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Tom's Meg 225 - The Clio Replacement

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
So getting the car ready for its shakedown at Tunerfest North on Saturday at Oulton Park I did the following

Full front end refresh with upgrades including Track Focus steering rack bush, 22mm cup racer ARB, Powerflex camber and caster adjustable bushes set to max. Then I had the camber set to approx. 2.5 deg. neg. on the top mounts and the toe set to 10 mins out.


Camber angle on the wheels

I fitted the speedhunters strip and removed the front splitter as it was too low. Took some photos of how it sits before I gave it a quick wash before Oulton.




I didn't get any photos at the show, but my wife did a quick video

It felt amazing on track, I won't be changing anything I don't think but I had an issue with the gear cable for 2nd, 4th, 6th and revers so its gone to the garage for new cables. Also the brake pedal went a bit spongy so ATE blue is going in and I'm putting some standard Brembo HD discs on for Donington this weekend.
Those wheels really suit the car.

If I am free I'll pop to Donnington this weekend, I am only 30mins away.


ClioSport Club Member
  Mk5 Golf GTI :)
Tom where did you get the tracking done and how much was it. The settings look bang on the money so would be interested to know mate


Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Thanks chaps!

@JamesBryan Weather is looking good for the weekend. I've got my boy with me, the rest of the family aren't coming so it'll mean juggling looking after him between me and my mate doing sessions.

@Gray there's a few off here doing it, if you're that close then pop down. Be good to put faces to names. I'm really happy with the wheels, bit of blind luck with them suiting the car so well!

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Went quite well at Donny, no mechanical issues. NS2R performed reasonably well, grip levels were reasonable and on a par with RSR. Wear was nice and even. Performance dropped off after a few laps but the drop off wasn't too sharp. I wouldn't mind a bit more power! 😂

I also drove the 695 Biposto they had there, lovely car and felt great but the £52K pricetag for the top spec model is a bit steep for a Fiat 500...

A few pics my mate took, I'm hoping to get some from Xtremesportsphotography soon.










Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
ASTs are great. I'm running the DDP pistons which are the same technology as the DFV on Ohlins. I've got them set to soft and on the road it rides lovely, on track it feels plenty stiff enough which I assume is down to how the pistons work.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Got some professional photos done, nice to see it corners nice and flat, the suspension mods are obviously working. Wouldn't mind getting the R26 rear axle though with the extra rear ARB I haven't got now and I believe the R26 runs bigger bearings in the rear discs too which I suspect will last longer. I think mine are starting to grumble.





Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Looks to corner very well that, Tom.

I need to change my coilovers, considering some BC's with the higher spring rate.

It does, it rides nicely too. I phoned Curtis at AST not long ago to give him feedback as they were a development set with the different pistons.

I would go for the 8kg springs front and rear. Have you got a rear ARB fitted already?

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
It does, it rides nicely too. I phoned Curtis at AST not long ago to give him feedback as they were a development set with the different pistons.

I would go for the 8kg springs front and rear. Have you got a rear ARB fitted already?

Yeah got a Whiteline.

8kg you say. I think BC's come with 4kg/8kg standard and upgrades are 5kg/8kg.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
I ran 7kg/5kg on the ASTs with the PMS stiffened rear beam and a lot of weight taken out, especially over the front. I was at 900kg with fuel. Also the ASTs have outboard rear coilovers so my 5kg springs were equivalent to 8kg inboard springs like the BCs have.

It would have been better around 8kg on the front with more weight saving (I had poly windows and fibreglass doors and boot to do). I felt the rear beam stiffening kit was a really good modification, I felt it a lot more than the ARB.

If you still have a standard battery, steel bonnet, standard inlet etc. then definitely go for 8kg on the front.

The Bilstein/H&R come with 7/5. All the weight on the Clio is at the front, I don't know why the BCs have such soft front springs.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
That will partly be the damping as well. I would go 8kg all around and try and save some weight. If you really wanted you could get some 9s on the front but it might end up too hard.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Removed the ITG induction kit so I can start on fitting a V6 airbox and smaller battery. I'll update with photos when I'm done

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Battery is under the airbox bend. I need to fix the battery bracket properly still.

It's just a cheap Varley/Odyssey equivalent for now like I ran on my Clio.

  Clio, Nova, Astra
Very smart mate that corners lovely nice to see that the suspension and camber adjustment etc is working.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
Been driving it a fair bit since changing the Itg filter for the V6 airbox and it feels much smoother to drive from idle all the way to the redline.

I always felt like it ran a bit too rich and since changing the filter it doesn't seem to, possibly why it's now smoother and the exhaust doesn't pop as often.

Hoping to get it on some rollers soon.

Also turned the front shocks up 1 click from softest and the rears by 2. Feels very very good, might try one more click front and rear sometime and leave it there.

Ph1 Tom

ClioSport Club Member
With the next trackday at Oulton Park being 4 weeks away and the engine mounts feeling a bit loose I bought these

They worked out about the same price as new mounts with powerflex inserts and I liked the vibratechnics mounts on the Clio so thought I'd give them a go.

Also bought a set of bonnet lifters from a group buy on rsmegane that @Matt e has kindly arranged.
