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ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
There are a few bits and pieces outstanding chaps. The engine is all built and ready to go in - as is the gearbox - but it's the work around it that also needs to be done. Off the top of my head: engine to go in along with full hardpipe kit, turbo, downpipe, intercooler, fitment of new exhaust, installation of revised fuel system and swirl pot (and pump, regulators, etc), fitting of new gearbox, installation of new uprated clutch, new / custom loom with firewall block adapter for easy (dis)connection if the engine has to go in/out, installation of digital dash and programming for custom sensor setup (I have extra sensors in the engine for monitoring cylinder temps and similar), installation and setup of trick ECU, setup for boost by gear, flatfoot shifting, setup installation of new big brake kit, EPAS conversion, installation of new Mark Fish Trophy springs, refurb of Sachs dampers, powdercoating of hard pipes, new tyres, safe mapping for running in, running in, final maps, etc. There are all other little things like new pads and discs, suspension refresh, new steering wheel... to be honest, I can't even remember myself at the moment.

It's still at the workshop mate.

So basically everything?? After 2.5 years??



ClioSport Admin
I hope this gets sorted soon mate.

I've met a lot of people in this scene over the years and you are right up there as one of nicest I've met. If anyone deserves this to be sorted quickly it's you.

All the best mate.


ClioSport Club Member
So basically everything?? After 2.5 years??
I think that's a fair and valid point on reflection mate. A fair chunk has been done in terms of the engine build itself, and the gearbox, but they were done by 'external' specialists and did't take 2.5 years!

The thing is I didn't approach the gentlemen for help; they graciously offered their help and support and I naturally accepted. Who wouldn't? I just think life has got in the way and they have lost interest, which leaves me in a bit of a bad position. I've got a driving holiday booked beginning of September (with the Trophy) as I fully expected the car to be ready. I can't see that happening now so giving up my place on that along with losing my pre-paid accommodation payments and so-forth. It's not just the fact the car is taking so long; it's also the fact that driving is my hobby / passion and I've not been able to do what I enjoy for a long time now (ok, there's the Type-R but that is really the missus' car hence I have to respect her wishes not to break it!)

Where is the car now?

I'm sure if we got a few heads together, most of that list could be done in a day.
It's in Glastonbury mate. There' also a fair bit more work than meets the eye. However, I do appreciate the sentiment and idea :)

I hope this gets sorted soon mate.

I've met a lot of people in this scene over the years and you are right up there as one of nicest I've met. If anyone deserves this to be sorted quickly it's you.

All the best mate.
Cheers fella - I really appreciate the kind words and support. This highlights another aspect impacted by not having the Trophy... the fact I feel I'm missing out on events like CSF and, more importantly, meeting the folk behind the events and the folks that frequent them. I look forward to catching up with you soon mate - hopefully in Trophy #165. :up:
  330i. E30 Touring.
Gary Spooner at Littlehampton seems to be doing a lot of good work at the minute. I know he's sorted a few Clio Turbo problem cars out, so could be worth a shout?


ClioSport Admin
I think that's a fair and valid point on reflection mate. A fair chunk has been done in terms of the engine build itself, and the gearbox, but they were done by 'external' specialists and did't take 2.5 years!

The thing is I didn't approach the gentlemen for help; they graciously offered their help and support and I naturally accepted. Who wouldn't? I just think life has got in the way and they have lost interest, which leaves me in a bit of a bad position. I've got a driving holiday booked beginning of September (with the Trophy) as I fully expected the car to be ready. I can't see that happening now so giving up my place on that along with losing my pre-paid accommodation payments and so-forth. It's not just the fact the car is taking so long; it's also the fact that driving is my hobby / passion and I've not been able to do what I enjoy for a long time now (ok, there's the Type-R but that is really the missus' car hence I have to respect her wishes not to break it!)

It's in Glastonbury mate. There' also a fair bit more work than meets the eye. However, I do appreciate the sentiment and idea :smile:

Cheers fella - I really appreciate the kind words and support. This highlights another aspect impacted by not having the Trophy... the fact I feel I'm missing out on events like CSF and, more importantly, meeting the folk behind the events and the folks that frequent them. I look forward to catching up with you soon mate - hopefully in Trophy #165. :up:

Look forward to catching up with you at some point mate :up:


West Midlands
ClioSport Area Rep
Gary Spooner at Littlehampton seems to be doing a lot of good work at the minute. I know he's sorted a few Clio Turbo problem cars out, so could be worth a shout?
also this ashley guy does some real nice work sorted out this tech1 mess up 500hp beast

as said above may be worth having a chat with


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
Are you waiting on any vital bits Andy or is everything there and needing to be put together?


