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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  Mito Sportiva 135
It makes sense...the M95 fires larger bullets, although I'm not sure the game is so advanced to take such things into account?

I seemed to get more reflex shots with the MW2 style quickscopes though!!!


ClioSport Club Member
I'm sure the game replicates it, considering the realism of everything else.

M95 fires .50cal (12.7mm) rounds. Half-inch across. lol. GOL will probably fire 7.62mm or similar.

Time of flight is also a lot less with the M95. Useful on a moving target.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I guess with the M95 that the UAVs are a single shot kill, then? I can hit those a lot more accurately with GOL than I could with the SV98 - but an undamaged UAV still takes two hits at least to bring down for me.

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
The M95 with Magnum ammo can definitely take down the UAV with one shot. It's also the only rifle that can penetrate helicopter glass to hit/kill the occupant.

Like I mentioned a while back though, I now prefer the Gol if I'm Recon. I'm usually rocking as either Engineer or Assault with the M16 SA. Assault on Arica Harbor is awesome. Got some great locations for easy kills.
  Integra Type-R DC2
The M95 with Magnum ammo can definitely take down the UAV with one shot. It's also the only rifle that can penetrate helicopter glass to hit/kill the occupant.

Like I mentioned a while back though, I now prefer the Gol if I'm Recon. I'm usually rocking as either Engineer or Assault with the M16 SA. Assault on Arica Harbor is awesome. Got some great locations for easy kills.

Ive killed pilot and gunner with the GOL with magnum ammo.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Ive killed pilot and gunner with the GOL with magnum ammo.

Can you do that? FFS - it must need the Magnum perk as well. The other night on Port Valdez rush, the opposing Apache pilot was a Hover Monkey - he literally kept in one place and let the gunner do all the work. From my position, I put three rounds onto the canopy - more of learning experience for me to see if I could do it than actually damaging the helo. I'll definitely switch to Magnum ammo tonight to see if that works! :)

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Best ones on the autumn looking one where the Defence starts in the island (not played it in ages cnt remember teh name)

Get a nice spot on the right side of the Island or the mini one in the sea to the right, line up your shot just above ye headrest of the blackhawk and wait, I've got 3/4 guys in a row jumping in to try take off haha.

Then you just mortar strike the fucker.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Save me trawling this thread has there been a release date for the vietnam DLC pack?


Obviously, I'll reserve proper judgement on it until I try it, but I'm not eagerly awaiting this game. I was never a fan of Battlefield : Vietnam which I've always considered the oddball of the BF series. My key concern is shown clearly from 10secs onwards in the YT clip.....

Just look at the scenery either side of the river. There could be 5 enemies on each bank and you wouldn't see them. Of course, the recent BC2 engine has the advantage of being able to cut-down and destroy scenery, but it's a bit much when that function becomes an integral part to playing the game. Even in BC2 with Rush Mode on Port Valdez, I see it time after time when the map starts with each side trying to deforest the cover of the opposing team. It's a tactic and a strategy that works, but does it make for an enjoyable game? At least maps like Port Valdez are quite 'bright' in terms of the snow cover and daylight. I'm just hoping that they manage to do the same with BC2 Vietnam and not make it a heavy montage of black, green and brown with nothing but leaves and trees to look at.

I'm a sucker though - I'll still buy it... ;)

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  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Obviously, I'll reserve proper judgement on it until I try it, but I'm not eagerly awaiting this game. I was never a fan of Battlefield : Vietnam which I've always considered the oddball of the BF series. My key concern is shown clearly from 10secs onwards in the YT clip.....

Just look at the scenery either side of the river. There could be 5 enemies on each bank and you wouldn't see them. Of course, the recent BC2 engine has the advantage of being able to cut-down and destroy scenery, but it's a bit much when that function becomes an integral part to playing the game. Even in BC2 with Rush Mode on Port Valdez, I see it time after time when the map starts with each side trying to deforest the cover of the opposing team. It's a tactic and a strategy that works, but does it make for an enjoyable game? At least maps like Port Valdez are quite 'bright' in terms of the snow cover and daylight. I'm just hoping that they manage to do the same with BC2 Vietnam and not make it a heavy montage of black, green and brown with nothing but leaves and trees to look at.

I'm a sucker though - I'll still buy it... ;)


See, I believe the single player campaign will be like the Youtube clip, but for multiplayer the grassy banks and masses of hiding places will be toned down considerably.

