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The XBox One Thread

  Fiesta ST-2
Asda emailed me yesterday to confirm that DPD will be delivering on Friday and that I will receive a text and email when it is loaded on to the van :D
Hmm, cancelled my order from Tesco Direct a few weeks back, but just got an email through to say it's been dispatched :S

I got the refund, so waiting to see if the money comes back out, better not - what would you guys do if I basically get a free Xbone?
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I still am, although not 100% sure why, other than the only other console in the house now is the Wii-U (which was another flop)


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
So much like the PS4, the launch games are so so but the console has potential?

Who'd have guessed it lol.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
There's a camera (or two) on your phone, and on your laptop, and it's possible that the NSA is watching. We're not the tinfoil hat types, but this year's headlines haven't been great for our paranoia. In that context, having a large black rectangle with a visible camera lens pointed into our living room is just a tad weirder than the last time Microsoft did this in 2010. Oh, and it's a 1080p camera? And it can detect heart rate? And see in the dark? Yes, all of those things. And if you've got your console in "always on" low-power mode, where it can be woken by voice, Kinect is always listening. That's a little terrifying!

Needless to say, that is getting switched off when I'm surfing for por... erm academic study reports on something important. Especially if I have my c*ck out at the time.
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
It'll be like w**king when the dogs in the room, it'll just feel wrong. Ya know?

I can't w*nk without the dog in the room. Helps me focus.

I jest of course. I don't have a dog. It was taken off me for some reason.


ClioSport Moderator
  E55 AMG
I'm tempted to buy one just because it's new but I don't think I really need it, I struggle to get into games nowadays. Decisions!
  UR R26R.5, VW Golf R
I wouldn't say tight, I'd say reasonable. £430 is a f**king joke.

It's that price purely because Kinnect is compulsory. The PS4 doesn't come with the camera etc. so MS have bundled the XBO with all that at an estimated £80.
  Ph 1 172
I'll be picking mine up as soon as the shops open..... Fifa, forza, dead rising 3 and Ryse might grab another pad but they are close on to £60 so might just force my brother to watch me play lol
  1.8 Civic EX
still nothing from toys r us :( If it doesn't turn up then im not looking in this thread untill it does as it's just going to upset me. Especially as I'll be "working from home" on Friday.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Got an email from Tesco this morning saying it'll be delivered Friday. Rock on! I work 12 hour weekend nights so I was hoping to at least get it set up before I went to work!
  Hondata'd EP3 Type R
The Kinect is potentially great TBH.

I appreciate Im the minority, but Its a games console to me. Always will be. I dont want it to replace anything, or be a home entertainment hub. I want a controller, and a single player game I can lie in bed playing.

Its all "all in one, there's an app for that, download this for your social network etc" now. And it appears the games are suffering because of it.

For all the effort they've put into the none gaming stuff, they could have actually bothered to make more than 14 tracks and 200 cars for Forza for example.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
yep. and my friend who only ordered about 3-4weeks ago got his on monday.

Cheers Ears!

Just checked the site and there's a notice advising customers that dispatch mails may be delayed.

I'd expect mine on Friday, it's a day one console after all.