ClioSport Club Member
Gary Spooner at Littlehampton seems to be doing a lot of good work at the minute. I know he's sorted a few Clio Turbo problem cars out, so could be worth a shout?
Thanks for the suggestion - I've seen his name crop up a few times alongside the work he's undertaken. It's good to know there are options out there (although being burnt/unlucky so many times has made me a little weary!) As I'm not totally sure how this is going to work out yet it's certainly an option to consider should the need arise. Cheers :)

also this ashley guy does some real nice work sorted out this tech1 mess up 500hp beast

as said above may be worth having a chat with
Yep - another name I've seen a few times given the work he's done on Mehmet's beast. It looks a classy build that has been well put together.

Despite the ongoing delays I would like Mike to deliver and finish what he's done so far. There's no doubting his ability and track record; it's just pinning him down to when there's room for my car to get over to his workshop and for him to be able to spend the necessary time on it. Basically I'd like to see the same guys finish it that started it. I'm not sure how feasible that is right now hence appreciate the suggestion of a potential alternative.

Id be pulling the car from them and getting it elsewhere, you have been more than patient.
This may well be the route it goes mate. I'm not really prepared to let it hang any longer as I also feel I've been more than fair and patient. I wouldn't fall out with anyone over a car but I do feel like I'm having to bite my tongue sometimes due to the lack of progress. It's tough; I'm not in their shoes but I would have hoped the project would have been wrapped-up by now. I'm pretty sure they'd also want rid of the damn thing!

Even if you have to pay to get it low loaded, mate. Get it home and then you can decide what's next
I've got nowhere to store it at home right now - and being SORN I can't keep it on the road. I hate to think what state she's in!

Are you waiting on any vital bits Andy or is everything there and needing to be put together?
I like where you're going with this.
Not that I'm aware of. I think it's just minor fabrication and then all the bits going back in (along with the minor stuff like pads, discs, fluid). To the best of my knowledge pretty much everything needed has already been purchased. I don't know what's outstanding on the loom side (I think there's still a bit of wiring to be done and then the hooking up of the sensors, ECU, etc.)

As I think I mentioned above, I have had a firm offer of help in terms of getting the car finished should I wish to take it. It's a helping hand from a well-known specialist that I've been working with on some other (non-car) projects recently. I would like to accept his help (or, indeed, consider the options listed above) but I feel Mike should have the opportunity to finish off the work. I like the guy, he's a good egg and I trust his work. I just can't let it go on too much longer without seeing any progress though.

Is it just me or is the A Team playing in the background lol
Something about a plan coming together...?

Thanks all for the support and suggestions. I have a few things to think about and appreciate the input. One thing I don't want to happen is for this to turn into a witch hunt or mud-slinging blame-fest. The guys involved are my friends and I think they, in hindsight, probably took on far more than they could realistically deliver. Hindsight, eh? Let's see what happens in the next week or so and then some firmer decisions are going to have to be made. For my sanity as much as anything :)


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Can't believe this is still going on and you have been messed about yet again ! ( taken longer than btm who had it about 2 years and it lasted less than 2 months before going pop )
Really feel for you mate can't understand why everyone seems to take you for a mug TBH.
You really fo deserve an epic car out of this after all you have been thru .
Just out of interest Andy ( tell me to mind my own if you like ) do you pay up front for all this work with all the people who have had a go at doing this job ? Either that or you are just to nice and trusting .

It was disgusting how after 2 years and never being any good run going bang that btm never sorted it foc . After all he built it (took forever and was mapped by the best mapper so people say ) so if was either engine wrong or map wrong but neither seemed to Want to help you !

Hope it all turns out great in the end mate rally do .


ClioSport Club Member
Just out of interest Andy ( tell me to mind my own if you like ) do you pay up front for all this work with all the people who have had a go at doing this job ? Either that or you are just to nice and trusting.

Hope it all turns out great in the end mate rally do .
Cheers mate.
I'm starting to feel like a bit of a mug in all honesty. Maybe I'm part of the problem, too. I think I'm too laid back and 'soft' with an inherent healthy dose of patience. I also don't "do" conflict unless I feel threatened (or see threat towards family and loved ones). I always try to see the best in people and guess I expect them to act as I would, and that's not necessarily how the world works for one reason or another.

Due to the various delays and prolonged build time with Fred, and the unfortunate demise of the engine and gearbox, he dropped all labour charges. I just ended up paying for all the parts and a few quid here and there to cover expenses when he needed to collect / ship things around on my behalf. That saved a fair chunk of money but I had already spent a large chunk of money on what was quite a nicely spec'd ITB build. It was a shame that didn't work out. But - again - it should not have taken that long and it all seemed very rushed towards the end. There were a few things I wasn't happy with but that's all in the past now. s**t happens.

