Message overload - quote-a-thon incoming...
First-up, thanks for all the encouragement, advice, suggestions and support. I know I must sound like a broken record but even I am about at my wits end and reaching the end of my patience now. I'm quite a patient guy (really?!?! LOL!) but this has just become a complete shambles as time has gone on. I can't even begin to describe how let down I feel right now. Only a few posts ago I mentioned how there are far more important things in life than some little hatchback, and those words still ring true of course, but it's hard not to be royally pi$$ed when failures and - well - negligence of others has cost me dearly (and may cost a few pennies more yet). Steve has built me a really nice spec engine and his workmanship is impeccable. To find out it has been sat outside a workshop and open to the elements since approximately April 2016 time has done nothing to improve my mood. And then, just as I thought progress was being made, to have Mick deliver his concerns last night really knocked the stuffing out of me. It's not just the cost. It's the fact that driving and track days are my hobby. It's how I relax and, in part, a reason why I decided to set up home in this lovely part of Wales where the driving roads are just superb. I have many years to 'catch-up' on. It hasn't helped that the carrot has constantly been dangled and I've been led (suckered?) into thinking that progress was about to leap forward and I was about to see real results coming through. Well, that ain't happened.
It (the build and car in general) was also going to be a bit of a demo car for SJM Automotive; a real-world example of workmanship and services that could be offered. Well... that worked out well, didn't it?
As said, I've got complete faith in Steve's engine building abilities and Mick (Diamond Motors), too. I'm just fuming insofar that I've had to drop a mess of a project on Mick (which he has to familiarise himself with) and the fact that, as generous as Steve is, I am taking up his precious time. I don't like putting folks out as I value and respect their time as well as my own. I should never have found myself in this position.
@SharkyUK I would just try and start it and see how it goes, if it works, great, if it goes pop, whack a standard engine in and just cut your losses. Appreciate you are in deep but anything else is madness surely?
Do you have any comeback at all on those who have let it get to this stage?
IMO the beauty of these cars is the handling and the 'package', the engine is ok but not the highlight.
100% confident that
@MicKPM will guide you in the right direction though.
Thanks for the reply buddy. It's tempting to just fire her up and see what happens but I am really having trouble letting that happen. With the cost of the components in there, and the work that has been done, I'm all for a more cautious approach I think. Especially now I've calmed down (marginally). I hear what you are saying though mate and appreciate the reply, thank you.
So whoever had the car in 2016 and not protected it like it should have been has caused more issues?.
40k is mental. Easy to say what ‘i’ Would do in this situation. Tbf it would never have gone this far.
After all this would you like me to send you my bank details, as you seem to have lots of disposable income lol.
Just a joke to lift the gloom :smile:
Well, the car was with him long before April 2016 but it was that time when Steve kindly provided the engine he'd built for me. It was literally dropped into the car (loose on the mounts) and then put out to pasture by the looks of it. When I collected it (with thanks to Rhys) there were snails and slugs in and around the various orifices of the engine block and turbo. Quite literally a snail in the snail. And green moss growing.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing and I think I've been through most specialists now.
Send me your bank details buddy and I'll immediately get onto ignoring you...
Sorry to hear others failures are costing you. Can appreciate how frustrating that is and wish you the best.
What I would say is that when it's finished it would be incredible...absolutely incredible and all this pain would be but a distant memory.
Cheers buddy - appreciate the support and let's hope a corner is turned soon. Thank you.
Christ thats a wedge of money spent.
As above id try starting it, if it goes pop chuck a standard engine in and just call it quits and enjoy the car for what it is, its almost madness to keep carrying on like this now.
If it goes pop it's getting crushed and I'm videoing it mate. It's just been one thing after another over the past 10 years. TEN F'ING YEARS! Yeah, I don't know why I've persevered either. The thing is, on those few occasions where I've been able to enjoy it the car has truly been a fantastic driving experience. Especially for the types of roads I enjoy and the occasional track day for good measure. If things don't work out this time (which is a risk I'm aware of given the whole 'modified' car thing) then I think I'll be turning my back on Clio ownership for good and looking elsewhere.
Cheers for the reply and keeping up with the thread mate.
The million dollar question is, do you think you'll enjoy driving it again after all the hassle and cash you've spent? If the answer is yes keep on going. Personally, I would always resent the amount of money spent, and that would stop me from enjoying it.
Good luck! You certainly deserve some...
Thanks buddy. Will I enjoy it? I think so. I help Tim run and organise the annual Trophy Welsh Weekender and, this year, I was able to borrow a guy's Trophy for a bit of driving whilst he got some rest (after all, he was coming over from Jersey - hi Mark!) Within 10 yards I felt at home and was grinning every mile of the way, even though it was raining. The tight-knit and friendly 182 Trophy community are part reason why I've kept going as well. They are a great bunch of people and I genuinely can't wait for each year's event.
Smash some fresh oil through it and light that fucker up. Nothing will clear corrosion quicker than combustion and 7k RPM.
Hahaha, I was more tempted to smash petrol over the whole thing and light it up fella!

