / booby trapping enemy care packages and turning enemy claymores, sentry guns etc into yours too. Gotta be the best 3rd perk by miles lol.
  Never above 25mpg
Got upto Level 27 last night with friends on Kino Der Toten. Had a pack a punched Ray Gun and HS10 combo, quite good but zombies were aplenty and taking 4 hits to go down with the ray gun (unless right up close).

Would recommend the HS10s though, properly good when PaP'd.
Is it possible to get up to Level 70 on Zombies??

My bro was on about it and he said his mates recon they've got upto level 72 before... I call massive bullshit!!!

Getting to level 20 is hard enough.
  Never above 25mpg
Is it possible to get up to Level 70 on Zombies??

My bro was on about it and he said his mates recon they've got upto level 72 before... I call massive bullshit!!!

Getting to level 20 is hard enough.

It's possible, I think the program is infinite and just increases zombie health, strength and speed chucking dogs in now and again.

But whether 4 of them did it without cheating or glitching is another matter.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
You can change a setting within the options to make the game loads straight to the multi player screen, so it skips the f**king annoying intro/titles and the "torture" chair. You can still choose to backup to the chair though if you want to play single player or zombies. I'm still getting the odd bit of lag and awful framerate (PS3) but nothing that's making it unplayable...well until Gally joins my session with his 3800baud modem and kills the whole game :(.

8meg DL and 38ms ping these days mate! I'm rocking oh and FFA is for ultimate gheys!

Game is getting better! The Harry "Enfield" is helping!
It's possible, I think the program is infinite and just increases zombie health, strength and speed chucking dogs in now and again.

But whether 4 of them did it without cheating or glitching is another matter.

It must get ridiculous at some point though. Highest level ive been on is 20-something, and that was emotional! 100's of 'em flying at you!
I cant see how anyone can get to level 70+. Must get to a certain point where it is impossible to get any further.
  Never above 25mpg
It must get ridiculous at some point though. Highest level ive been on is 20-something, and that was emotional! 100's of 'em flying at you!
I cant see how anyone can get to level 70+. Must get to a certain point where it is impossible to get any further.

Yeah I don't really play Zombies solo, gets impossible on your own, too much to try and control/keep back/defend.

The trick though is to keep running around and get a zombie's legs blown off so it's a "crawler" so you can board windows back up and use the mystery box and get tonics etc.

Nacht Der Untoten I got upto level 8 by myself without a ray gun, Kino I've done level 12, FIVE I'm not good on and Dead Ops Arcade I've done about level 16 or 18.

Always good fun though. It's when pack a punched weapons become a bit useless you need the specialist like the Wunderwaffel which can take out a couple of them at a time.
  Bus w**ker

8meg DL and 38ms ping these days mate! I'm rocking oh and FFA is for ultimate gheys!

Game is getting better! The Harry "Enfield" is helping!

The boys upgraded lol! You must have been host because it fucked up in migration and only you left. FFA is the bestest game mode, all out shooting skill with no way of depending on someone else to help you out. Shame that also helps out the little camping faggots at times :(. Tries hardcore FFA today for the first time, damn that's hard - 2nd on my 1st attempt though.

Wait till you get the AK74u, best gun by far.

Anyone want to tell me if it's worth me prestiging or not? I didn't bother with MW2 and only thing to make me consider it on BOs is the prestige game mode (no idea what it is).
Yeah I don't really play Zombies solo, gets impossible on your own, too much to try and control/keep back/defend.

The trick though is to keep running around and get a zombie's legs blown off so it's a "crawler" so you can board windows back up and use the mystery box and get tonics etc.

Nacht Der Untoten I got upto level 8 by myself without a ray gun, Kino I've done level 12, FIVE I'm not good on and Dead Ops Arcade I've done about level 16 or 18.

Always good fun though. It's when pack a punched weapons become a bit useless you need the specialist like the Wunderwaffel which can take out a couple of them at a time.

Yea I only ever play with a group, so weve got 4 players. We try to get a crawler after each level if possible, so we can board everything back up and use the mystery box until weve got good weapons.
On Kino level, we usually go in the room thing outside which is up them steps and try to defend from there. 2 on the stairs and then the other 2 cover the boarded up areas and help by looking out the windows every so often when it gets emotional. We end up getting raped. We ought to open up the theatre bit and just run round in circles ;)

The only one ive played on my own is Dead Ops Arcade... Fun little game!!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
I didn't bother on MW2 either. I enjoyed having all my guns so just sat at the top rank. :)

Boy upgraded! Lols! Took a few days for my line speed to settle after moving. :eek:
  Never above 25mpg
Yea I only ever play with a group, so weve got 4 players. We try to get a crawler after each level if possible, so we can board everything back up and use the mystery box until weve got good weapons.
On Kino level, we usually go in the room thing outside which is up them steps and try to defend from there. 2 on the stairs and then the other 2 cover the boarded up areas and help by looking out the windows every so often when it gets emotional. We end up getting raped. We ought to open up the theatre bit and just run round in circles ;)

The only one ive played on my own is Dead Ops Arcade... Fun little game!!

Yeah we run round the theatre and only open outside if the box ends up out there! Don't really go near the outside room/alley.

Have found a technique where you link the teleport up, camp inside that until it gets too much with nova gas etc. and then teleport up, chuck grenades down and shoot at the zombies (the dogs run to where you teleport back) before getting back and doing about 3 circles and linking the teleport again on the way round!

It helped that all four of us had Ray Guns by chance last night! (Second time that's happened in a fair few games)
  Never above 25mpg
^ Ill have to suggest that tactic next time we try!
We always seem to do the same tactic and always end up around the level 15+ mark, so will be worth a try!

Yeah, open the top door first of all, up the stairs by the Quick Revive around level 5, after the dogs, then just run round that way in a circle!
  Ollie's Silver Cup
Came across a couple of guys 'boosting' for the first time tonight.

The guy on our team dropped a tactical insertion and was purposely getting killed repeatedly by a player on the opposite team. Then he'd respawn close-by and they'd do it again, and again and again... :dapprove:

At the end of the game the guy on our team had something like 0 kills - 47 deaths...and the guy on the opposing team had over 60 kills. Just ruins the game really, as he was continually using the high killstreak rewards.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
I f**king hate boosters. Alot of them arnt even old enough to play the game so it's a proplem that shouldn't exsist. I mite start reporting under age kids since it's Xmas and all. Lol there'd be no xbox players left if they did the same or COD sales. Lol
  Mito Sportiva 135
Think I've found my perfect class which seems to work on all game modes:

Famas + reflex / red dot site
RPG as secondary
Scavenger pro
Sleight of hand pro
Marathon pro

Killstreaks I currently have on:

Care package
Chopper gunner
Attack dogs

Seriously just been having a blaze with this recently. Famas I think is definitely the best AR overall, only Commando comes close. The pro perks really make a difference too as I can run quickly and then aim quickly...


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The boys upgraded lol! You must have been host because it fucked up in migration and only you left. FFA is the bestest game mode, all out shooting skill with no way of depending on someone else to help you out. Shame that also helps out the little camping faggots at times :(. Tries hardcore FFA today for the first time, damn that's hard - 2nd on my 1st attempt though.

Wait till you get the AK74u, best gun by far.

Anyone want to tell me if it's worth me prestiging or not? I didn't bother with MW2 and only thing to make me consider it on BOs is the prestige game mode (no idea what it is).



Anyone on this morning? Add me: gal666
  Bus w**ker



Gonna jump on now, won't have a headset on mind...well not unless people want to hear me hack and splutter my way through whilst swearing lol.
  Mito Sportiva 135
My d/l is 10 (9.97), u/l is 2, so fairly reasonable....don't know why people have complained about Virgin they seem spot on!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
The shotguns are gooooood! Someone was running about like a maniac with a stakeout!

Scott S

ClioSport Club Member
  172 Flamer & ER-6F
Came across a couple of guys 'boosting' for the first time tonight.

The guy on our team dropped a tactical insertion and was purposely getting killed repeatedly by a player on the opposite team. Then he'd respawn close-by and they'd do it again, and again and again... :dapprove:

At the end of the game the guy on our team had something like 0 kills - 47 deaths...and the guy on the opposing team had over 60 kills. Just ruins the game really, as he was continually using the high killstreak rewards.

I used to go and disturb them on MW2. Just kill the person on the opposition before they drop a tactical insertion and then watch out for them coming. May seem a little 'too far', but when they left the lobby, i'd go into my recently met list and follow them into the next lobby. My mate did this as well as we were usually in the same game (but not cheating/boosting).
  LY 182
I used this class briefly awhile back, and went back to it last night and was having some killer games!

Using the Galil just w/ the supressor.
Strela launcher to take down enemy aircraft.

Ghost, Sleight Of Hand, Hacker. (All Pro).

Obviously with ghost pro and the supressor I'm never on enemy radar and whilst I do think supressor weakens the damage of the gun, sleight of hand pro usually means you're quicker to the punch anyway. I have the strela as secondary as it's piss easy to take down helicopters and even pretty easy 2 take down choppers with ghost pro preventing you showing up as a red mark.
Semtex, nova gas, claymore.
Just had a couple with DeathCab 4 Sam...

I had to quit. I cant stand being in a game when the other team has one shot kill and I have to unload about 20 bullets to even get a hit marker :S

We both had a good game before on that snow level.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah it's very good especially for free from the start had a good few killstreaks! Need to buy more though!

Used all my money on freeking moddng my Famas! It's good though!
  Dodgy one
I think the famas is a bit pants, I cant get on with it, too much recoil and doesnt 'seem' to hit as hard

AK74 dual mag is my choice few bursts they drop like flys, I think my best was a 19-3 with that!

I managed to get the gunship on nuketown with it too, awesome little gun
