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[PC/PS3/XB360] COD:MW2 Official thread - Contains spoilers

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
**COD newbie here**

Just got this, done the training, and done the first scene, but can't seem to access the jeep to go across the bridge??

Im using PC and the controls say 'F' is use, but im pressing it but wont get into the jeep, ive tried every key but nothing will work!

Any ideas?

It will be another input 'quirk' on the PC. They had this in MW1 too. Absolutely fcuking infuriating, imo. There a point later in the game where you have to lie prone. I set my prone key to be '0' on the numpad - and sure enough it displays in the game 'Press '0' to go Prone'. Does it? Does it fcuk. I then tried numeric 1 and that didn't work either. Went back to the options for the third time and selected the Enter key to go prone and hey presto, it works.

Seems the developers get a little confused unless multi-coloured buttons are used on a gamepad. :rolleyes: Cnuts.

I finished the campaign mode last night too. Just short of 6hrs and I didn't exactly rush through it. Very good I thought though with some great set pieces. Still not tried multiplayer yet - I may do at the weekend...

It will be another input 'quirk' on the PC. They had this in MW1 too. Absolutely fcuking infuriating, imo. There a point later in the game where you have to lie prone. I set my prone key to be '0' on the numpad - and sure enough it displays in the game 'Press '0' to go Prone'. Does it? Does it fcuk. I then tried numeric 1 and that didn't work either. Went back to the options for the third time and selected the Enter key to go prone and hey presto, it works.

Seems the developers get a little confused unless multi-coloured buttons are used on a gamepad. :rolleyes: Cnuts.

I finished the campaign mode last night too. Just short of 6hrs and I didn't exactly rush through it. Very good I thought though with some great set pieces. Still not tried multiplayer yet - I may do at the weekend...


Thanks for the reply - so shall I change the 'use' key to something else?
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I'm almost finished the single player campaign now.

I'll say this, which folk who have completed the game or are at least up to the same stage as me will acknowledge, without spoiling it :

"What a c*nt!!"

I'm sure you know what I mean ;)
  clio 172 iceburg silver
hi fella's i just had to get in on the action of this topic.. i love this game the campaign was spot on and the achievements where fun to get.. also the multiplayer is amazing.. it is all well balanced.. There is going to be a patch on the 360 to bring in Team Tactic and also the 360 is going to be the first to get the new map packs that are scheduled.. Also in case you didnt know, once you complete the game you unlock a secret level.. i wont say what it is to not spoil it, but just go to the mission select screen once you have finished.. As for the party chat, it is a bit gay that you cant party up as its nice not to hear the otherside, but it was done to stop the cheating if you can call it that in S&D of being told where the enemy is by your team mates or them watching different angles on your screen as spotters...

Also another part of the patch iv heard will be a lobby mute to stop those annoying screaming yanks that think they won every war and dont know what an age limit is on a game..

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm almost finished the single player campaign now.

I'll say this, which folk who have completed the game or are at least up to the same stage as me will acknowledge, without spoiling it :

"What a c*nt!!"

I'm sure you know what I mean ;)

Lol Scutch! I actually said "You b*****d!" to the monitor - flol!

  Skoda Fabia vRS
i know where did they come up with that idea, i doubt i will EVER be killed by throwing knife its useless
  172//Crap Micra//Bus
Lol... someone nailed me with some yesterday. When I looked back. It was pretty easy to see how. lol. Im useless with em though.
  Bumder With A Buffer
I've had a better kill then that I think.

I forgot I had throwing knives and pressed the R2 button to throw a grenade, noticed it went to that silly crosshair and thought meh and launched it up without aiming...second or so later it flashed up that I'd killed someone :S

was on the Afghan map, I was up on the ridge and launched it down into the planes I think...very random! :S
  clio 172 iceburg silver
He missed and hit the wall. It waas all luck.

My best kill with it was the full length of the plane in airport. Snake on a plane mother f**ker.

lol yeh thats where i use them most... they just run at ya and ninja there arses :)
  Revels Mum & Sister
It may well have been a firewall / porting issue after all then.

It's the latency on the adsl line.

