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[PC/Xbox360/PS3] Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Official Thread

  Bumder With A Buffer
I have a VIP code..Remember seeing the flyer in the box.

What extra maps were there in rush/conquest then?
  Mito Sportiva 135
They aren't new maps as such, just allows existing maps to be used in other modes. Why they couldn't have done this to begin with...who knows?!
  Bus w**ker
Never heard of it. Just googled it, I'll give it a whirl next time I'm on...but if I have to reset it each match there's no f**king chance that's gonna happen

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Had my first 'confirmed' case of a hack earlier today. :(

Started on Arica Harbour rush as the Americans. Only 2 players per side at this point and I jumped into an Abrams as an engineer with the V-Hard perk for the vehicles. Spotted an enemy T-90 in the distance and called it up - by which time he had spotted me and fired a round, which hit. My response also hit as the white crosshair flashed and despite my moves, he hit again on the next shot. I fired and hit him again, but knew that his third shot would nail my tank - so I bailed. Not quite quick enough however, as I got caught up in the explosion. The death cam goes to him and he's on 100% tank health with the other player nowhere in sight? :S

I respawn and pretty much the same thing happens - two hits on him and a missed RPG by me before he kills me. Again, his tank health is 100%. I ask how is he doing that - even playing as an engineer? I wasn't accusing him directly, but wanted to know how it was possible - especially with direct hits from me and the V-Hard perk? Funnily enough, he quits the game and the other opposing player typed-up that he saw what went on and didn't agree either! I wish I'd remembered his game name, but all I recall is that he was rank 33 and playing as an engineer.

Such a shame that people can't play a game that is meant to be purely for fun - by that there's, no financial or personal gain in winning. Where would the fun be if I could sit in a tank and be immune to opposing fire? Tards...

not saying he's not hacking or anything but i think when i have had a tank fight and lost the kill cam usually says 100% because that's what his health is (i.e. not the tanks health)

i might be wrong+ xbox might be different.

it might just be i miss... a lot.


ClioSport Club Member
  Fiesta Mk8 ST-3
I had 2 games this morning on this, i did well 14-6 or something like that and the other i came on top on score on my team which i thought was very good since i only played 2 hours on this game so far.

i was just walking/running round on my tod with my scar and LMG not too sure whic one just gave allot of short bursts and got a fair few kills.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
not saying he's not hacking or anything but i think when i have had a tank fight and lost the kill cam usually says 100% because that's what his health is (i.e. not the tanks health)

i might be wrong+ xbox might be different.

it might just be i miss... a lot.

Could be, I guess - that does make sense. If I've been in a tank battle with someone though a good 9 out of 10 times, their health is down - sometimes annoyingly low - lol!

Another question. How does the game work out the vehicle perks? By that say I select V-Hard and the player with me also has V-Hard - does that mean that we get double 'ardness on our rounds? Or do you only get half of the perk when two of you are in the vehicle? So on my own, I'd get 1.00 hardness from the V-Hard perk, but when another player joins my tank, it drops to 0.50 hardness and I get the 0.50 perk of his, say increased armour?

Not sure how that works, but I'd be interested to know - especially if it cumulates the perks into one mega one? ;)

  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
Yeah the health is the soldier, not the vehicle. It's annoying up against a tank. You know if they hit first, you're pretty much screwed in a cat and mouse battle. The bigger tanks will also annihilate the smaller tanks, even though you're firing off 5 shots compared to their one.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Yeah the health is the soldier, not the vehicle. It's annoying up against a tank. You know if they hit first, you're pretty much screwed in a cat and mouse battle. The bigger tanks will also annihilate the smaller tanks, even though you're firing off 5 shots compared to their one.

Is that for definite, Scutch? I was thinking like with the damage indicator that you see hovering over a friendly tank when playing as an engineer - that that figure was also used on the death cam of enemy tanks? Just an assumption though...

On a different note, had a random look on Wikipedia earlier (as you do ;)) and came across this.... Apparently it's an artist's impression of the scope view from the longest sniper kill in history using a 25x scope...


From one of our boys too - back in November 2009...

And here's me not hitting s**t at 200yards in BC2 - lol!

  Integra Type-R DC2
I seem to remember hearing the guy managed to hit both targets, then shoot the machine gun they were using to disable it.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Liking Hardcore Mode so far. Managed 13/0 as a recon using a SV98 & 12x scope part way through Atacama. Ended on 16/2 though as I had to run after my own assault guys, pleading for ammo! Needless to say, I got capped in doing so. Nice teamwork guys - lol!

Is there much difference between the Magnum and Explosive ammo, btw? I've tried both, but can't really see much difference other than both are much better than standard. I tend to stick with the Magnum rounds for now.

