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Trapped inside 197 by deadlocks

  Clio 197
Hi, I am quite new to the world of Renaultsport. We bought a very nice 07 plate 197 last October which has been trouble free so far and we love the car.

At least it was until yesterday when it locked my wife inside it and deadlocked the doors!

She opened the car as normal but it turned out the key card was in the house. We have since established that the card signal will pass through the house wall to the car on the drive although it is intermittent. She had forgotten to pick up the keys, got in, shut the door and pressed start. Of course it didn't start an she realised the key wasn't present,tried to open the door and it was not just locked, but deadlocked.

Nothing could be opened as all was deadlocked and no ignition to open windows. Eventually she got a neighbour's attention by leaning on the horn. This was over an hour later in hot weather. Neighbour managed to get the door open eventually due to the intermittent signal. She even climbed over to the boot and tried to break a window with jack but it didn't work.

It should not be possible for the car to do yes. Yes, it is not wise to get in without the car but this should not happen.

To say this is dangerous would be an understatement.

Has anyone else experienced this or got any thoughts as to the cause? Main dealer says they've never heard of it.

I'm thinking of getting it checked out but I suspect we'll get a large bill and no fault found.

Any help would be much appreciated.

I've ordered an emergency safety hammer to keep in the car from now on!



ClioSport Club Member
  VW Golf GTD
Sorry, but that's funny, she won't be doing it again.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
It is unusual!

Shouldn't laugh, but it was funny to read
  Clio 197
Glad to have provided some amusement but there is a serious point here and I was hoping for some technical advice.

You cannot deadlock these unless you double press either the remote lock button or the door handle lock button so how the hell did it deadlock on its own?

Yes, obviously the solution is never get in without the key but that doesn't answer how this happened.

Has anyone else seen this?

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
How does this happen? My keyless entry doesn't work unless the key is within 1 foot of the car.
My mate only realised that leaving the keys on the table just behind his front door meant people could open his car and start it in the drive without the keys.

We may have moved his car further down the street one night and he s**t himself in the morning when it was missing from the drive.


ClioSport Club Member
If I were you I would keep trying to replicate the problem and if you can get it to do it more than a couple of times get it checked out, possibly even at a Renault dealers and inform customer services.

If it does not happen again don't worry about it as I am sure your wife will never forget to pick up the keys again


ClioSport Admin
My mate only realised that leaving the keys on the table just behind his front door meant people could open his car and start it in the drive without the keys.

We may have moved his car further down the street one night and he s**t himself in the morning when it was missing from the drive.

Lmao! You evil b*****ds

How did he not hear it?!
  clio dci , ren8
Another reason I got rid of mine lol , the keyless entry and start worried me to much . Had a customers 197 in for repair an parked it over the other side of our yard say 200 yards away hung the card on the wall and forgot about it . went up to the car not thinking jumped in pressed the button and it started and drove in to unit . Question is how far could you go before it realized the card wasn't present ?? I would rather have a key


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I read this title as 'Trapped inside 197 by dreadlocks'

I don't have much else to offer other than keyless entry is for ballers, but I just thought I'd mention it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
Once started in theory it should drive until the engine is stopped - then you panic when you realise your card is at home and you can't get to it.

I'm sure your wife was concerned. Personally anyone who thought this was funny really shouldn't have done - could have been a kid too.

I wouldn't think it's a fault more of an unlucky coincidence.


ClioSport Admin
My my car won't let me in if my keys are more than a foot away, I've once tried to get in while leaning so my pocket with my keys in was a bit too far away and it had none of it

I read this title as 'Trapped inside 197 by dreadlocks'

I don't have much else to offer other than keyless entry is for ballers, but I just thought I'd mention it.

As did I. I thought Dave finally snapped.
  master,meg, 205 maxi
if the car deadlocked there is a problem 1) can you park the car less than 1.5 mtr from the key inside the house???? either the loick button on the key is acting up or the hands free locking button on either a door or boot are acting up or the drivers door lock interior lamp switch has failed as it should have seen the door open and that cancels the previous locked state so it needs to see a lock comand and a key signal the hands free remote is 125mhz so lower than the 315mhz of the remote???

Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Do the 197's let you start the car with the key outside the car?

The 200's need the key to be inside or it won't start.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
That's the problem imo with Keyless entry, you may not need a key, but sometimes you will forget it because of that (if its in close proximity like this is).

Utterly stupid devices. I really don't understand why for decades, the straight-forward key & ignition combo has worked fine. Granted, immobilisers and various alarms have been added over the years - but the principle way of starting your car has always remained the same.

And remained it has, because it works!

Utterly stupid devices. I really don't understand why for decades, the straight-forward key & ignition combo has worked fine. Granted, immobilisers and various alarms have been added over the years - but the principle way of starting your car has always remained the same.

And remained it has, because it works!


Agreed, I don't see the point in them ("keyless"). You still need the key anyway, so what difference does it make having to put it into the ignition, at least then its part of a routine and you can't forget it xD


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 200 RS EDC
I'm usually one for a giggle but I'm actually surprised people find this amusing.

I hope it happens to someone you know so I can laugh too.
  master,meg, 205 maxi
tried on a 197 yesterday if the keys are on the windscreen out side on the wiper sometimes it will start also if you deadlock the car then put the card in the slot and press start it undoes the dead locks
