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Phase 1 Renault 9 Turbo


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
Love every photo and every update in this thread, I look forward to seeing how it ends up. Looks closer to being back on the road with every bunch of photos.
Long way to go yet, rest of the brakes to refurb, defo needs a clutch and may as well rebuild the lump when I get it out as I have the majority of parts for it already.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
@DaveL485 This is a great read, keep the updates coming!

Does Hydrate 80 do a good job of holding rust back? I need to treat some rust where the rear beam mounts to the body on my 172, I'd rather not take the whole beam off just to get good enough access to Deox gel it.


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
This is such a cool car and so impressive to see the progress you're making on it!
Yes and no, this isn't even my primary project (see the 21 thread), this is to fill in the gaps when i'm waiting for stuff for the 21, or have run out of money lol

@DaveL485 This is a great read, keep the updates coming!

Does Hydrate 80 do a good job of holding rust back? I need to treat some rust where the rear beam mounts to the body on my 172, I'd rather not take the whole beam off just to get good enough access to Deox gel it.
You need to clean it up first, get in there with a wire wheel on a grinder. Once all the loose shite is gone, treat with Hydrate 80, then once dry prime it and then smash a load of Gravitex on it. Do it NOW cos once it takes hold it'll eat its way along under the stone chip and sealer.


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
I was having a load of stuff blasted and coated for the 21 so i hoofed a few bits in for the 9 too, primed them up on Sunday. Fuel pump/filter bracket, towing eyes, stuff like that. Pretty sure I took the wheel cage up there too, didnt realise till now I didnt get it back so will have to chase that up.



That is all :)


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
The rear bias compensator isn't looking too hot!

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Would you believe a New-old-stock one of these popped up on a R9/11 Facebook page. I basically jumped down the guys throat (digitally), sent €100 to a total stranger and low and shows up at my door as promised.


Also bagged a NOS numberplate light from italian eBay, on the hunt for another. Found some in Turkey but they wont ship to the UK.... fail!


Another lunchtime @ work parts hunt popped up a new brake master cylinder for under £20 so I bagged that too! pretty successful week on the trawl for random parts on the web :)


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
After many years of parts shortages I always have my eyes open for new-old-stock, a bit like a dog is always ready to snatch that bit of food that just dropped on the floor :D

I recall years ago taking the front bumper off the 9 and seeing the front crossmember a bit yukky - not perforating, but not mint, thinking about it that was over fifteen years ago now so when this complete front crossmember and headlight surround panel came up brand new I booked a day off work and did a six hour round trip to get it.


Having already sniffed out a NOS front bumper, main beam headlights (outers), surrounds, grille and badge i'm not far off having a complete new front end for it. If anyone sees the quad light dip beam units (inners) brand new let me know,
After many years of parts shortages I always have my eyes open for new-old-stock, a bit like a dog is always ready to snatch that bit of food that just dropped on the floor :D

I recall years ago taking the front bumper off the 9 and seeing the front crossmember a bit yukky - not perforating, but not mint, thinking about it that was over fifteen years ago now so when this complete front crossmember and headlight surround panel came up brand new I booked a day off work and did a six hour round trip to get it.

View attachment 1443487

Having already sniffed out a NOS front bumper, main beam headlights (outers), surrounds, grille and badge i'm not far off having a complete new front end for it. If anyone sees the quad light dip beam units (inners) brand new let me know,
Kudos for spending the time to search out unicorn parts!!

Take a trip out to Turkey - loads of old Renaults out in the villages, from what I've seen. They seem to live forever in the dry weather! lol


ClioSport Club Member
I'm headed toward that....found lots out there but nobody will ship to the UK. Suggested the next family holiday is Turkey, she seems open to it and seems oblivious to my sinister motives.

"....Dave why are you taking six suitcases on holiday. Six....empty.....suitcases....."
I'm off to Tunisia in September

I cant see myself using 26kg of luggage so I may come home with some R5 parts😂


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
...and then decided to pull the engine and box.