In terms of this latest build, the help was offered free of charge (i.e. no labour, just paying for parts). However, as I said to them at the start, and at various points, I don't expect the work for free and have budgeted accordingly. I have no problem at all in terms of paying for people's time and experience to get a professional job done. Expenses have been covered and a few quid extra sent their way in recognition of the time they have taken out of their schedule to run around on my behalf, trailer parts around, etc. As I was fortunate enough to have a budget set aside the money has not been an issue; from 5 quid for a gasket to 5 grand for the engine block, the payment has been made within minutes of any requests sent my way :) There have been a few hold-ups on parts (as is sometimes the case) and an issue when a burst water pipe caused damage to my new clutch, but nothing major.

give it to efi, be ready by lunch.

@bloke and efi should set up shop together imo
Now there's an idea... :)
  Impreza RB5 #054
Are you paying these people to do the work? Or is it a side gig for them to do in their free time and at a reduced rate?

What was the story behind the BTM engine failing? Just poorly put together?


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Are you paying these people to do the work? Or is it a side gig for them to do in their free time and at a reduced rate?

What was the story behind the BTM engine failing? Just poorly put together?

s**t job Imo 2 years and lots of bullshit excuses then went pop almost straight away and he washed his hands of it !
Either crap engine build or s**t mapping can't be any other possible reason !
What pissed me off most is how he slagged off the other tuners who had done the work before him and he took 2 years and it was a worse job and in true Clio sport fashion everyone was still saying how great Fred was ! FLOL

Andy deserved better than that after what he had been thru !


ClioSport Trader
Personally i always thought Fred was a miserable git (although that was perhaps just his dodgy brummy accent lol) whose ar5e everyone blew way too much smoke up. But alas, i digress, having been on here for years, ive seen more "traders" come & go than ive owned Cliosports. Which is probably alot.

To be perfectly honest, if this car takes any longer to build im going to come down there with @Budgie and whoever is left of failsport & put the thing together myself. F*ck knows how many cars ive owned in the time this has been off the road.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Personally i always thought Fred was a miserable git (although that was perhaps just his dodgy brummy accent lol) whose ar5e everyone blew way too much smoke up. But alas, i digress, having been on here for years, ive seen more "traders" come & go than ive owned Cliosports. Which is probably alot.

To be perfectly honest, if this car takes any longer to build im going to come down there with @Budgie and whoever is left of failsport & put the thing together myself. F*ck knows how many cars ive owned in the time this has been off the road.

Couldn't agree more !
  Evo 5 RS
Personally i always thought Fred was a miserable git (although that was perhaps just his dodgy brummy accent lol) whose ar5e everyone blew way too much smoke up. But alas, i digress, having been on here for years, ive seen more "traders" come & go than ive owned Cliosports. Which is probably alot.

To be perfectly honest, if this car takes any longer to build im going to come down there with @Budgie and whoever is left of failsport & put the thing together myself. F*ck knows how many cars ive owned in the time this has been off the road.

Fred worked for very little and some of the work he did in return was spot on. He didn't build this engine himself (although he may as well have), but it's clear that this type of build was not his forte and a little out of his depth. For me it was a similar story in that the work he personally carried out on the car was spot on, when he eventually got round to doing it.
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
Fred worked for very little and some of the work he did in return was spot on. He didn't build this engine himself (although he may as well have), but it's clear that this type of build was not his forte and a little out of his depth. For me it was a similar story in that the work he personally carried out on the car was spot on, when he eventually got round to doing it.

So he DIDN'T build the engine then ! ? This gets better. who did ?
  Evo 5 RS
So he DIDN'T build the engine then ! ? This gets better. who did ?

It doesn't get any better or worse, it's my understanding that he outsourced these types of builds. It doesn't really matter either way, does it? The engine was well out of tolerance and Andy got left with a pup.

K-Tec never built their engines in-house, either. They may well do now, who knows. People like to talk about the negative, and that's what sticks. There's very little trust left in the Renault scene when it comes to tuning and very few options. It's just a shame it's come to this. Bottom line, the engine was BTM's responsibility to put right, and he didn't.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clubman Cooper S
I think its the same old story, guy does work for friends, turns it into business, maintaining the friendly atmosphere, takes on to much because he doesnt want to let anyone down, gets out of depth and rides on past reputation until it all goes massively tits up and then name becomes mud. Theres at least 3 on this forum I can think of, numerous other marque specialists as well. BTM did some work on my 182 and it was always reasonably priced and done well, this was only bushes, brakes etc. though. Always enjoyed hanging around the workshop.


ClioSport Club Member
Feel the love... LOL!

