I only play HC now. It's the future.
Yep, its the only way.
I only play HC now. It's the future.
I take it everyone plays with War Tapes audio enabled as well?
War tapes?? No, what are they???
Cool matewill turn them on!!! Do you change the voices to localised or leave as default too?
not saying he's not hacking or anything but i think when i have had a tank fight and lost the kill cam usually says 100% because that's what his health is (i.e. not the tanks health)
i might be wrong+ xbox might be different.
it might just be i miss... a lot.
Yeah the health is the soldier, not the vehicle. It's annoying up against a tank. You know if they hit first, you're pretty much screwed in a cat and mouse battle. The bigger tanks will also annihilate the smaller tanks, even though you're firing off 5 shots compared to their one.
Not just me that's happening too then? I find myself mashing the controller and standing in front of them works as a good way to get noticed, or swearing at them constantly through the headset if they're on my squad.I had to run after my own assault guys, pleading for ammo!
Explosive ammo? Thought the only explosive upgrade was the one that increases all explosive ammos effectiveness...
Ah - could be! I've been reading some forums where they say that the Magnum perk on the sniper rifles is a waste of time? :S So many views and interpretations of the same unlocks in this game - lol!
On the recon spotting scope unlock - does that make your 'spots' visible to your entire team, whereas without they are only visible to your squad alone?
Shame on you. Punch yourself in the nuts for such an act of extreme lameness. Then repeat "Thank you, sir. May I have another?"
yeah I'm not convinced about the magnum ammo for the snipers but i keep it on there as it helps with the pistols.
visable to whole team iirc. it's when you see a guy pop up with the little red triangle above thier head. That's someone that has been "spotted" by a recon with the attachment.
Had a good go with recon last night. Got a 26-4 on conquest, was really quite satisfying. I'm also coming round to using the pistols now too, hated them at first but actually quite good for close quaters.
Magnum ammo on snipers like the Gol or M95 is a bit pointless. A headshot still always gets a kill without it, and a body shot still usually takes 2 with or without it. You're better off with explosives upgrade to power up your mortarts I think.
Pistols are good, I'm hooked on tracer darts now though, loving them!
Darren, I think the spotting makes them visible to your whole team, as you can still get assists and squad assists with it on.
I will play it tonight.
Darren - better mortars can take out tanks, yes. On levels like Attacama it can be devastating. I mentioned I also downed a chopper with one once too.
Also, mortars are great for scaring people behind cover out, into your positioned reticule. It let's them know "we can see you!" and more likely to either cower or do a runner. Either way it supresses them and puts you in the driving seat. Another advantage is you can take out a few enemies at once, without giving your position away. If you are sniping at a few people near each other, it's likely one will see where the others getting shot from.
Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.
See, another reason not to play hardcore!!!
I wish there was some way of signalling to people when you need ammo or health. Even though it comes up on the map, so many people still don't give you any. Nothing more annoying when your snipe spree comes to an end due to no bullets.
Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.
See, another reason not to play hardcore!!!
I wish there was some way of signalling to people when you need ammo or health. Even though it comes up on the map, so many people still don't give you any. Nothing more annoying when your snipe spree comes to an end due to no bullets.
Now gold starring the vs5 or whatever (below the m95 and abovethe Gol on the list). Actually quite a cool little gun, although essentially it works like a SMG with a 12x scope on it rather than a "proper" sniper.
It's that and the M95 that are the only snipers that I don't have a gold star on now. It's a friggin crappy gun imo. I've put the red dot sight on it and just running around like I'm an assualt class lol, just doesn't seem to work for me as a sniper.
If you look at your feet and press LB, then wait five seconds, you get an automatic respawn.Did you know by pressing the B button you can reload...![]()