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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

  Integra Type-R DC2
EA need to pay attention to what the PR guys have done. The mod has won mod of the year about 3 times now, all because its done something no games company would dare do. It seems the general concensus among major game developers and publishers is that a shooter that promotes team work and 'realism' wont sell as well as the likes of COD. The gameplay dynamic completely changed in PR, but it doesnt get so anal it compromises the fun. If BF3 implemented some of the realism elements, it would sell well. The mod has proved there is a market for such a game.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh more focus and reward for teamplay would be good.

My call for killstreaks was with the caveat it was balanced and infrequent. How often do you get a 10 killstreak? Not that often I imagine. When it happens something to reward that would be good - not necessarily a "kill" streak as such, how about a UAV identifying all enemies for 30 seconds, an ammo air drop to supply your forward attackers..stuff like that. Although personally I think a more powerful (but not invincible) vehicle being dropped (a plane for example) would be cool. That wouldn't unbalance the game.

Also J0sh you said you don't want things like marathon and carrying extra ammo...BC2 already has these things! Albeit under different names.

COD just takes everything too far, intelligent use of rewards for actuall skilled play should be rewarded by ingame rewards, as long as they aren't overpowered and can add an extra dimension of gameplay to the tactics on offer.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Good interview with the lead here. Intelligent guy...I am hopefull! He doesn't seem to want to water down BF but push the game on.
  Integra Type-R DC2
Also J0sh you said you don't want things like marathon and carrying extra ammo...BC2 already has these things! Albeit under different names.

Bad Company has always been a light hearted spin off of the battlefield series though. Hopefully theyll do away with most of those perks in BF3. The devs have already stated they were unhappy with the whole Magnum ammo thing. I wouldnt mind weapons and kit customisation, but leave it at that.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh I agree magnum ammo is a bit silly. My point is this though - I want to keep finding things to vary gameplay and reward skill, BUT balanced with nothing too overpowered or silly flaws like the pre-patch MCOM issue, where they could be easily blown up with C4.

Even a Halo style system of unlocking armour which varies how you look, but doesn't make any difference to the gameplay itself. People want personalisation of play at the very least - just don't make it too silly.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
DICE: Using PC as BF3 lead platform is “helping us make a better console game”

Battlefield 3 executive producer Patrick Bach is of the belief that consoles are holding development of PC games back, due to what he feels is an outdated focus by other developers.

Speaking in an interview over on Nvidia’s GeForce website, Bach believes using consoles as the lead platform in development is the “biggest problem we have today.”

“Most games are actually still based on the same core idea that the consoles are your focus, the superior platform or something,” he said. “I don’t know why. That was the truth five years ago, but the world has moved on. PCs are way more powerful than the consoles today and there are actually almost zero games out there that actually use the benefits of this.

“So for our target of what we want to hit, we are now using the more powerful platform to try and prove what we see gaming being in the future rather than using the lowest common denominator, instead of developing it for the consoles and then just adding higher resolution textures and anti-aliasing for the PC version. We’re doing it the other way around, we start with the highest-end technology that we can come up with and then scale it back to the consoles.”

Bach said that by using PC as Battlefield 3′s lead platform, console versions of the game will look better as well.

“In theory you could argue that you’re building it for a more powerful platform and that it will look crappy on consoles. That’s not the case because when you build the target high, you can then pick and choose from the target and ask what actually creates this picture and then pick the best things from that and turn that into your console solution.

“The other thing that is very interesting is that since you’re building the engine based on the knowledge that you will release it on the consoles, you actually streamline the whole technology to be able to scale back to the weaker platforms. So in the end, by, you know, painting this high-end target, you actually set a new bar and then when you scale it back.

“I think people will be surprised to see how good it looks on the consoles. We can’t show it right now, because we’re aiming to use the PC to set the bar, but it’s actually helping us make a better console game.”
  Ph2 172 Flamer
:D I've just placed my pre order after seeing the new footage, I really cant wait for this now.


ClioSport Club Member
Just watched the faultline trailer, this is looking to be immense!

Can't wait for this to be released :approve:
Is there any news on multiplayer yet?

Any new gamemodes? Amount of players?

Can't f**king wait. If it's half as much fun as BF1942 was it'll be a must buy.
I just have a weird feeling its going to veer off the Battlefield track and be nothing like BF2/2142. No health bars, all regen, stupid perks and what not.

BF2 was what it was, straight out war fare. Bad Company was just a bit of fun, the weapon customisation was good but it wasnt taken too serious. Really hope they are not going down a COD route with this.

As for being designed around a PC, good job.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Conneh if you read the article linked in my post above, you can read the interview from the developed - hopefully your fears will be put to rest as he seems to understand what is quintessential in the BF experience - and not watering it down for COD gamers.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The new 12 minute trailer is released today. I'm thinking it may be just the 3 we've seen pieced together. That would be a bit of an anti-climax.


ClioSport Club Member
That's good news for the WASD Gang.

I really can't wait for this. The reason I got so bored of BFBC2 was the choice of two game modes... I mean, come on. Two.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
That's good news for the WASD Gang.

I really can't wait for this. The reason I got so bored of BFBC2 was the choice of two game modes... I mean, come on. Two.

Yeah, that's true. Saying that, I only play Conquest, and absolutely love it. Best MP game I've ever played. Infact, the only one I've played other than a quick stint on COD.

Trying to complete Crysis 2 at the moment, but will be back on this when I do that. I noticed you were on GTA IV the other day. Got me in the mood for that again as well! LOL.

So :

Crysis 2
LA Noire
Batman Arkham City
Battlefied 3



ClioSport Club Member
Hehe, yeah I was playing through Gay Tony again. Great add-on IMO.

