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The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
That Singer is bloody lovely.
Dribble worthy!!!

I saw a grey 'maxxed up' VW Caddy last night with nice big wheels & brakes etc, lowered with a number plate ending in DSG. I thought it looked great! It was a diesel smoker but it looked nice. I looked it up and it's a 2011 on almost 200k.
Yeah man!! Still the b****cks!!! I'm not 100% sure on the Capri RS 3100 tyre rear spoiler, not seen that on an Escort before, but it looks pretty good!


aka Philomena Cunk aka Barry Shitpeas
ClioSport Club Member
Yeah the big gay wing looks crap, but if I was belting through the woods inches from death I'd probably care more about grip than looks too.

I could do with borrowing one of those go carts, spend longer walking than I do putting graphics up.
Just a saw a bright green, loud as f**k (motorbike loud) Lamborghini Huracan Spyder, it might have been a Performante, but it didn't have the side stripes, just one up the front. It had the rear wing though. It had some dodgy private plate on it.
I saw it again this morning, still loud AF! :censored:


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
ford did some wheels on the Escort Gti that looked similar to the escort cosworth wheels, but I don't think they were as wide. I've seen these on ERST's but never seen proper escort Cosworth wheels on anything other than Cosworth's (escort and sierra).

Well other than the van above.

There was also a company that made replica escort Cosworth wheels in 18" size. They looked much better than the standard 16's.

Genuine Escos alloys on a Clio 182

Clio Cossy 02.jpg
Oh yeah, I forgot, I saw a white 17 reg Alfa 4C Spider yesterday with black wheels (non teledial ones) It looked so s**t!


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Seen this wee crazy thing, First time I have ever seen one and it comes up as a Toyota