Typical steering balljoints stuck, had to get the OxyTurbo out



Out she comes for the first time in my ownership (which started in 2002).


Dropped the box off, then the turbo before I decided enough was enough.



As an aside, this car has been off the road since 2005, and this is why a good quality antifreeze is important in your engine for corrosion inhibition as well as its obvious other qualities - look at how much corrosion there isn't. This is fifteen year old antifreeze.



ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
I retrieved some of the treasures I have stashed away in the loft over the years this weekend, it was to check I had what I thought I had....turns out I had more than I remember lol

I found a new headlight backing mount online (still looking for the other side), so I dug out my new lights


Then after some serious hunting in the dark, dragged out the 4 new shocks, an extra clutch kit I forgot about, brand new wing mirrors complete, brand new still sealed in the box lowering springs, new Sparco strut brace, new clear side repeaters...the list goes on.
I didn't find the pistons and liners but I must already have put them in the garage. I also found a whole steering rack up there, brand new in box. It's amazing what you accumulate over the years!



ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Yes and no, this isn't even my primary project (see the 21 thread), this is to fill in the gaps when i'm waiting for stuff for the 21, or have run out of money lol

You need to clean it up first, get in there with a wire wheel on a grinder. Once all the loose shite is gone, treat with Hydrate 80, then once dry prime it and then smash a load of Gravitex on it. Do it NOW cos once it takes hold it'll eat its way along under the stone chip and sealer.
Dave would you use Gravitex over Bilt Hamber Epoxy undersealer?


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
Dave would you use Gravitex over Bilt Hamber Epoxy undersealer?
Gravitex but probably for the wrong reasons.

Gravitex is cheaper (but still an excellent quality product)
It's also spray-on giving a nicer and thicker finish (see earlier pics in thread), IIRC the Bilt stuff is brush on. I am fortunate to have a very hefty 250L compressor though so I get great delivery and no pressure drop.


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Gravitex but probably for the wrong reasons.

Gravitex is cheaper (but still an excellent quality product)
It's also spray-on giving a nicer and thicker finish (see earlier pics in thread), IIRC the Bilt stuff is brush on. I am fortunate to have a very hefty 250L compressor though so I get great delivery and no pressure drop.
Oh right, so not available as an aerosol then?


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
Love your work :)

And am jealous of your garage :D lol

Thanks - worked hard for it, waited for over ten years to build it (Time, money, kids arrived, breakup, yada yada) and then took me another three to get it to the operational state its in now with a bunch of hard work and support from some amazing mates. Of course, there's a build thread lol

Oh right, so not available as an aerosol then?
I don't know if they do an aerosol, but I use these. The first lot I bought the gun too, just have to make sure it's cleaned out properly after each use.


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ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
I recently discovered in the parts stash a set of brand new pistons (with rings!), liners and gudgeon pins, and some big ends and mains too and I fancied a bit of engine tinkering so I pulled down the 9 engine. I was amazed how good it was considering, the crank is in fab condition.

Humped it on to the stand, couldnt be bothered to get the crane out. Should know better but I got away without pulling anything...this time.

It's properly grotty on the outside





Decided to break it all the way down and send everything off for vapour blasting





Ready for extreme cleaning!


I need to keep the rods, the pins seem a sliding fit in the pistons but a tight fit in the rods so will prob send to a machine shop to swap the new pistons in. IIRC they need heating and pressing?


@Brigsy the little diamond just sorted me out a set of saab injectors, and a trigger wheel/sensor bracket for the EFI setup so I think I have everything I need now save the wiring loom to fit the 420d off the 21, as thats getting an M2000 when the time comes.


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
Engine has been back and sat in my living room for a couple of weeks, so last weekend I threw some paint at it. Seems in decent condition given the age, and that it was sat for 15 years (with coolant in), particularly the liner seats which are absolutely mint. Really shows how much difference it makes having the corrosion inhibitor in there.



