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stealing Renault Sports via house breakin......

  RB + LY 182 FF
long story short, was at pub ( 2 min from home) with gf, sister at mine babysitting, got txt/missed calls saying someone in my back garden right next to back door ! at approx 12.40am me n gf ran back to find he cleared off, rang police too busy etc, got me thinking allsorts of what he wants, my back garden has nothing init, he came as close as to the back door with security light on and dog barking looking right at him thru window/door, surely oppertunist would quickly move on and leg it ! not this guy he hides behind house wall ( side of back door) my sister gone in kitchen telling my dog to calm down ( she didnt realise someone was in back garden) she went towards dog bed and glanced at rear of kitchen and spotted guy peircing thru door looking right at her, he then legged it. i aint sure on demand on clio 172 anymore but i can only think they is something he wants to get as close as back door ?!?!? i dont have things in house on show etc, kinda shittin it, am sat on sofa with quilt !
gutted for my sister ( 16) having to go thru this,shame i want here, also happy my staff is a good guard dog . hope he dont come back tbh.
  Was a 197
i heard something also about if you leave your keys so that can be seen thru the letterbox, that a thief will get a long rod with a hook on it and hook the keys and steal your car too. it was probably the dog that put him off as the dog would rip his b*ll*ck* off!!!!
  120d M-Sport
Shame to hear that matey, least nothing was taken and you have a dog to scare away intruders, he was probably just a chancer and hearing the dog will have put him off even more.

I really dont think there will be a demand on 172s but i could be wrong. :S

Bet your sister was well shook up seeing someone in your back garden, cant stand thiefs :mad:
  172 cup
This happened to me about 2 months after moving into my new house, in bed asleep one night, get woken up by the doorbell ringing flat out. go down to open the door and cant find my keys, the gf comes down with hers and opens the door. There stands a copper, my mum and dad (dont live far from them) and my mate. When asked what the f**k are you doing at this time of the morning i get the reply your cars been nicked. To cut a long story short the broken in my back door, found all of my keys even spares! Moved my work van out the way of my dive then pushed my ar down the road where the thick t***s couldnt start it hada arguement about pushing it which woke my mate he shouted then they ran off!
  Was a 197
This happened to me about 2 months after moving into my new house, in bed asleep one night, get woken up by the doorbell ringing flat out. go down to open the door and cant find my keys, the gf comes down with hers and opens the door. There stands a copper, my mum and dad (dont live far from them) and my mate. When asked what the f**k are you doing at this time of the morning i get the reply your cars been nicked. To cut a long story short the broken in my back door, found all of my keys even spares! Moved my work van out the way of my dive then pushed my ar down the road where the thick tw*ts couldnt start it hada arguement about pushing it which woke my mate he shouted then they ran off!

So in theory your car wasn't nicked, just moved. Still scary though
  172 cup
Well if they used the right key it would of been nicked lol but out of 3 keys they chose the one that wasnt chipped
  RB + LY 182 FF
yeah i thought my dog would of put him off, as soon as security light comes in in back garden from where my dog's bed is postioned she can see the back wall, she would have watched him climb over she was barking from then..yet he carried on getting in the garden and waited at side of door til dog calmed down or to see if someone dealt with the dog etc, my sister walked in kitchen and put light on ,he was still hiding i persume he would of carried on having it not been for my sister spotting half of his face peircing thru door ( back door is uPVC with glass penel in top half thickened glass) no blinds etc id rather have harley my dog spot intruders asap, from past experiance ( shed got done over-diff address) harley was no use no orniment because she couldnt see anything thru blinds.
my house has same as most, nothing special, why would he risk it with a dog etc even knowing someone was in house, he only legged it cos my sister spotted him, as for keys i usally leave them in kitchen draw or on fireplace.
my neighbour was leaving pub at 12.40 and lives over road from me im gonna go round later and ask if he spotted anyone running /walking away at tht time. i just persumed it would be for the car keys, plenty of other terraced houses round here and the 3 houses next to me on my row have been living here least 21 years each and neither of them have been broken into. sh!t night on sofa. dont fink i will sleep proper for a few nyts :(
"she went towards dog bed and glanced at rear of kitchen and spotted guy peircing thru door looking right at her"

that bits freaky! makes me think of the film, the shining! Heres Johnny!!
  HyperAlloy Combat Chassis
Aye, similar story. I was sitting at my PC one night and the security light goes on. I look out the blinds to see some chavy little c**k in a track suit looking in my conservatory. I opened the window and asked him politly what he was doing. He didn't say anything and started to casually stroll away, hands in pockets.

I happened to have a replica Colt M4 full auto airsoft gun handy, so I whipped it out and gave him a good pasting. Shifted quick enough then the little c**t.
s**t tbh. some right scum out there. i've had the same thing, watched a fella trying to make off with a set of golf clubs and some other things over a 6ft gate after breaking into our garage, it was amusing (he failed, bumbling c*nt) but really shakes you up. i suppose it's the thought of someone getting into your home which you'd like to think was secure which does it. b******s.

tbh i think i'd wrap a golf club round someones head if they tried it with me, regardless of whether i came a roy cropper or not. defending yourself FTW. that or go for the crown jewels. haha.

hope all involved are ok though fella, sounds like you've got a good guard dog there.
  172 cup
Not wanting to scare you mate but be careful. I had my car stolen off my drive in the middle of the night about this time last year. The scumbag broke into my house and stole my keys while me & my girlfriend were asleep there obviously is some demand for Clio's still.

I was lucky not to get hurt and to get my car back untouched. The guy got 6 years because stuff from 20 other burglaries was found in his house!

Take care mate, I'm sure the bloke won't be stupid enough to come back after seeing your dog!
  V6 255 (Illiad Blue)
Had my first 172 nicked same way, 2 tw4ts one in a 306, the other bolt crops the security post, and breaks through a double glazed leaded arch window dives through glass grabs keys and f ucks off with the car, never found, less than 2 months old. This was back in 2002.
  Glanza V
sleep wif the keys under ya pillow, there not gunna get ya keys then is he/she unless................................ :S

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Hopefully that will be the end of it. An opportunist that is probably more concerned at being spotted than coming back?

When we were at uni in Plymouth - came back to the house one afternoon to see one hooded bloke, half out of the window. He'd clearly heard the front door being unlocked and decided to leg it.

Good timing too. He/they stole nothing but had taken the time to scawl on the dining room wall 'We will be back'. Had they had a few minutes longer, they could have taken s**tloads of stuff.

Feck all happened in the 18 months afterwards that we were in the house, but there were loads of petty thefts in the area. Quite a few cars with windows put through, with glove boxes that had been rifled through. c**ts. :(

