Seen as I'm also using the project thread as a record of things I've replaced ! ( being a mechanic people assume you neglect cars , and because I don't have receipts because everything is bought at trade ! )
Ill also be updating other things I've done in the past !
Ive just been cleaning my boot out and found a few parts I'd forgot I'd fit haha
Just before I decatted the Titty , I kept getting a MIL light flashing at me , never stayed on constantly just flashed , when you turned the car off it went off and stayed off for a week maybe two !
This first started happening at the car wash, I thought t maybe just a little water running into a sensor under the bonnet, but on my work I had it appear again ! Lacked a little power too !
That night I took a friend pub (also a very competent mechanic ) he commented saying the car ran rough , my Missus always complained but I just said they do ! Likes I'd been told they run rough on idle !
He was adamant there was the smallest misfire possible , so I said ill have a gander , the next Saturday went up his garage and robbed his diag comp to read why the MIL was flashing , I put it down to the huge holes I had in the rotten exhaust system !
Read the codes I'd got a few lambda codes (

) and a coil pack one ! (Smart arse) lol so I decided I aren't fault finding , I priced up a new Renault coil pack , leads and spark plugs!
They weren't overly expensive around £60 for the lot iirc , replaced the lot , and ran like a dream , it didnt really run rough on idle , a very little but not a lot , and seamed to pull a lot better , I guess because it was like that when I bought it , I never noticed the lack of power and the idle I thought was normal !
Put that down to experience this time
