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The 'What MPG Do You Get?' Thread

  Clio 172 Cup
my best to date is on a run back from birmingham
mpg photo.jpg

They will do this mileage as long as they are in good condition and well maintained.
  Ph2 172
Had my 172 for nearly 4 months now and according to fuel log I'm averaging 29mpg. 80% of my driving is short distance urban journeys and the rest mainly involve me going for a 'spirited' drive so I think my mpg is pretty reasonable.
  Monaco 172
Averaged 54.5mpg with two people and 4 turinis with tyres in the car sitting at 60mph for the 100miles down to Coventry, then 55.5mpg on the way home minus the wheels

04 Clio DCi 65. Over a 100mile motorway trip, reset at fill up, not while on motorway. Now thinking about some drag reduction stuff and see if I can get a true 99.9mpg haha.
  FF Clio 182
Got 50mpg the other day in the 182, taking that with a pinch of salt though. On average about 35mpg or 19mpg if I giving it death ...


Honorary Member
ClioSport Club Member
Mine normally moves from 33.9 to 34.2 over 2500 miles so far.

Had a bit of fun seeing how far I could get the car to go on the fuel light. Wasn't intending to but I pulled up to my normal Shell garage and it was cash only. Typical sods law!

Did 27 miles on the fuel light and still had 4 litres left in the tank. Must be good for about 40 miles if driven carefully...
  RB FF 182
First week of owning my RB FF 182, I've averaged approx 34mpg. I drive it fairly steady with the odd burst... This week has been about 75% town driving, 10% A-Roads and 15% motorway.

Last tank (from previous owner) averaged at 36.6mpg, he did about 80% motorway, 15% A-Roads and 5% town driving.


ClioSport Club Member
  VW T6
I'm averaging 33 ish and not even driving it hard, although think the knackered exhaust isn't helping things.
25 for me at the minute hope to average 30 so it would be no dearer than what i was spending in the 1.6.

Insurance is cheaper for me on the 182 than it was in the 1.6 so I'm saving money wooohooooo


ClioSport Club Member
  172 FF and Fabia VRS
clio was up to 34.7 after 2000 miles of driving. before the trip it was up to 30.3
I was averaging 400 miles to a tank to and from lemans
  BG 182FF
With cruise control set to 75 on a run 41-42 mpg is easily achievable but mixed driving normally returns around 35-38 mpg for me... which isn't bad for a car in this performance bracket!
  197, R26 F1, Cat'm 7
The 182 (2005) I used to have gave me an average of just under 40mpg during the year I had it, the 197 (2008) I've now had for 2 months has so far given me a best of 38.8 and worst of 31.2 - although the on-board computer seems to read between 32 and 35mpg??
  Clio 182 cup
On my resent run to Le Mans (1097 miles) I got 37.7 mpg which included a lot of cruising at 70, a quick blast around Arnage and a long run at 95 to catch the ferry loaded with camping gear and two people.
  clio 172 cup
getting a steady 36-40 mainly short journey with the occasional blast

was short on fuel a few days ago drove like a 90 yr old and managed to get 52 for 20 miles :)

​clio 172 cup btw
  clio 172 cup
My trip computer says 46.1mpg at the min (180 miles travelled) last tank average was 43.4mpg.
this is travelling 22 miles to work at 55-60mph.
was thinking of trading the 172cup in for a diesel but not sure now


  1.5 DCI, ML270, Zafi
About 60, that's why I got the DCi. My days of petrol chugging motors is on a stop for a while, I have children now. I fill up once every 2-3 weeks doing around 40 miles a day Mon-Fri. I reset the odometer at fill up and get roughly 550 miles to a full tank.


ClioSport Moderator
Last 2000 miles ive been getting 49 -52 mpg on the trip but by calculating the true mpg from petrol receipts and mileage ive been achieving 45.5 mpg in my 182 on shell nitro/optimax/vpower whatever its called.

This hasnt been easy and is really really boring. sitting at max 63mph on the motorway occasionally slip streaming box vans and lorries , changing gears early, no air con , never planting my foot and avoiding town driving - 95% of this has been on motorways.

Got 430 miles out of a tank of petrol with 45 miles showing as distance left on the trip !!

really need to get a diesel.
  M2 Comp
Hopefully starting a new job soon and will be commuting 25 miles each way. I decided to do a test run the other day, I wasn't driving fast but not driving particularly economically either. By the time I parked up in town, my MPG for the journey (according to the trip computer anyway) was 41.9 MPG.

The fuel economy of 1*2 still amazes me!
Done two runs from Bluewater in Kent to Bristol in the DCi now, both hitting traffic on the m25 and pissing about with the boost. Still never read below 70mpg. Hopefully it should look better once I've fitted cruise.

Doing another run this evening, but have a passenger, will see how much worse it does.
  clio 200
trip in my Clio 200 at the weekend, Lichfield to Coed Y Brenin for a bit of mountain biking, had two bikes on roof averaged 30.2 MPG!
