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The everlasting ph1 ITB Build **GREEN-BUILD STARTS AT PAGE 100**

  CLIO PH1 172
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

what car is it actually for? or is it a custom jobby for something? does look very nice on the ph1 bumper
  CLIO PH1 172
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

when you say 'cannards' are they the little bars that support,adjust it and attach to bumper?
  Evo 5 RS
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

haha, you're worse than me. Should look reet that
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Interesting features your looking at.

Can't say I'm a fan of these book shelf type splitters on the clios.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Interesting features your looking at.
Can't say I'm a fan of these book shelf type splitters on the clios.

put it this way, when i saw matt wills' splitter i thought that, his was f*cking huge,
although this one looks big in the picture it only sticks out about an inch, it really isn't that big,

as with the overfenders, if it looked pap it wouldn't go on, the fact it will aid downforce will help alot also
  Evo 5 RS
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

reverie would probably cook you up something lush mate - but probably charge you the earth lol. No harm in asking, mind


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

well that splitter is coming now so job done,
had a look for the cannards i was mentioning, balls though, it seems they are winlets to sit on the corner of the bumpers.... ass

that website above is awesome


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

to be honest i am goint to have alot of left over carbon anyway from other bits that i am making so i will probably make some up myself, that way i can cut exactly the shape i need / want, thankyou though
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

put it this way, when i saw matt wills' splitter i thought that, his was f*cking huge,
although this one looks big in the picture it only sticks out about an inch, it really isn't that big,

Cool. I like the way it is narrow in the middle of the bumper.
  182cup & 172 racecar
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

As I said to Niel,we were going to have this but it doesn't fit into the profile regs:dapprove:


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

As I said to Niel,we were going to have this but it doesn't fit into the profile regs:dapprove:

i should consider profile i am sure this will not mix well with the lane i have to drive down to the
  182cup & 172 racecar
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Be good for collecting the horse muck for the roses though.


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

yay...full front end Powerflex kit has just turned up......
awesome, now all i need to sort is the actual suspension
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Kamskill where by far the cheapest when I ordered my polly bushes!
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Pmsl at boosh. OCHD! Obsessive compulsive hater disorder ;) x
  Evo 5 RS
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

demontweeks are the nuts. Great service too, like. I paid 101 delivered for my front kit


ClioSport Club Member
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

so another day on the car today,
i went down to the unit trying to think what i needed to do, i was struggling, i knew there was a fair bit still to do but i just couldn't think what, it wasn't until i got there and started looking about at stuff that i started to find things.. it turned out to be a load of little jobs, but again they all need doing.

So the first job of the day was to run the battery cable from the engine bay through into the car. To do this i first wanted to remove the ecu off the brackets, the water bottle and the power steering bottle as these were still holding the last bit of hear shield/carpet at the back of the engine bay. It all came away quite easily. the ecu's were unplugged and there was loads of access.



am i right in saying that you can somehow just bolt the ecu back down like the above?...sure people have done it without having to drill more holes etc.

With all that out the way i found a nice spot to run the battery cable, this would sit about half an inch below were the bonnet release cable passes through, here you can see the cable going into the car from the bay...


and then out the other side...


i do have a bung for it so it will be water-tight, but that was at home, will only get removed before paint anyways...
so onto the next job, i keep grinding and cutting bits and thinking i have done, i did this the other week, but i still had stuff to do, on todays list was the tailgate, the steering column and the rear seat upper mounts, so first of all with the air-saw in hand i got to work on the tailgate, i was super happy with my neatness, it doesn't really matter as this will be covered in carbon anyways, but nice to be neat.


next up was the steering column, you can see where i had marked up for chopping (it seems hit and miss what clios had the extra bits, oh well gone now anyways)
marked up



and after, nice and neat, i air-sawed these then took a grinding disc too them to get them nice and smooth


and finally on my path of destruction was the rear seat upper mounts, i was a little unsure how / where to cut this but with a change from the grinding disc to a cutting one i felt the force and just cut away..... job done, and again tidied with the grinder.... happy days, and i think i really am finished now with the power tools....


final bits of metal removed today


i am sure i did a few other little jobs inbetween but they were pointless to post i think, another thing i wanted to do was remove the massive weight on the drivers side front strut tower, so engine jacked up, engine mount removed and then big weight removed... nice big empty space, surprised how heavy that bloody thing


so that was basically it, a little bit of admin and a few other things but on the whole another good day. tomorrow i am going to collect my polycarb windows from tony at ACW motorsport plastics, i really can't wait, will post up some pics when i get home....
  TrackCar & F30 330d
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Excelent work matey.

Are you going to do anything with the huge indicator & Wiper stalk thing, The bit that goes behind the wheel Boss. Mine looks really gay and i cant really thing of a way to tidy it up!
  CLIO PH1 172
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

are you going to keep the original boot lock or use pins?
  182cup & 172 racecar
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

I think you have been looking on our car Mr Bone.;)

You need too get that battery cable out and drill it bigger,then put one of those funny grommets in,they come in two pieces or your going to be in big trouble.
  Trophy Turbo :)
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

I think you have been looking on our car Mr Bone.;)

You need too get that battery cable out and drill it bigger,then put one of those funny grommets in,they come in two pieces or your going to be in big trouble.

a 999 call i think LOL
  182cup & 172 racecar
Re: No Compromise ph1 ITB build (Fastcar, BTM, TDF, RS Fab) - ITB update p77

Yeah could use one of those,but the only thing is it's another two joints which is not such a good idea.I'm trying to find the one I mean.
