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Slow o2 internet


ClioSport Moderator
Any one else experiencing this? I'm getting a 0.99 mb/s download and a 1.0 mb/s upload????

Thought it was my comp being funny, not the net, oh how wrong I was, spent all night messing about with comp, no avail, one simple speed test, BAM!

Will be phoning o2 when i return from work tmrw. :(
ive been with o2 for 15months, never receiving more than 0.3mb...ever! I dream of 1mb broadband!

its because of the crappy exchange though, they refuse to upgrade it. Come Feb I'm switching to cable.


  911 GTS Cab

thats my current speed with o2, couldn't be happier, when i first got it i was getting 2 mb though, called them up and its the router thats the issue, the wireless isn't great on it. I plugged it in by a cable, did a speed test and got the above results. Used wireless and it went back down to 1.5mb.

router was in a different room, so have now moved the router to when i use the internet, now getting the above speed with wireless and my xbox is in the other room and am getting perfect connections on MW2.

so maybe try plugging into the router by cable to make sure its not a wireless problem like i had, i didn't believe it could make that much difference (as my computer was showing an excellent full connection to the router), just wasn't getting the speed i should have, nothing to do with my broadband connection though!


Formerly Mashed up egg in a cup
ClioSport Club Member
ive been with o2 for 15months, never receiving more than 0.3mb...ever! I dream of 1mb broadband!

its because of the crappy exchange though, they refuse to upgrade it. Come Feb I'm switching to cable.
Can you even load a web page with 0.3! Jeez words would be had!
Mines been fine, but I haven't been on it since Sunday.

Just receieved this email though:

We’re sorry but your O2 Home Broadband will be slower than normal between this Saturday (21/11/2009) 08:00am and Sunday (22/11/2009) 08:00am. A transport company is doing some major track side maintenance work where we have some cables, which will affect the speed of your broadband service. Even though this is beyond our control, we’re sorry.

Once the work has been completed, your speed will return to normal.

Bob Dunn

General Manager, Customer Experience Delivery


I have had loads of issues with the 02 router, but is fine when connected directly. Going to replace the router soon.
  320d M Sport
i also received that email but from 6pm yesterday its been slow. Really bad. Also my wireless light on the 02 wireless box2 is flashing. I presume its a problem at their end. Im in cheshire...manchestser way.
  Partner's Astra SRi
Mine's been absolutely fine. Got the email so I'm expecting it to get bad on Saturday.


  911 GTS Cab
i also received that email but from 6pm yesterday its been slow. Really bad. Also my wireless light on the 02 wireless box2 is flashing. I presume its a problem at their end. Im in cheshire...manchestser way.
surely the wireless light should be flashing, it shows its connected and tranferring data over wireless.....
  320d M Sport
no, its flashing when nothing (no devices are active). im sure it didn t do this before? its always flashed to show data transfer, but this is a systematic flash even when nothing's going on. I checked our kids tonight...he lives 6 miles away and his has started to do this too