Arguably that should have happened 5-6 years ago...
Wow, terrible situation yet again.
Have to say I'm not sure I could enjoy the car if it was just switched on, knowing that it isnt 100% would just have me continually worried it was going to die every time I drove it.
That's why I put my trust in those who I thought were 'the right people' for the job mate. And the reason why the spec is top notch with no corners cut and, if anything, a little over-engineered. As petrol heads we all know the risks and I have gone into this with open eyes (believe it or not). As said already, Steve's engine build was/is superb and I have confidence in what he has done and what he will do if necessary. I'm upset I'm taking up his time again when really I shouldn't be (although he has kindly offered to go above and beyond to help me out). Thanks replying buddy.
Having met Mick, and seen the quality of his work, you’ve gone to the right place. Just a shame it’s so far down the line.
As for what you’ve spent...the less said the better I think!
Agreed mate. Over the last year or so Mick has become a good friend, too. No bullshit, tells it as it is and is very tidy and professional (which I like!) Despite the friendship, this is not going to become one of those "mate's going to do it" when he can type affairs. It's a proper booked-in job, planned, etc. No more fooling around. I just need to get the engine to him in a safe state!
How much corrosion are we talking? Like potentially seized pistons or a light dusting.
If it's only light, i'd fire it up tbh.
I couldn't say for sure fella as I haven't seen it firsthand. I'm a couple of hundred miles away from Mick's workshop. I don't think I'd be happy risking it on reflection mate (or risk giving the go-ahead to fire it up without having it inspected).
If Mick said there’s a chance it could be fine I’d take it.
Fill it with oil turn if over by hand and if it’s ok turn it over on the starter and if that’s fine fire it up with all your fingers and toes crossed.
Cheers buddy - I hear you. The fact that Mick has enough concern NOT to turn it over is, realistically, enough for me to look into taking up Steve's generous offer and to get the engine back to him. Had it been a lesser spec without so much invested in it then - yes - I'd probably have just got Mick to go for it!
Rich if you ever have seen or met Sharky, believe me his face lights up when the car is running or on the stand. Been lucky enough to see this three or four times. What a trophy it is. One of the best examples on here and there are some beautiful ones here too.
Mate - thank you so much for those kind words. I've got something in my eye...

I really appreciate the sentiment and hope we soon get a chance to look over it again on some stand at some show! All the best, cheers.
40 fuckin K
What was the end goal bhp out of interest?
There was no real figure being aimed for mate. I don't recall at any point saying I want 'x' bhp. Right back at the beginning I think I might have said something along the lines of, "it would be nice to be on the fun side of 300bhp" but that was about it. It was more an exercise in putting the right parts together, not skimping and not cutting corners, and ending up with something reliable (for a high boost Clio) and a bit special. The plan was to minimise risks by doing just that - care, attention, right people, right parts. The fuel pump regulator is good for 1200bhp... LOL! I'm not sure the turbo is much good for flowing more than about 360bhp anyway to be honest. I wanted something that didn't lag too much as I still love my NA driving.
I think you should be seeking legal advice due too the negligence involved
This is 110% what you should be doing imo
Every tuner ( but especially the last 2 ) who have worked on this before Mick have really taken you for a mug and walked away to leave you to carry the can, with massive expense and stress to yourself and it' just not on !
Im f**king raging and its not my car !
40 k !!! FFS!
You should not be in this situation having to foot the bill again !
I would be taking this a lot further !
Genuinely gutted for you mate.
Thanks for replying and keeping up to date with the thread mate. Sadly, the harsh reality is that I don't have a leg to stand on.

Even if there was a case to put together, and the outcome was in my favour, I doubt I'd see significant recompense that would be satisfactory.
One has packed up and moved to Australia and the other has packed up / changed job.
I'm sure any kind of compensation would be a long task and even if you did win, the funds probably won't be available for the lump sum at the end.
Exactly that buddy (unfortunately).
Pissing in the wind for any sort of compensation.

