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Recommend a wax....

Upto £30, good for dark metallics (blue), appearance main concern rather than durability. Currently thinking DodoJuice Blue velvet or Purple Haze as I really like the Light Fantastic I have for the cup at the moment, but would like some recommendations.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Hmmm, Dodo stuff is really good mate, not the most durable so i'd go for purple haze "pro"

Buy a sample pot for £10..

That'll do your car 8-10 layers if you're really easy and apply it thinly. Get a dodo finger mitt if you can.

If you like it buy a full pot. £30 is a hard budget mate is kinda middle of the road and here are lots of waxes but some will last 6 months and look average and useability is average others won't last past 3 months but will look good and not set like concrete.


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
Lols I was editing my thread to include vics when the phone went. Good taste mate. £19.95

Bargain, known for it's looks and beading over it's durability.

Also maybe worth looking at the sealant route? Car will repel dirt and water a bit better than a wax but won't bead quite aswell. This offers 6 months protection with the right application...

£16.95 :)
  Golf GT & A4 Avant
Autoglym HD wax online is under £30, I really rate it and think it looks lovely on the LY. I'm yet to try the DJ waxes though as the reports of poor durability put me off, as incase I can't wash and reapply regularly I'd need to start again. tempted by a panel pot of orange crush or bannana armour to try over the summer though

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
I'm half way through a Dodo juice panel pot and have applied around 5 layers, value for money!

Also it smells amazing and it's fun applying by finger.
Missed the sample pot of purple haze pro earlier, might try that. Though vic contours is a good shout also. Cheers for the suggestions guys!
  Black Sheep
Just used vics today. It was my first time using it and found it amazing. Was easy to apply with a foam applicator and buffed of really nicely with a microfibre. I done the whole car and hardly used any. God knows how many coats the tub could do.
  172 RS Ph1
Collinite 476S as the first coat, then top with Mothers Reflections Top Coat for an immense shine.

But, there are sooo many combinations to make and products to go for..
  b/g 182, meg tourer
collinite 476 works a treat on my bg to be honest. very happy with it and seems to last!
a quick wipe over with quick detailer after giving it a wash brings it up a treat.