Yeah it has to have been. But there really was no other options/ports bits to turn on/off! Bizarre! Anyway it is working fine now :)
  Revels Mum & Sister
It's because they have made it noob friendly this time, huge iron sights, strong auto aim, all guns are more or less the same and have no recoil etc etc. Also the maps all seem to have nowhere to go without a hundred places to be shot from.

What is wrong with that? Nothing worse than someone who camps!

I think it is good this way. Unless you are a mega geek it is not an issue, if you are try going outside more! Not everyone has 300 hours a week to play it online. It is nice to pick it up and have a blast without being killed without squeezing of a round!
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Just constantly dying, really pissing me off now so no point playing it. Might pick it up again in a week or so.

threw my controller across the room yesterday

join the club. Gave up earlier today

is it me or is it really easy to die in this one compared to mw1?

I'm finding it alot more inconsistent.

On MW1 and W@W whenever I joined a room I felt like I'd be one of if not the best in the room but in this I'll get a 30 odd to less than 10, then in the next get a 18-15 or something s**t.

I'm at 34 now iirc. I'm hoping once I get the trusty M16 back il be reet.

yep does seem pretty inconsistent, im exactly the same.

I actually find it the total opposite. I used to suck donkey d!ck on COD4, now I'm pwning the field in comparison. Won a free for all last night by 8 kills which I could never dream of on COD4. Though sometimes I do find it a weeeee bit inconcsistant but that's hardly the games fault....

I'm Rank 33 online now :)
  Citroen DS3 DSport
I'm almost finished the single player campaign now.

I'll say this, which folk who have completed the game or are at least up to the same stage as me will acknowledge, without spoiling it :

"What a c*nt!!"

I'm sure you know what I mean ;)

I swore loudly at that moment!
Best kill I think I had was with the FAL. Tracked a guy through the iron sights in the trees on Estate................ PEOW he dies. One round.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio trophy
it is all about learning the maps and geting used to them... at the moment everyone is really just running around. you have a few geeks who are highly ranked and put hours into it so porb have a distinct advantage.

it will level itself out again.

i <3 the thermal sight.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Im yet to unlock the thermal site...Im working on getting silencers for the sniper rifles.

I sucked with the sniper rifle on COD4 but seem a lot better with it on this one.

Also I seem to be able to get people with pistol kills a lot easier?? Anyone else noticed that??
  Fiesta ST-2
Whats doing my head in is entering heaquarter games on the losing team when the other team has basically won the game and having rubbish connection or a rubbish team. My win/loss ratio sucks already!
  Bumder With A Buffer
Whats doing my head in is entering heaquarter games on the losing team when the other team has basically won the game and having rubbish connection or a rubbish team. My win/loss ratio sucks already!

That always happens. Even on COD4 I would join say a Sabotage game or something and the bomb has been planted and theres like 4 seconds to go.

f**king bullshit! Put me in a game thats just about to start FFS!
  Fiesta ST-2
Yeah I got to the point on COD4 where i would leave any game to join a party or just leave if it was bad connection etc but I wanted to try and get a decent ratio on this one.
  Skoda Fabia vRS
i already dont like Favela, and im finding a lot of maps are rubbish for sniping, something i liked on COD 4
i already dont like Favela, and im finding a lot of maps are rubbish for sniping, something i liked on COD 4

Yeah I kinda agree, but perhaps just need to learn the maps more for sniping locations?

Estate and Derail look good for sniping, I havent played all of them yet. Unfortunatly I get the feeling there aren't any epic maps that I really enjoy playing on like there was on COD4 such as Backlot and Overgrown.
  Bumder With A Buffer
Yeah I kinda agree, but perhaps just need to learn the maps more for sniping locations?

Estate and Derail look good for sniping, I havent played all of them yet. Unfortunatly I get the feeling there aren't any epic maps that I really enjoy playing on like there was on COD4 such as Backlot and Overgrown.

Agree there isn't that many decent maps IMO.

There's Wasteland which is OK but is too vast and open...derail is s**t though.

Sub station is annoying.

Estate is good but again a bit too open and you cant snipe from that many locations. Although I found if im on the side of the house up on the hill..I go in the house and out onto a little balcony (the side of the greenhouse or whatever it is :S)...get a few people from there :)