Indeed 'preza. That ship has sailed (in fact, I don't think it ever made port in the first place).
Sad sad news again mate 😧
I personally think you should try the engine start up recommended as above. If it works then brilliant, if it's doesn't then swallow your pride and admit defeat, STOP and think about trying to recoup some money - dare I say it but possibly start stripping it and selling parts on?
Hi buddy, hope you are well.
I hear ya, but it's not so much pride though now. I just want closure! This is the last throw of the dice with Trophy #165 so let's hope it's a good roll. Besides, I want to see if I can keep up with you guys on the annual Welsh Weekender!
To be honest i'm amazed it has been allowed to drag on so long and get to where it currently is! Absolutely mental in my opinion, crazy sums of money.
10000000000% this. I understand the car obviously now has sentimental value and you are "too deep" to stop, but it surpassed the ridiculous stage a while ago. scale back the spec, sell parts on and get the car up and running would be the route i would be taking.
Fair points mate, but hindsight is a wonderful thing and when you've had assurances from those you put your trust in (those who also used to be good friends)... well, it's hard to just stop. I certainly won't be doing anything to this level again. The real frustration is that it's not through mistreating the car or poor driving or things I have or haven't done; the issues have been out of my control. Had the problems been self-inflicted then I'd be mightily annoyed, but the blame would lie squarely with me and that would be that. However, I've not driven more than a couple thousand miles in it since about 2014. I think. I can't even recall the dates now as it's been so long!
I don't know you
@SharkyUK but have been following this thread along with everyone else and looking forward to seeing the car being used as it's supposed to be and as hard as it would be to do the above this is what I would be doing, I know how hard that would be but sometimes you have to know when to say when, I had to do it with a business not a car but same principle applies and I wouldn't change anything now. I hope that you try and start it and it runs without issue and you can get it finished finally but if not it might be time :up: will keep my fingers/toes and everything else crossed :smile:
Hi mate - thanks for following the ongoing dramas with the car!
I do hear you and entirely understand where you are coming from. However, as mad as it sounds, the car isn't really that far away from finally coming together. Sure, this is yet another setback, but this is the closest it has been to actually coming home for a long time and I genuinely want to see that happen. Keep those fingers and toes crossed please.

I hope I can provide more upbeat updates soon.
@SharkyUK I've taken the liberty of speaking to steve on your behalf, and he's happy to have the engine back and strip it down. This will be done labour free, so all you'd have to do is pay for whatever parts are required - assuming it needs some, and the collection/delivery of the engine. He's said he can get it done in between Christmas and new year too.
The last thing you want to do is risk running it with any corrosion internally. Ultimately the corrosion has to go somewhere and it WILL cause premature wear to components. It's not a risk I'd be willing to take personally.
Oh and E92 M3? Nah. They feel like a boat anchor with the weight of the V8 up front, and imo, they feel very dated inside the cabin. F80 M3 we are talking. Having driven both, I need an F80 in my life. I can have one for £440 pm as well. 🙈
If you need Steve's number, drop me a pm buddy and I'll fire it over to you. :up:
Oh and as Churchill once said, Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.
Hi Mark. Legend mate!
As I said to you earlier, I am extremely grateful and massively appreciate you contacting Steve. This is totally unexpected and means an awful lot to me, so please accept my thanks.
As you know, I'm not an expert when it comes to mechanicals and automotive engineering but I am certainly reluctant to give the go-ahead to just fire it up and see what happens. As tempting as it was initially in those first moments of rage I don't think it's the sensible option given what is at stake.
F80 M3... hmm... I've not had the pleasure of driving one of those. Maybe a test drive is needed...
Truly, thank you mate.
For Andy's sake (more his wallet) I would hope not and unless the engine has been left outside and filled with rain water very little will need doing, but I do not have a crystal ball, I do have access to a bore scope, honing equipment and wash/degreasing tanks.
It is in my opinion not worth the risk to try to start it with out inspecting and checking it.
The cheapest option is to do what ever needs doing now whilst the engine is out of the car and everything is new and in-run.
All I can do is offer.
Hi Steve.
I'm not sure what to say other than offering my thanks for your generous offer of a helping hand, your time and your expertise. I'm very aware that this is (or would be) taking up your free time and I genuinely feel awkward 'dumping' on you (as it were). I passed on your mobile to Mick, who is currently looking after the car in Nottingham, and he was planning on dropping you a quick line over the weekend just to get a feel for the build and your opinions on going forward. Being honest, both Mick and myself would feel a lot more at ease having you cast your eye over it again to ensure things are tickety-boo and in order. My hope is that the problems are minimal but obviously there is cause for concern. I will clearly state again that this is NOTHING to do with the engine build, your work is superb. This is purely down to the negligence and poor show from another party.
I will get in touch with Mick to see what his schedule is like and then contact you to arrange delivery of the engine.
I can't thank you enough, Steve. Thank you.
Yes mate, I fully understand that. Hopefully is just a bit of orange rust staining the stuff that can be wiped off.
Thank you for being so kind and helpful bud, Andy really really needs some good luck to come his way.
Such a lovely guy.
Thanks Scott - I appreciate (and will take) your kind words!
Sorry to hear of the latest news Andy. Hope you manage to get things sorted
Cheers Chris - here's hoping! Talking of hope, I hope your new house is all going well.
The most it would require would be the bores to be honed i would guess, but even thats requires a strip down, everything else should be fine, as steve says get a boroscope down there is the first thing
Agreed mate. Get it to Steve, and then go from there.
Thanks all - your feedback / replies are very welcome and appreciated as always. You truly are a great bunch. And you can quote me on that.