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ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
You have a Vee as well?

Are you a glutton for punishment and like needing to spend six months and ££££ to find a part you need? :LOL: lol
Yes. And yes. Vee thread here.

Mk3 Clio 197 Turbo (Meglio) - easy to find parts 1/10.
Clio V6 - hard to find parts 7/10. Took me 18 months to find a fog light surround.
Renault 21 Quadra - very hard to find parts, if at all - 8.5/10.
Renault 9 Turbo - Ridiculous to get parts 9.5/10, no digital parts databases, 30+ years out of production and virtually none left on the road and with added frustration, as the 9 was made in Turkey till 2000 - I can see parts on the web on Turkish sites but getting anyone to ship to the UK is nigh-on impossible. The one package I have got cost more in postage than parts. Same for the stuff I had to ship from Argentina, £90 parts, £110 in postage and tax!!

Oddly enough though I have found a brand new, never used RHD Renault 9 shell thats been stored dry for the last three decades. I've been trying to buy it for the last few years, trying to grind him down so he will sell it me just to shut me up! Imagine that, a rust free, fresh shell. Drool!


ClioSport Club Member
  172, VRS, Clio 5
Yes. And yes. Vee thread here.

Mk3 Clio 197 Turbo (Meglio) - easy to find parts 1/10.
Clio V6 - hard to find parts 7/10. Took me 18 months to find a fog light surround.
Renault 21 Quadra - very hard to find parts, if at all - 8.5/10.
Renault 9 Turbo - Ridiculous to get parts 9.5/10, no digital parts databases, 30+ years out of production and virtually none left on the road and with added frustration, as the 9 was made in Turkey till 2000 - I can see parts on the web on Turkish sites but getting anyone to ship to the UK is nigh-on impossible. The one package I have got cost more in postage than parts. Same for the stuff I had to ship from Argentina, £90 parts, £110 in postage and tax!!

Oddly enough though I have found a brand new, never used RHD Renault 9 shell thats been stored dry for the last three decades. I've been trying to buy it for the last few years, trying to grind him down so he will sell it me just to shut me up! Imagine that, a rust free, fresh shell. Drool!
I have a contact in Turkey. We met him a few years ago on holiday and he now runs a business exporting lamps and pottery. My Mrs bought a lamp for a fair few ££, I was convinced we’d never see it and it arrived with minimal delays. He might be able to help with sourcing parts?


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
I have a contact in Turkey. We met him a few years ago on holiday and he now runs a business exporting lamps and pottery. My Mrs bought a lamp for a fair few ££, I was convinced we’d never see it and it arrived with minimal delays. He might be able to help with sourcing parts?
I'll drop you a PM when I do my next super-shop around the web :) thanks! Don't mind paying a bit extra for the help.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
That has been a genuine consideration - she rumbled what I was up to straight away haha, she's still game for it though! I also considered flying out, buying a whole R9 and filling it with bits and driving it home haha
That might not be as daft as it sounds!

Or if you're going for larger parts/panels/etc - maybe get a crappy van to fill up and drive back?


ClioSport Club Member
  21T, 9T, Meglio, V6
That might not be as daft as it sounds!

Or if you're going for larger parts/panels/etc - maybe get a crappy van to fill up and drive back?
I'd rent a newer one, then just sit it on the limiter all the way there and back. Cos thats what everyone does with rental hacks anyway lol.

I found a load more parts here, Spanish site, the assholes wont reply to me though
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Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'd rent a newer one, then just sit it on the limiter all the way there and back. Cos thats what everyone does with rental hacks anyway lol.

I found a load more parts here, Spanish site, the assholes wont reply to me though
If you're struggling with any translation Dave (should they get back to you?!) - forward it to me. Our next door neighbour speaks fluent Spanish and would be happy to help.