  Integra Type-R DC2
Explosive ammo? Thought the only explosive upgrade was the one that increases all explosive ammos effectiveness...
  Bus w**ker
I had to run after my own assault guys, pleading for ammo!
Not just me that's happening too then? I find myself mashing the controller and standing in front of them works as a good way to get noticed, or swearing at them constantly through the headset if they're on my squad.

Shame the lads I play with most of the time just can't get it through their thick skulls to spot (saying "He's over there" isn't all that helpful) and that it's a team game.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Explosive ammo? Thought the only explosive upgrade was the one that increases all explosive ammos effectiveness...

Ah - could be! I've been reading some forums where they say that the Magnum perk on the sniper rifles is a waste of time? :S So many views and interpretations of the same unlocks in this game - lol!

On the recon spotting scope unlock - does that make your 'spots' visible to your entire team, whereas without they are only visible to your squad alone?

  1.8 Civic EX
Ah - could be! I've been reading some forums where they say that the Magnum perk on the sniper rifles is a waste of time? :S So many views and interpretations of the same unlocks in this game - lol!

On the recon spotting scope unlock - does that make your 'spots' visible to your entire team, whereas without they are only visible to your squad alone?


yeah I'm not convinced about the magnum ammo for the snipers but i keep it on there as it helps with the pistols.

visable to whole team iirc. it's when you see a guy pop up with the little red triangle above thier head. That's someone that has been "spotted" by a recon with the attachment.

Had a good go with recon last night. Got a 26-4 on conquest, was really quite satisfying. I'm also coming round to using the pistols now too, hated them at first but actually quite good for close quaters.
  Mito Sportiva 135
Magnum ammo on snipers like the Gol or M95 is a bit pointless. A headshot still always gets a kill without it, and a body shot still usually takes 2 with or without it. You're better off with explosives upgrade to power up your mortarts I think.

Pistols are good, I'm hooked on tracer darts now though, loving them!

Darren, I think the spotting makes them visible to your whole team, as you can still get assists and squad assists with it on.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
yeah I'm not convinced about the magnum ammo for the snipers but i keep it on there as it helps with the pistols.

visable to whole team iirc. it's when you see a guy pop up with the little red triangle above thier head. That's someone that has been "spotted" by a recon with the attachment.

Had a good go with recon last night. Got a 26-4 on conquest, was really quite satisfying. I'm also coming round to using the pistols now too, hated them at first but actually quite good for close quaters.

I keep forgetting that that perk will also help the sidearm. Absolutely loving that automatic pistol with a 20-shot clip. The amount of times I've used that instead of the primary firearm when entering a building is quite alarming (lol) but you literally get one, maybe two bursts and if that doesn't kill the enemy, then you're knackered.

Magnum ammo on snipers like the Gol or M95 is a bit pointless. A headshot still always gets a kill without it, and a body shot still usually takes 2 with or without it. You're better off with explosives upgrade to power up your mortarts I think.

Pistols are good, I'm hooked on tracer darts now though, loving them!

Darren, I think the spotting makes them visible to your whole team, as you can still get assists and squad assists with it on.

See - another thing that I've overlooked! I'd much prefer to help the team out as a whole, so the sniper scope unlock would be my favourite to pick. However, I've mainly used the mortar strike for harrassing the enemy and sometime nailing a few when they are camped in a position. Having the explosive perk selected would make this more potent - presumably against tanks as well? Would that help the team more than the spotted icons with the scope? Decisions, decisions?! ;)

:D I will play it tonight.

You better had - or you'll have the rest of us on here to answer too! From the get go, I'd personally recommend the engineer as it's easy to rack-up points when vehicles are on the map. Failing that, the recon's starting weapon of the M24 sniper rifle is a very potent piece of kit. If you've got a steady hand and prefer to be out on the periphery rather than getting stuck in and up close with the rest of the team, then the sniper is the way to go. Medic is a points churner too and I presume the assault class is with the ammo unlock - but I've yet to give that class any attention yet.

On a seperate note, I think the DICE guys have used the coding for the M249 (and similar) support weapons directly from the Ganz HMG from Battlefield 2142. I think it was Josh on here that said it was his favourite, but I found it to be very random in accuracy - especially in bursts. I tried using the sustained fire method - spotting an enemy, crouching and aiming and just holding down the trigger. That seemed to work wonders for me - much more accurate now. The Ganz on BF2142 actually had a target reticle that shrunk the longer you got the firing going for - hence increasing accuracy. It was completely at odds with the traditional FPS that rewarded small, accurate bursts - but once you adapted to it, it became second nature.

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  Mito Sportiva 135
Darren - better mortars can take out tanks, yes. On levels like Attacama it can be devastating. I mentioned I also downed a chopper with one once too.