Either way, I can't wait for the Vietnam pack.
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  Mito Sportiva 135
Imagine forests...but with flamethrowers and burnable fauna...that would be great! Although the demands on the processor whilst also being online might be too much. Maybe for the single player though? Got to get some napalm too!

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
See, I believe the single player campaign will be like the Youtube clip, but for multiplayer the grassy banks and masses of hiding places will be toned down considerably.

Either way, I can't wait for the Vietnam pack.

Maybe. I think they will have to something in order to cater for the graphical memory of the consoles. I've got 2GB split between two cards in Crossfire, which definitely isn't an unusual amount these days for a gaming PC. Even simple trees and foliage will all eat into that memory allocation - especially if they include swaying branches and leaves, so I agree that something will probably be done for the online side of things.

Any news on the maps yet? Maybe the siege at Khe Sahn and/or the battle of Hue? Last Defence of Saigon or maybe a fictional ground attack on Hanoi? All depends just how much of an expansion it will be. But please, please, PLEASE - don't allow the medic class LMGs anymore. Gung-ho Marines clearing paths with M60's and healing themselves at the same time - while VC do the same with their PKMs from their foxholes? Hmmmm - LMGs for the assault class only please, DICE.

  S3, Polo
I reckon it'll be 'Conquest' and 'Rush' in new maps. That's it. Hoping for some new kind of 'Siege' mode is a bit unrealistic IMO. I predict that - true to form - they'll also gradually open all game modes on all maps over time, under the pretence that they're giving you something new.

Sincerely, I think DICE have missed the boat with 'Vietnam'.

Most people will be on to MoH by the time this comes out, just because it's new and based on the same engine. Oh, and Black Ops will be out too - for the CoD people who play BC2 after getting bored with MW2.

If it had been released in the next month, it might have made people delay their purchases of the above.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Agreed. Halo out soon, and then Black Ops. Unless this is awesome and new modes or something, can't see it doing well.

Not bothered about single player either, just want new online maps, settings, classes and unlocks.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Just had my best kill/death on Nelson Bay. Mostly assault class, I managed 39 kills/6 deaths. Also picked up 28 awards at the end. Was well chuffed :cool:

There was a duo on the enemy team (assault and medic) wandering around together and I must have taken the same two out at least 5 times. Think I got the Nemesis pin on them both! LOL.

Also, I exited a round I was in with Spiezels in my team, so I could re-enter in his squad, and it put me on the opposing team. Bah. So, sorry for that headshot, mate, but it's dog eat dog :clown:
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Haha i remember that you f**ker, i did try find you but we'd pinned your team down and i couldnt get high enough up the road in the end so gave up, killed it on the round previous though me and that guy who came first were almost on 4k points.

You coming back on i wanna play.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Haha i remember that you f**ker, i did try find you but we'd pinned your team down and i couldnt get high enough up the road in the end so gave up, killed it on the round previous though me and that guy who came first were almost on 4k points.

You coming back on i wanna play.

Hopefully be back on later, mate. I noticed you'd exited so was going to myself but then saw it was Nelson Bay which I quite like. Turns out I had my best round ever :cool:

Yeah saw that you were almost equal at the top of the board on Arica Harbor. When I first entered that round, there were only 3 on each team, which was weird, running to base flags and no one to stop you.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Haha good work.

Went for my dinner but i'm back now so dont be too long.

I'll be playing Rush so inv me when you're back on.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Nice score Scutch!

Had s**t speed internet at home tonight - even browsing CS is slower than usual. :( Just come off an Arica Harbour Rush game where I put 8 GOL rounds into a Russian without him dying! It was piss funny - everyone on there complained of lag, but it was like a mini Groundhog Day - I'd reload - shoot - and put a bullet in his head. When the server finally caught up, he was indeed dead on the floor. ;)

  1.8 Civic EX
finally got the gold star on the VSS just the M95 to go then thats gold stars on all the snipers :) think i might move to engineer next as i've already got gold stars for the first 5 guns in the class so only 2 to go.

don't know why i'm trying to gold star every gun though lol, just changes things about a bit i think instead of just rinsin' the same weapons all the time.

and i've finally got my K/D up to 1.00, it's been lingering around 0.97ish for ages lol

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
FLOL - just come off a server - where everyone of the opposition were using tracer darts. What an absolute f**king joke they really are. The first mound out of the Russian base and two Yank medics were camped there, along with an RPG engineer. It doesn't take an Einstein to work out what happens. Pop their heads above the parapet and zap - arrow straight tracer dart on anything that's the other side. Tanks are useless because going straight ahead is suicide with Mr. You Can't Hit Me But I've Tracered Yo Ass so Everyone Else Below Can Hit You As Well. Try going down the left ramp and clever DICE have made it so that the elevation of the coax gun can't pan high enough to see them. Again, suicide.

