It says to re set your password you must use the ps3 console you activated your account on. Me and probably a few other million people don't have the same ps3 my account was activated on.
When you get a new console you're meant to activate your profile on that console I think. I don't think it allows you to add money etc for psn store unless you've activated on the new console. Im sure I had this issue on my 2nd psn cause I couldn't find activate crap in menus.
Edit: this is what I'm thinking of
Make sure your PS3 system is set up correctly to download PlayStation Network content.
For certain types of PlayStation Network content, the PlayStation 3 system that the content is intended to be used on must be activated by the PlayStation Network account that purchased the content.*
This is an important requirement as, if the correct PS3 system is not activated, then it can not be used to access the content that you may have purchased.*
A maximum of five game systems may be registered to a single PlayStation Network account at any one time. If you wish to deactivate a PS3 system from your PlayStation Network account, you must do so by accessing the PlayStation Network account with the registered PS3 system you wish to deactivate.**
Activate/Deactivate a PS3 system
1. Sign in to your PlayStation Network account via the PlayStation 3 system
On the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) Menu, go to PlayStation Network > [Sign In].
2. Go to [Account Management]
Highlight [Account Management] and press the X button.
3. Go to [System Activation]
Highlight [System Activation] and press the X button.
4. Choose your system
Highlight [PS3™ System] and press the X button.
5. Select your content
Select the type of content you want your PS3 system to use and press the X button.
6. Activate/Deactivate your system