I got 70% through Crysis 2 then tripped with the disc in my hand. Totally f*cked and won't even read the disc now. Cool! :dapprove:
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Hehe, yeah I was playing through Gay Tony again. Great add-on IMO.

I got 70% through Crysis 2 then tripped with the disc in my hand. Totally f*cked and won't even read the disc now. Cool! :dapprove:

I did that with Dead Space 1. Was gutted.
Conquest on Harvest day is as good as life gets really :cool: Really looking forward to Battlefield3 and must try Gay Tony too! I suspect if the pc is lead platform then xbox will be a much simpler port job and therefore better.
  Integra Type-R DC2
The new 12 minute trailer is released today. I'm thinking it may be just the 3 we've seen pieced together. That would be a bit of an anti-climax.

Its exactly that, but with a few bits where they chopped the episodes. Still worth a watch.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
You simply have to watch this in 720p format and full screen on Youtube. Like said above, pretty much what we've already seen but uncut and extra's included :

It really does look and sound incredible! The street scene in the parking lot is awesome, especially in 720p.
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Epic. I am honestly tenting watching that.

Doesn't look as if the SP is sandbox, but f**k it - who cares. BF has always been about the multiplayer.

Hopefully this makes my new PC sweat as everything i have tried so far hasnt!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Epic. I am honestly tenting watching that.

Doesn't look as if the SP is sandbox, but f**k it - who cares. BF has always been about the multiplayer.

Hopefully this makes my new PC sweat as everything i have tried so far hasnt!

I'm pretty sure with it being the Battlefield theme those SP maps will be recreated for MP, too. Will be fantastic.
Most likely, however the only other SP BF was BC... and that was just a gimmick to pass the time.

Will be aweosme i'm sure.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
DICE: Using PC as BF3 lead platform is “helping us make a better console game”

Battlefield 3 executive producer Patrick Bach is of the belief that consoles are holding development of PC games back, due to what he feels is an outdated focus by other developers.

Speaking in an interview over on Nvidia’s GeForce website, Bach believes using consoles as the lead platform in development is the “biggest problem we have today.”

“Most games are actually still based on the same core idea that the consoles are your focus, the superior platform or something,” he said. “I don’t know why. That was the truth five years ago, but the world has moved on. PCs are way more powerful than the consoles today and there are actually almost zero games out there that actually use the benefits of this.

“So for our target of what we want to hit, we are now using the more powerful platform to try and prove what we see gaming being in the future rather than using the lowest common denominator, instead of developing it for the consoles and then just adding higher resolution textures and anti-aliasing for the PC version. We’re doing it the other way around, we start with the highest-end technology that we can come up with and then scale it back to the consoles.”

Bach said that by using PC as Battlefield 3′s lead platform, console versions of the game will look better as well.

“In theory you could argue that you’re building it for a more powerful platform and that it will look crappy on consoles. That’s not the case because when you build the target high, you can then pick and choose from the target and ask what actually creates this picture and then pick the best things from that and turn that into your console solution.

“The other thing that is very interesting is that since you’re building the engine based on the knowledge that you will release it on the consoles, you actually streamline the whole technology to be able to scale back to the weaker platforms. So in the end, by, you know, painting this high-end target, you actually set a new bar and then when you scale it back.

“I think people will be surprised to see how good it looks on the consoles. We can’t show it right now, because we’re aiming to use the PC to set the bar, but it’s actually helping us make a better console game.”

That bloke is lined up for a spit-roasting off Royston and I....

Epic, positive and forward-thinking comments. I'm so glad that someone in a position of influence has had the balls to stand up and be counted for what us WASDees have been saying for years.

Top man. :cool:

  Evo 5 RS
that's what it is though, forward thinking. Doesn't matter who or which developer you are they're all thinking the same thing - which is hurry the fcuk up and bring out the next generation of consoles!
  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh as much as I love my 360 I still see the flaws in it, mainly things like draw distance and some texture pop-up. Don't get me wrong it's still fantastic but if a new one was to come out in 2013 I'd be quite happy, it's nice to have new tech to look forward to....ASSUMING that things like backwards compatability, Gamerpoints, downloads etc are carried over.

However back on point - this WILL be awesome. Preordered on Amazon....
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Well, all things considered, they are tiny little problems on the grand scheme of things. Draw distance? I mean, come on, in all seriousness does that matter too much when you're playing and enjoying the games? Genuine question, as I'm not a PC gamer anymore. Are these things a major drawback?
  Mito Sportiva 135
Not a major drawback no by any means - just for things like BF though when you're sniping or something, sometimes shadows etc only pop in once you're zoomed. Obviously it is as much down to the programmers to minimise these sorts of things so we don't notice though!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Well, all things considered, they are tiny little problems on the grand scheme of things. Draw distance? I mean, come on, in all seriousness does that matter too much when you're playing and enjoying the games? Genuine question, as I'm not a PC gamer anymore. Are these things a major drawback?

It does, tbf m8. I know us WASDees still harp on about the original Crysis - but it does make such a difference being able to see a long way. Distant enemies, vehicles - even following the path of bullet drop all add to the experience. Put another way, I would ALWAYS max out draw distance in favour of the textures a mere 6ft in front of me being super-shaded and super-smooth.

And personally, my biggest hate is where the game engine doesn't update the circuit on a racing game in time. That just destroys any 'illusion' of the game being good to play for me. "Oh look, that grandstand of 100 people has just appeared to the left". :)



ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
if this is good as it looks i'm certainly getting this on PS3

you never know Darren i'll be getting this on the PC aswell like old times Darren on BF2142