Switch to recon and nail the first gimp sticking his head up above. No matter, there's at least two medics there to zap away merrily. Call in arty and it gets two of them - the other being a medic who slides off the hill slightly and then zaps his mates back to life in 5secs. Any charge made by the guys on our side are cut to bits by the two zillion rounds per second MG3s that both medics had. By this point, Mr. Assault guy team-squads' in and provides them with never-ending ammo.

Thankfully, while we're entertaining this quartet of the Die and Zap routine, two of our guys go around the edge of the map and manage to blow Point B - allowing us to move forward. Oh what the sweet taste of revenge is like. I purposely went out of my way to nail any of these four b*****ds that I came across - just missing out on stabbing one, but various revenge kills ensued such as sniping one retreating in the back and emptying my SAW into another. I also managed to shoot down their Apache twice - both times with two of these gits onboard. Your lame-ass tracer s**t didn't help you there, did it? Muhahaha! ;)


DICE - seriously guys - did play test all of the maps properly? These are fundamental exploits in the map designs.....
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Hmm. Did you say a mortar strike didn't work? Or even a few rounds with the grenade launcher as Assault class? If there were two Recon or Assault even, those 3 guys wouldn't have stood a chance.

Spiez, where were you last night? I played from 8:30pm - 10:40pm.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Hmm. Did you say a mortar strike didn't work? Or even a few rounds with the grenade launcher as Assault class? If there were two Recon or Assault even, those 3 guys wouldn't have stood a chance.

Spiez, where were you last night? I played from 8:30pm - 10:40pm.

Never used assault yet Scutch - I haven't even got the ammo box yet - lol! If I had had the grenade launcher, then I would have definitely given it a go. The mortar strike did work, but it never seemed to get both of the bloody medics in one hit. Small frustrating! ;)

  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
Adapt and overcome Darren ;), each class has it's weaknesses, there's always a way to beat em!

Sorry mate had an edit job to finish I forgot about.

I'll be back in Tuesday (Villa/inbetweeners Monday) we'll get some hours in.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
I do get insanely frustrated sometimes tbf, mainly when you join a a game late and your team has allowed the opposition steal their Apache/Havoc or whatever and you cant get out of the damn base... RAGE quit!

It does however mean that when i get into a chopper or steal one i have no remorse circling their spawn and "bringing the rain" as i feel like i've gotta do it just incase its done to me the round after haha.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I do get insanely frustrated sometimes tbf, mainly when you join a a game late and your team has allowed the opposition steal their Apache/Havoc or whatever and you cant get out of the damn base... RAGE quit!

It does however mean that when i get into a chopper or steal one i have no remorse circling their spawn and "bringing the rain" as i feel like i've gotta do it just incase its done to me the round after haha.

I really only get frustrated where people (even on my own team) are taking advantage of lame loop-holes in the game or things that take zero skill (such as the tracer darts). Going up against better opposition I have absolutely no issue at all with. Even last night, I got my arse handed to me by a T-90 driver with me in an Abrams on Arica Harbour. I do think I'm pretty handy with the tanks (smug fcuker ;)), but this guy was clearly in a different league - the accuracy of his long-range shots was superb. That I'm all for....

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  Mito Sportiva 135
Yeh - in vehicles though I like how all the perks make a difference. e.g. the ammunition upgrade is devastating in the choppers, but in tanks I prefer armour upgrade...but with the other person in the vehicle as well with another upgrade can really augment the power / accuracy.
  1.8 Civic EX
was having fun with the tanks on White Pass last night. Managed to get over to the opposite teams main base (conquest) and hide round the back. A couple of bits of C4 on thier tank, wait for one of them to spawn and jump in the tank and BANG! lol wait for the tank to respawn, load it with C4 again and repeat. Would have been better if I was assault class though rather than recon as I'd be able to resupply myself it keep it going the whole game.
