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The 'What MPG Do You Get?' Thread

  Clio 172 Cup
I have a Ph2 172 normally get around 36mpg but on a long run computer was saying 48mpg but i did sit at 65 the whole way. :)
  FF Racing Blue 182
I was trying to work mine out but my misses took the car and i was around 90 miles on 10.88 litres at the time
  2002 clio 1.2dynamic

I've not had the car too long, but I was initially impressed with the 40 mpg pics that I posted above. :)

I discovered how to do the diagnostics check after testing it out with my obd code reader (no codes showed with that). However, checking the diagnostics I saw the code t--- which indicates an injection fault has been detected for a minimum of 4 seconds in the past at some point.

The car was and has been driving fine both before and after I reset that indicator approx. 250 miles back. The code hasn't returned.

Now here's the glitch in the matrix. On my 40 mile round trip commute of generally town / urban driving with around 8 miles of dual carriageway thrown in at speeds of up to 90 mph but generally 65 - 70, the car is now achieving up to 53 mpg. :eek:

I've checked and double checked and it seems kosher. Am I missing something that I'm not familiar with on these cars? Could this be really real? Or, is there some trick going on with the electrical system?.. If not then it's much better than I could have wished for on a car with 125k on the clock. Please tell me it's real. :D

Leighping as in tbar forum ????
As for fuel its 2/3mpg over usually saying that while bored the other day I managed to get the Clio to read 79.3 mpg lol

For me seems to average 48/52 on the computer


Mine constantly reads around the 24-25mpg, reset once a week when I fill up.
  Full Fat 182
I've only had my 182 a week... how do I reset the MPG reader? It's been saying 37.5MPG since I got it but I know it's wrong... considering it's had a few blasts down nice quiet contryroads and then sat in hot beach traffic for a good 4-5 hours on bank holiday Monday. Would be good to know what I'm actually getting.
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I'am averaging about 44MPG going to work and back over a 5 day week. That's about 25 Mile's of A/B Road's. My previous Fiesta ST used to get about 35MPG.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
I've only had my 182 a week... how do I reset the MPG reader? It's been saying 37.5MPG since I got it but I know it's wrong... considering it's had a few blasts down nice quiet contryroads and then sat in hot beach traffic for a good 4-5 hours on bank holiday Monday. Would be good to know what I'm actually getting.

Push the button sticking out from the clocks.
  Twingo Dynamique
that is genuinely ridiculous, your car has issues!! I have a campus and I get nothing lower than 39.9, and can get up to 48...
The meter does my head in, i mostly drive round town and barely any motor way driving.

Il reset and it will say 35-40. After 10 minutes or so of the same driving it will go down to 27-30 even if im light on the throttle.

It goes down easier than it goes up, i wish it wasnt average and more real time MPG

  Clio 182 FF
i get about 32-33 out of my 182 if i am careful. took it on a long run last weekend and got nearly 38 mpg.

Anyone tried a fuel supplement or Octane booster?

Running my 182 on that new Vpower Nitro + but wanted to see if it would make a difference adding an Octane booster.
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  172 + 350z
It really does depend how you drive your 182. A mix of Coasting and going at about 45mph in a 15 mile journey I got 47 mpg. Average is around 32 but that is driving it how I want and not minding about fuel economy. Had it lower than 10 but doesn't stay there long with it been average.
  RS Clio 197
I have a Clio 197 and I drive 15 miles to work and then 15 miles back Monday - Friday, my trip computer always says 23mpg, I do drive down to Weymouth once a month which is 175 miles from my house and that is when I get my maximum MPG of 40.
  Clio 1.4 Dynamique S
If I reset it coming down Butser Hill and I'm in neutral I see 60 but thats cheating! Monday to Saturday, 20 miles to work and 20 back sitting at 70 its usually 35... not bad for a 1.4 I suppose.
  LY FF182
Reset it on the motorway and ill see 47 mpg being careful, 30mph in 5th will show about 60mpg. Commute to work is 7 miles of country lanes and I'm seeing 30mpg as a lowest :)
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  clio 172 - 106 turbo
on my ph2 172, all of my dials reset when i turn the car off, is this normal? The MPG does not seem accurate to me, tried driving like a granddad for a whole tank and was always above 35MPG and still just got over 200 miles.
  LY FF182
a full tank driving like a granny should see 400 miles. faulty lambda or thermostat normally cause fuel issues
  clio 172 - 106 turbo
Is there any simple way to diagnose either? Never seen anywhere near 400 miles, as its my daily driver, i need it to be cheap lol!
  Turbo 182 Alfa 159
300-350 is a more realistic figure.

I drive mine very hard and never really see less than 320. Never seen 400 though, doubt i ever will.
  Hyundai i10
It depends on how you drive too. Like if you drive on highway but often step on the gas to go around others, it's not a surprise if your mpg wouldn't show a good number.
  Ford Fiesta ZS 2013
I notice I drive really heavy footed and my petrol has been going so quick lol probably due to the 1.2 engine! I'm craving a little more engine, definatly going to look at getting the 2010 clio RS 2.0 =) considering I am getting roughly 30mpg in a 1.2 it must be broke lol
  S4 Avant
Clio averages 27 whether thrashed or not, Audi can be anything from 24 down to 17, depending on whether I've been exuberant.
  RB 182
Just got this on the way home tonight, it's the highest I've got so far.


I was stuck behind a tractor for 20 miles.


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