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[PC/XB360/PS3] The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
Kinda cool though because if you want a bit of fun you can just wear the armour/carry the weapon, and if you want to do it properly you can just store them in one of your homes. I only really use it for dragons I encounter that I cba with when i'm in the middle of something.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Kinda cool though because if you want a bit of fun you can just wear the armour/carry the weapon, and if you want to do it properly you can just store them in one of your homes. I only really use it for dragons I encounter that I cba with when i'm in the middle of something.

LOL. Like a dragon fight, for example?

"Where did you come from, FFS?"
  Octy VRS
It all starts with our upcoming 1.5 title update – available now as a Beta Update on Steam and
arriving soon for Xbox 360 and PS3
. In the release notes below, you’ll notice we’ve not only made fixes to the game, but also introduced some new features. One of our favorite additions are the new kill cameras for ranged and magic attacks. Watch the video above for a sneak peek.
A subtle clue perhaps?

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
I hope the expansions aren't the same format as they were with FO3.

They had 4 different 'packs' that you could download separately and install which were quite expensive from memory. I just bought the GOTY edition in the end.

I'm hoping it's just 1 'pack' you can download at a cost and install to the console its self.

Looking forward to the update you posted though Scutch.
  Mito Sportiva 135
I've had enough of this now is wicked but story isn't as compelling as say Mass Effect 3....and after a while you get to a point and think "can I be bothered to finish this?". ME3 is shorter but feels a lot more dramatic and engrossing IMO - but 2 very different games I suppose.

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
The quests after you've done all the 'good' ones are a bit repetitive to.

Person A: I need these items fetching/This person killing
You : OK off I go

upon return

Person A: Thanks for doing that for me, here is £1000 gold.
You: NP

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
I'm finding it boring and I'm only level 34.

Seems it's getting too easy, if I have to go into a Tomb/Cave, all I have to do is use chain lightening a few times and everyone is dead :S
  Golf R32
The unending Dark Brotherhood quests are especially boring, as said it just kill someone go back get small amount of gold and get given the next contract.

On second play through but gone down the magic route this time, got bored so just glitched levelled up and creating uber armour and weapons.
  Octy VRS
I'm about 64 hrs and level 30. Still enjoying it but I don't get to spend hours at a time on it. Completed the College of Winterhold which I was expecting to be a lot harder. Started Dark Brotherhood and Thieves Guild but not taken them very far. Main aim is to get all the Masks as I only have 3, then the rest of the Daedric artifacts.
  1.2 Mk2 Clio P1
The new slow-mo cinematics look great in 1.5 :)

Plus the bug fixes always help! Guess I'll be downloading this when I get home!
  Evo 5 RS
I ended up having to use console and use the kill command so that he'd be limping around on his knees for the whole mission lol.

Buggy piece of shat
  Evo 5 RS

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Is it still worth coming back to this? Noticed another 250MB+ patch for the PC version last night on Steam. I've plugged circa 55 hours into it so far with shitloads still to do.

I don't know if I CBA though...

  Evo 5 RS
the grass shadows are annoying and it's sent my video ram usage through the roof. I doubt this will be the same on console though.

But with all my additional graphical mods it runs like ass now. lol
  Toyota MR2 GT Turbo
I'm getting pretty bored now, only on 60 hours but I swear I've done all the long important quests, anyone recommend anything? I'm not going to do any mining or smithing, that's just Runescape all over again...

Ray Gin

ClioSport Club Member
  Cupra Leon & Impreza
For the people that restarted as a different character - worth it?

Getting a bit bored now as I've done the main quests.
For the people that restarted as a different character - worth it?

Getting a bit bored now as I've done the main quests.

Depends on your first character IMO. If you did a bit of everything with your first guy I don't see the point in doing it all again. With my first character I didn't touch magic at all. Didn't do the Mages guild missions, bards college or anything at all that involved any kind of magic. My second guy was an out and out mage - I don't carry any kind of weapon or armour. I also did things like switching from Imperials to Stormcloaks, had my main home in a different city etc etc.

The 2nd guy was fun for a while and I discovered quite a lot of new stuff to keep it interesting but I still got bored well short of what I put into the 1st character. Not touched Skyrim for a couple of months now. If you're fundamentally bored of the game then switching to a new character isn't gonna fix that IMO.