I'm sure sharky would rather walk than drive a rb
Now you come to mention it... :tongueout:

Are you paying these people to do the work? Or is it a side gig for them to do in their free time and at a reduced rate?

What was the story behind the BTM engine failing? Just poorly put together?
They offered to do the work for free, which was an incredibly generous offer but one I was a little uncomfortable with. As said, I don't mind paying for a good job to be done. I don't expect people to give up their time for free nor do I expect to draw on their years of experience without fair compensation. To answer your second question, it is a 'side gig' insofar that it was/is being done in addition to their other work and commitments (hence my reluctance to push and badger them). Even so, I would have thought 2.5 years would be enough.

To be perfectly honest, if this car takes any longer to build im going to come down there with @Budgie and whoever is left of failsport & put the thing together myself. F*ck knows how many cars ive owned in the time this has been off the road.
Threat or a promise?! LOL! :smile:

Fred worked for very little and some of the work he did in return was spot on. He didn't build this engine himself (although he may as well have), but it's clear that this type of build was not his forte and a little out of his depth. For me it was a similar story in that the work he personally carried out on the car was spot on, when he eventually got round to doing it.
So he DIDN'T build the engine then ! ? This gets better. who did ?
It doesn't get any better or worse, it's my understanding that he outsourced these types of builds. It doesn't really matter either way, does it? The engine was well out of tolerance and Andy got left with a pup.
Despite the problem with the ITB build that Fred presided over I don't have any other real issues; his work was spot-on and prices cheap. It's just a shame things did not work out with my build, especially after the previous let-downs with other specialists. It went on far too long and there were too many issues / excuses / hold-ups / etc. along the way. For the record, the gearbox was outsourced to somebody that Fred uses (who decided to rebuild my gearbox with newly installed LSD... but using the old and existing parts, hence the failure!) He wasn't impressed and neither was I. However, Fred did build the engine in-house this time around. It was NOT outsourced (other than machining). Sadly it went a bit pear-shaped and the engine was not salvageable, hence quite a hefty blow to the wallet. Inspecting the engine afterwards was interesting as there were signs of issues and internal failures, making it difficult to say for sure what ultimately triggered the downfall. Tolerances were out, the cam journals had been eaten away and the Schricks scored. Cylinder walls scored and signs of significant borewash and a severe low oil pressure situation. The forged pistons were f**ked, didn't sit right in the cylinders and the cylinders seemed a touch on the oval side. However, it is also important to note that I wasn't too happy with the map and had wanted to get it looked at again; alas, it didn't last long enough to get it sorted. The fuelling just didn't seem right and I had issues at certain points in the rev range. That said, damage may also have been due to a faulty injector as this was also suspected given the inspection of the damage. It's hard to point the finger and apportion blame and that is NOT what I have done, nor am I looking to. I've said it a million times, s**t happens. Especially with modified cars. I'm more pissed off by the fact I've waited so long for builds than I am by the failures to be honest. I'm prepared to take the risk of failure (hence the reason I budget accordingly and go into the builds with eyes open to the risks) but it's hard to digest the lengthy build times when it rolls into years and years. There's no personal grudge or hidden agenda; I'm more than happy to chat with Fred (I enjoy a good laugh with him to be honest) as I am with Mike and Dan - they're mates after all and I wouldn't want a car to ruin that. I might get angry at the delays and cause a bit of friction / awkwardness for a while - but then it's over and done with and it's time to move on. I might be extremely annoyed with Dan and Mike for not being able to deliver but it won't be destructive and it doesn't mean I think any worse of their abilities. I'm just pissed for it taking time and not being delivered in a timely manner :smile: I think that's fair given my situation.

At least he got to drive round in Fred's v6 :tongueclosed:
True - that was awesome. But it also cost me about 4 grand by the time I had spent the money on new tyres, pencil coils (many), maintenance and fully-comp insurance for the best part of a year! I wish I'd bought it when he offered it me :tongueout:

I think its the same old story, guy does work for friends, turns it into business, maintaining the friendly atmosphere, takes on to much because he doesnt want to let anyone down, gets out of depth and rides on past reputation until it all goes massively tits up and then name becomes mud. Theres at least 3 on this forum I can think of, numerous other marque specialists as well. BTM did some work on my 182 and it was always reasonably priced and done well, this was only bushes, brakes etc. though. Always enjoyed hanging around the workshop.
Yeah, I see where you are coming from mate. It's slightly different in this case but you do highlight something that seems to happen quite a lot in these circles. Friendships won't be lost (even if it gets a bit awkward for a while) and I have no desire to mud-sling or tarnish reputations. Work has been great as far as I'm concerned; it's just not happened quickly enough!

I wonder why that was loaned out !
...because I didn't have a car and didn't fancy walking everywhere... :wink:
