ClioSport Club Member
Tapatalk. No issues.
Although the penis enlargement adverts always seem appealing.
Although the penis enlargement adverts always seem appealing.
Pauper account, because Failsworth
Nothing wrong with the part of failsworth I live in.
Ask Jon. The scariest person who lives there is Schoi. And he's sound if you're one of my mates.
He's also a top notch mechanic...
It's no Unit BBQ, but a good northern effort
The worst two times I've been late have been after Chester meets! Wasn't as bad as last time though when I had a full on sleep in...
Looks like a cracking meet though lads, nice "club" feel to it too, rather than just a random mcdonalds car park where no one talks to eachother other than via tapatalk or some s**t.
Looks like a good one! FFS. I should've sacked off work stuff and come along.
Was a good meet!
Surprised this morning when I woke up I didn't feel sick.
Cheers to those that cooked the food while we played nerfball.
oh yeah just seen him on the first page i think ive seen this coming out of blacon a fews ago
I saw that one before too. I started flashing him, then realised I was driving the vanI'm near there all the time I'll keep my eye out for it, I just seen a liquid yellow 182 on hoole road 05 reg with black lights I should have asked if he wanted to sell it to me haha
I'm near there all the time I'll keep my eye out for it, I just seen a liquid yellow 182 on hoole road 05 reg with black lights I should have asked if he wanted to sell it to me haha
That ly182 is always around chester it's a older guy who drives it he won't sell it I've asked a few time's and left a note on the window lol he's had it from new but he dose give it some beans every now and then.
lol! pikey ftw!
because you suck lol. i had this on cs and nwa. almost nobody replied to me
FU... I've not seen you out in weeks!
And yea I saw it but I didn't realise so many were going.
Then we all drove home. Although I was behind joey and he decided to follow Scott back to Chester so pulling along side him and attempting to shout over his exhaust to say "follow me" proved quite difficult.
Anyone got a decent video of the traffic cone exhaust or fireworks?
ive been hiding in cheshire... trying to get my new house nice. then once its nice, invites will be sent out for bbqs/general meetings lol
Your very very wrong mate! I've bin to meets when its bin like that but you wont find that with us lol! There's always something going on! Always banter
LMFAO Jon was the one that broke down and I was still getting ripped into! We literally got there at 10 or something and we stayed till like 1 waiting for the AA and to get it fixed!
But yeah as everyone said. NW meets aren't anything like you'd imagine a typical car nerd internet people meet. We all know each other quite well now so it's just a chance for a good catch up and general fannying around.
And playing poke fun at the rusty ford owner with the overly long floppy hair.
wasnt that the night joey was like 5 hours late for work lol?
I think so, also he was just stood by a petrol pump having a smoke!