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[PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Was just in search and destroy and the other team all had aim bots. They wernt even aiming. It's all kids who are doing it f**king little losers. Just cos there s**t and can't win normally.
  Clio 1.2 16v
on late tonight Kev? they need to pull there fingers oot and release the patch cus its half term and the little squeeky no pubes C*nts will be at it all week
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  Astra SRI/ Hornet
Got a triple javelin on this last night. You'd be gutted watching the kill cam. Lol loads of cheaters on this late last night aswell. On kill cam there's sqaure boxes around us all and there an ac130. I don't see what you gain, oh I can't be killed cos I've cheated how mint am I? Your s**t that's why you need to cheat. c***s.
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
It needs a report button like BO. There too young to play the game and f**king cheating. They think there really clever aswell. I was wondering if you could take there name and report them via BO then they report it to Sony and get banned.

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
You can report then on the playstaion website, but would it really be worth it as there are thousands of the c***s that hack
  Fabia VRS
just went on this for s***s and giggles

and me and a mate are just pissing about with the jav and random weapons, ie: fal with thermol etc

Makes it abit more interesting
  Astra SRI/ Hornet
You can report then on the playstaion website, but would it really be worth it as there are thousands of the c***s that hack

If thousands of people get reporting it wouldn't take long to get rid of them. Let's start a reporting cheating c***s campaign. 1 fb group and it would soon spread as every1 hates hackers.
I went for a UMP with thermal.... it was spray and pray galore! lol

Saying that, the famas with Thermal is as deadly as a sniper!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i wont be on during the day over the weekend, got more work on. be on the night time though for abit
  Clio 1.2 16v
Got myself some thermal long johns and gloves ready for the sweatbox tomorrow night
I tried a MP5K akimbo anf FMJ combo - lethal if you can hit someone.... but 99% of the time the f*****s just spay the s**t out of the surroundings!
havn't tried to MP5K in ages, UMP45 = win for me

might give it ago tmw

Its just like using an inaccurate UMP! The silencer makes it better, but anything other than close range its not really any good! UMP with silencer still rules for all out ownage.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
Its just like using an inaccurate UMP! The silencer makes it better, but anything other than close range its not really any good! UMP with silencer still rules for all out ownage.
very true

who's up for a sweaty session tonight then?
  Mustang, S13, AX GT
That 1st S&D match where I was against you guys there was a dumb b*****d on my team who must have spent literally about 5 minutes trying to kill me when I was trying to 'hide' for when you went for the bombsite. Well annoying he just didn't figure out that him shooting some-one on his team doesn't kill them and gave away where I was ffs


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
should be on tomorrow around tea time for a little bit, i'm not at my best during the week day but hey ho!
  Fiesta ST-2
Nice one Gedi, I'll be on today. I'm really loving akimbo handguns, never used them until some tw*t unlocked everything on my account. I've got the hang of it killed 5 people in quick succession with em on search with liam the other day - BEAST! I like that switching to them is instant, theirs been a few times that I've been caught out switching to the spas.
  Clio RS 182
Nice one Gedi, I'll be on today. I'm really loving akimbo handguns, never used them until some tw*t unlocked everything on my account. I've got the hang of it killed 5 people in quick succession with em on search with liam the other day - BEAST! I like that switching to them is instant, theirs been a few times that I've been caught out switching to the spas.

Try akimbo m93 raffica.

Just abit slower to pull out than handguns but 10x quicker than the spas
I went riot shield crazy with marathon, leightweight and commando last night! Plenty of fun to be had with that combo!


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
i'm catching up on some programes at mo, i'll be on around tea time for a few hours.
  Nothing at the mo :(
yeah i live next door to the video shop. and he's got a preowned one in stock.. So gonna ask him to put it aside.. drive home and trade in s**t ops cause its fking horrible


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
nice one, tbh i just bought BO few days ago for £25, just on BO now and again it has improved but not as good as this. MW2 will still be my main game


Should be a patch coming out soon for MW2 to put an end to all the modded lobbies. Hooray!
