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Origin B2 install pics


ClioSport Club Member
could you post pics of your install or tell me where everything is located please.
i have one in my 182 but i am forever having problems with it, it's telling me i am travelling at over 1000MPH at times then it will go off line and not regain sat lock for about a day even though it has more than 7 satalite bars in the window.
it's been back to origin 4 times now and they are trying to blame my car.
i have the cradle and unit on the dash by the clock, the laser detector in the little square in the windscreen and the GPS antenna in the rear passenger window on the shelf just infront of the seatbelt.



  RS 182 - Black Gold
That deff sounds like a faulty unit.

Did they change it the 4 times it went back to Origin? or did they just repair it?

If it hasnt been changed demand a new unit as those problems sound like a problem within the unit.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
No there isnt unfrounatly.

Normally they dont change the board and give you a replacement unit..

Id ring them up and compain, if they have changed the main board twice then why does it have the same problem? which is obviously related to the workings of it.


  RS 182 - Black Gold
keep us informed. Ive never had any problems with them with the many ive sold.

Any problems normally get resolved by a phonecall or 2


ClioSport Club Member
will do
this started last november worked fine from july (when i brought it) to then, phoned up origin and they told me to re-initalize it and it worked then till about march - april then this has been going on since then
  V6 Exige, GTR R35
Yeah sounds like a dodgy unit,

Ive only heard good things about Origin though - so this is the first negative! could maybe be your GPS do dah that youve got sitting on your window, if that was wonkey wouldnt work right either.

Id send the whole lot back together - maybe even put a small dot on it with a permanent marker on the back or something and see what you get back!

The other stories ive heard about them is that theyre always happy to replace or change any faulty goods. Youd think that theyd want to keep their customers happy seeing as there are more advanced systems coming out all the time....
