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Snooper S6 Neo Plus - Any Good?

  RB 182
I need something that'll warn me of fixed speed cameras well in advance, and also of radar guns in advance, before they get me!

6 points in 3 months is starting to worry me, both were by cops hiding down streets with a radar :mad:

I have slowed down aswell, but i just want that extra security if poss

Is the Snooper any good?
Yeah that ones good but i have the s4 neo with the radar add on because it has voice .Dont think that one has but at the end of the day evan with it once they point it at you and it pick it up they have got your speed i had it with mine it told me radar and he all ready putting the gun down lucky someone flashed me so i knew he was there
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Mobile traps use laser not radar (for a few years now).

If you need warning on locations of GATSOs you really shouldn't be speeding.
There are still radar guns out there you have to break f**king quick for them not to get your speed evan quicker with the laser so with any radar device you cant react quick enough the main thing i use mine for is the gps locations gatsos etc and having the radar it tells me if the are live
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Smoked anything recently ?? Radar takes a second or so to get a speed reading, no way can you react quick enough to slow down intime.

Either way, I haven't heard of anyone using radar guns for a year or so now. All laser, it's pretty much just as cheap, and has a much higher range.
That right and laser is even faster at getting a reading so the laser and radar detectors just tell you that you have been caught