Also, mortars are great for scaring people behind cover out, into your positioned reticule. It let's them know "we can see you!" and more likely to either cower or do a runner. Either way it supresses them and puts you in the driving seat. Another advantage is you can take out a few enemies at once, without giving your position away. If you are sniping at a few people near each other, it's likely one will see where the others getting shot from.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Darren - better mortars can take out tanks, yes. On levels like Attacama it can be devastating. I mentioned I also downed a chopper with one once too.

Also, mortars are great for scaring people behind cover out, into your positioned reticule. It let's them know "we can see you!" and more likely to either cower or do a runner. Either way it supresses them and puts you in the driving seat. Another advantage is you can take out a few enemies at once, without giving your position away. If you are sniping at a few people near each other, it's likely one will see where the others getting shot from.

Aye - it does work well. Though I'm getting seriously fecked off with team damage points against me with the mortar strike on hardcore. FFS - "Clear Point A - inbound mortar" is sent by me and I wait until people clear. Then launch the mortar strike and some prize tool runs in, gets killed and hammers me for -100. Thanks moron. ;)

Had a proper roflcopter moment earlier with the attached pic....


My crime for being kicked? Nailing 4 tanks in succession on Atacama from the fixed Russian AT position at their base. The opposition kept coming around the grounded ship in their Abrams tanks and focused their efforts on trying to shoot down our Hind - hence they were sitting ducks. Point C kept changing hands with vehicles too, so I was constantly firing the AT turret in order to help our guys retain control.

The farce of it all was that I was a sitting target myself. Any sniper on the opposing team could have picked me off at any time (we were playing a Hardcore server here) - but they didn't. I shot at their Apache several times too (all but one round missed) - and again, that pilot certainly knew where I was. So in turn I'm kicked for helping my team out by keeping armour at bay and not running head-first into a hail of bullets and dying repeatedly.

Are some server admins simply resurrected World War 1 generals? "Help our cause? Ney lad - you need to be up front and dying.." ;)

  Mito Sportiva 135
See, another reason not to play hardcore!!!

I wish there was some way of signalling to people when you need ammo or health. Even though it comes up on the map, so many people still don't give you any. Nothing more annoying when your snipe spree comes to an end due to no bullets.

Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.
  1.8 Civic EX
Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.

It's that and the M95 that are the only snipers that I don't have a gold star on now. It's a friggin crappy gun imo. I've put the red dot sight on it and just running around like I'm an assualt class lol, just doesn't seem to work for me as a sniper.
  Mk1 MX-5 next summer
See, another reason not to play hardcore!!!

I wish there was some way of signalling to people when you need ammo or health. Even though it comes up on the map, so many people still don't give you any. Nothing more annoying when your snipe spree comes to an end due to no bullets.

Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.

The back button...

You're just playing with s**t people who dont listen haha.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
See, another reason not to play hardcore!!!

I wish there was some way of signalling to people when you need ammo or health. Even though it comes up on the map, so many people still don't give you any. Nothing more annoying when your snipe spree comes to an end due to no bullets.

Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.

It's that and the M95 that are the only snipers that I don't have a gold star on now. It's a friggin crappy gun imo. I've put the red dot sight on it and just running around like I'm an assualt class lol, just doesn't seem to work for me as a sniper.

I'm wondering if they have altered that VSS slightly? When I first went online, I was seemingly nailed all the time by this essentially long-barreled SMG. Now I hardly ever see it. I'm not far off unlocking the GOL now, but I really do like the SV98 - much prefer it over the standard M27.

What annoys me more rather than the ammo and medic requests is when a tanker needs repairing - he can clearly see me on the map and then starts driving off with me legging it after him with repair tool in hand. Morons some of them. Check the map! (exempt of course, if we're in Hardcore mode ;))

  Mito Sportiva 135
V55 is only worthwhile with the magnum ammo, without that it's awful. Gol or M95 are the best, but gold star on both of them so wanted to work through some of the others before Halo Reach arrives.

Oh right didn't actually realise pressing back gives out orders...not like I've got nearly 8 days worth of gameplay on it or anything....ha.
  1.8 Civic EX
thanks for the tip about the back button, I didn't know that either. Found out you can even use it to point out tanks and enemeys to the rest of the the team, get the enemy in your sights, press the back button and bam, enemy is now highlighted on the map. Renders the spotting scope on the snipers pretty much useless.
You can also use it to give squad orders, like in conquest, point your gun at a flag, hit back and it tells your team to either attack or defend the position.

You probably all already know this but thought I'd share as it's all new to me.

Finally got a bronze on the V55, I find even with magnum ammo it's pretty shite. Went back to the normal scope instead of the red dot, the recoil is massive when shooting over long distance, literally have to tap the button real quick to try and only let one bullet out at a time.
