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The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

Stay Puft

ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 172
Fella near me seems to collect Pumas. Dont see them nowadays. Has a few on his drive and these dumped round the corner. Think he has a FRP somewhere.



ClioSport Club Member
This may upset you but I really like them. They’d be better as genuine CS wheels but it gives it that nice retromod feel. Much better than those little multi spoke abominations they came with
Agreed, i think the wheels really suit it.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi

Short Norman

ClioSport Club Member
  997 C4S
Look pretty bad from most angles, but is it better or worse than a Urus? I'm not quite sure. Seen a few of those Lotus SUV around now too, in lairy colour they look awful, but there was a grey one down the seafront the other day and it didn't look so bad (for what it was)
To be honest it looked better than I thought it would. There was one of the Lotus SUV’s there too, in some kind of flip paint/wrap and it looked just awful.

I’ve a friend that’s got a DBX and think that looks ok from the front but side on or from the rear it looks awkward and Urus’s are too Bradford spec for me.

I’d just got for a nice gentleman spec big daddy Range Rover if it was me.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
To be honest it looked better than I thought it would. There was one of the Lotus SUV’s there too, in some kind of flip paint/wrap and it looked just awful.

I’ve a friend that’s got a DBX and think that looks ok from the front but side on or from the rear it looks awkward and Urus’s are too Bradford spec for me.

I’d just got for a nice gentleman spec big daddy Range Rover if it was me.

I'm really not an SUV fan, but if I had to have a big, powerful one, I'd probably go for an X5M - There's one at work and it does look impressive, if you're into that kind of thing❕

