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ScarySquirrel's Arctic Blue 182

  Albi Blue RS 200
AB was my fav colour when I had my 172....that's why I had an Iceburg Silver haha.

Looks well, still got a spot for the older Clios
  Looking for 182
I've posted this in media as well, but I may as well keep this up to date :)

After seeing a few other members having a similar mod done, and getting really fed up of my exhaust blowing, I took my car to see Tom and James at JMS. They have done a fantastic job and I am over the moon with how the car feels, and how it sounds.

It might just be placebo, but the car feels so much more....I don't know, solid I guess. The exhaust sound is PERFECT when inside the car. There is a really really nice deep noise when putting your foot down, and it's just loud enough to cover the noisy engine, but not so loud that my ears feel like they are going to bleed.

I'm actually surprised how raspy it sounds from the video below, it's a much deeper noise inside.

Anyway, here are the photos:




Video / Before (standard Milltek cat-back, with a rattley noise which I believe was caused by a rusted clamp/bolts):


Video / After:


So yeah, I am very happy. Most of all with the fact my exhaust now isn't blowing, yay :)
  Looking for 182
No problem :)

It really does sound completely different in the car compared to those videos though, worth mentioning. On the motorway coming back from JMS it didn't seem to drone either. Yeah, it was a bit louder when putting your foot down, but it was just about right :)
  mondeo titanium tdci
Looks so much better with out those tints mate can you find the part number for the Renault F1 team badge on the bonnet I like it
Love this car! Also really like the exhaust mod... Definitely going to consider this in future for mine, sounds great
  Looking for 182
Yeah I'd definitely recommend it. I know it makes it a little bit harder to go back to standard if I come to sell it, but it was definitely worth it. To not have the exhaust blowing is a blessing, but the extra noise is brilliant.
  clio, 1.4 dynamique
love this car mate!! looks and sounds really good! exhaust sounds nice but isn't too much if you know what i mean?

can't wait till i'm a bit older and can afford to move on to an RS.
  Clio RS 182
:) did i or did i not say you would like it with a straight through on? eh eh eh eh lol.

that rattling and crap was probably to do with the milltek resonator tbh mate, the baffles went in mine.
  Looking for 182
hehe, you did indeed, and you couldn't have been more right :)

I would hope it wasn't a problem with the exhaust, as it had only been on a week or so when that video was made :p

Random picture from today, no different to the others though really, it's clean though so a good excuse to post one!:

  Clio 182
Looks nice!

Where did you get the alloy foot rest from???

Do you have any pics of the wheels and painted calipers?? I am thinking of painting mine but not sure what colour to do!
  Trophy #382
Did this cost a lot to do? Im fed up with my scorpion leaking!! also interested in taking the centre silencer out :evil:
  Looking for 182
I took it to Elite in Rainham at the weekend to get the alignment done.





Not sure why one of the things is still red, they said that one isn't adjustable, and it might be out because it had knocked a kerb or something in the past. Not sure if this is something to worry about or not.

The car does feel better, it goes straight for a start :)

I also just did a quick (terrible) photoshop and have managed to convince myself this is what I need to do!!!
The silver wheels look a bit blue, but you get the idea!

As it stands

Terrible PS job



ClioSport Moderator
Good job, the back being out isn't the end of the world and there's not too much you can do about it really.

I need to get mine back down there now, since me and Budgie knocked my tracking out :(

As for the wheels, silver look great, but the current colour looks by no means bad.

If I were you (and they're not kerbed to f**k, I wouldn't bother)
  Looking for 182
Minor update, I got the bullets sprayed :)



My group buy adjustable ARB also arrived today, so hopefully I can fit that this weekend at some point :)


ClioSport Club Member
  Many Things
Really like this mate, you will love the rear ARB, I've got a whiteline on mine and its by far the best mod you will do.

How does the car drive now since its been alligned properly?
  Looking for 182
It definitely feels better now it's aligned, it feels more predictable which is good, so I'm glad I got it all sorted.

I fitted the ARB this afternoon, it took a while, but it's on and I am SO happy with it. I know people question KTEC coilovers, and the whole time I have had them I have too, as I've never been as confident in the car with them on as I was when I was on cup suspension or Sportlines, but now it feels AMAZING! I am so so so happy I bought it. I can't wait to give it a proper run out tomorrow morning on the way to work.

Considering my front tyres are on the legal limit (need to replace soon), and it's wet out, I was amazed at how planted to the road it felt.



Another exterior shot for the hell of it, as I am very happy with it right now :)



ClioSport Club Member
  Mk1 Audi TT 3.2 V6
Loving this motor at the mo. Just ticking all the boxes.

You got any more plans engine wise? Matched inlets? Remap?
  Looking for 182
I've had it remapped already, and I'm not really planning anything else now. I just need a couple of new tyres up front and a proper clean (hopefully getting a DA polisher at the end of the month) and I'll be ready for summer.

I've spent far too much on it, so now I need to enjoy it :)
  Looking for 182
I went to Eurospec today.

The fan was too bloody loud!!





  LY R26 #288
Not bad, I want to get mine done!. What do you think of the remap? did you 'lose' the 5k kick?.
  Looking for 182
Not bad, I want to get mine done!. What do you think of the remap? did you 'lose' the 5k kick?.

I'd highly recommend it. You do lose that kick, but as the graph above shows you get a much smoother delivery of power. I prefer it with the remap.
  LY R26 #288
Hmm I like the kick lol. I need to go in someones car that has a remap to see what its like first I think.
  Looking for 182
Thanks dude. I've always used AutoGlym Shampoo, however I've just bought some Meguiars Hyper wash so will be using that for the foreseeable future :)


ClioSport Club Member
not yet but im booking in for cat mod, matched inlets, v6 induction and remap from jms. there so busy it takes a while for them to reply! i want it asap!!
  LY R26 #288
Awesome I'll have to come out in one of your cars and see what the power output is like after a remap. :)
  182 Trophy
As I've expressed on OcUK, absolutely love it :)

How much lighter are the Turinis than the standard wheels?
