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[PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
BC2 was just showing off Frost Bite 1.5.

I wouldn't say Consols have a much bigger market, people just like the convenience.

Microsoft have sold just over 40 million consols. I'm hazarding a guess that a fair few million of them are replacements for RROD ;)

Then you look at PC gaming...

Steam currently has 30 million active accounts, each account has access to over 1200 game.

Theres not much in it. PC gaming will always be far superior to consol gaming in every way shape and form.

BF3 wont follow suit of BC2. You will find that consol versions will have less features, because it's being built primarily for PC gamers and then ported and stripped down so consol gamers can play it. Not the other way around etc.

It's interesting what you say about the player market. I just copied and pasted this from BFBC2 stats.....


The 360 edges it slightly in terms of player numbers, but I'm surprised at the big hike in server numbers for the PC players. Combine both console platforms however, and they are a significant majority over the PC platform alone.

That said, I'm hoping that EA/DICE do push the boundaries for the PC players, while at the same time providing near-as the same experience for the console owners. I only get annoyed when the PC option is nerfed - especially when that's the platform that launched the game series in the first place. It would be no different than Gran Turismo 6 for the PlayStation 4 being 'restricted' to 100 car types - simply to allow PC hardware to keep up. I'd imagine there would be more than a fair few pissed off PS4 owners, if that happened.... ;)

Nothing in it at all :)

Interesting that little image!

Things like prone are restricted for PC gamers due to shitty ports.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Would still pick a console over a PC erryday, like the majority of others.

Controller > Keyboard and Mouse.

This game needs to hurry up!
I can't see how you can compare aiming with a mouse against using a stick that limits you. But thats personal choice.

Look at the worlds most successful FPS games, all on a PC.
  Mito Sportiva 135
On another note, I accidentally dropped my new black controller out my balcony last night, at least 40ft drop onto concrete. Was expecting a smashed mess, parts of plastics and motors lying outside.

To my surprise though, not even the batter pack had come out and despite some minor scratches works fine.

In other words, the xbox controller would win in a fight with a mouse and a keyboard, and for that reason, this will be best on consoles! :)

(seriously though, try dropping your controller from 40ft care free! It's amazing!)

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
On another note, I accidentally dropped my new black controller out my balcony last night, at least 40ft drop onto concrete. Was expecting a smashed mess, parts of plastics and motors lying outside.

To my surprise though, not even the batter pack had come out and despite some minor scratches works fine.

In other words, the xbox controller would win in a fight with a mouse and a keyboard, and for that reason, this will be best on consoles! :)

(seriously though, try dropping your controller from 40ft care free! It's amazing!)

Flol! A Lada might better survive the 40ft drop, but I'd still take the 911 GT3RS that's smashed to pieces at the side of it....

Anyways - you don't count, you bloody turn-coat. You were the purveyor of RTS games on the PC platform years ago until somehow, someway - you converted to the digital book-ends. You Heathen. If we were still in the Dark Ages, I'd get you flogged and burnt at the stake for less. :rasp:

  Mito Sportiva 135
Ha I know mate...but Darren even RTS are good on consoles now! Have you heard of RUSE? BEST best RTS I've played for a while, if not ever. So tactical, yet interface is very simplistic and perfect for consoles.

It's also on PC so you should try it. Very difficult but rewarding game!

I do still like the idea of PC gaming but in reality I much prefer having a few mates over and playing some Xbox on my 50" plasma. Worms 2 Armageddon is probably my favourite game right now, although no one wants to play me as I kept winning. Not exactly a claim to fame, is it?!?
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I remember a mate going on and on about it, showed me on his mega sick HD PC thingy and i was just like MEH!

Its just a load of fags jumping around!

PC really isn't for me tbh thats just that!

Could never ever convert to a mouse and keyboard
Counterstrike was never ment to be about graphics. It was all about gameplay and competiveness. It still holds its own.

This is what it was all about...

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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I have to agree. I can't even get it into my head how that would work well. You've got your mouse in one hand and are looking around for keys to press for relevant actions. Give me a controller any day. It'll certainly be easier to aim with a mouse, depending on sensitivity, but I think the 360 analogue is pretty effective, anyway. Not only that, but everyone on the same system is using the same peripherals, so it's not as though you're up against folk playing with a mouse and keyboard on the 360.

But, as a lot of people prefer PC and their controls, I can't really argue. Everyone is different.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Indeed its all personal preference, but it is nice to slate!

I want triggers y0! then its like real guns and stuff
  Impreza RB5 #054
Play Battlefield most nights

Rank 39
Add me up, always up for a good game on Arica
  Black 172
On consoles they partially use auto aim, mouse far more responsive and accurate and using both together is actually easy and becomes second nature like you don't even have to think about it.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
On consoles they partially use auto aim, mouse far more responsive and accurate and using both together is actually easy and becomes second nature like you don't even have to think about it.

Thank you.


Anything becomes 2nd nature if you do it enough.

Luke: "Hey Luke, i've used a controller on BC2 so much it's 2nd nature"

Luke: "Oh Cool"

Luke: "Thank you"


Because a controller has become 2nd nature to me does it mean i am special? And therefore consoles are better?


Counter Strike sucks dick!
Ok my valid opinion.

I have an Xbox360, i have a Playstastion 3 and have had both for many years. The controllers are second nature to me as well, but it still doesn't give you the accuracy and control of a mouse and keyboard. Which is why i also have a PC.

Have fun playing with no AA, other fancy graphics and lack of control.

PS. Your opinions are wrong, fact.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Ok my valid opinion.

I have an Xbox360, i have a Playstastion 3 and have had both for many years. The controllers are second nature to me as well, but it still doesn't give you the accuracy and control of a mouse and keyboard. Which is why i also have a PC.

Have fun playing with no AA, other fancy graphics and lack of control.

PS. Your opinions are wrong, fact.

But how much did you pay for having slightly fancier graphics?

I paid £200 for my XB360.
Graphics card i picked up for £25 second hand, CPU was £80, RAM £50 and Mobo £120.

It's a fairly old system now, but still makes my PS3/Xbox look silly.
