Ur missing the point mikey!! As the very nice guy at SQ explained (cant remember his name), the reason they demo cars like that is to demonstrate their capabilities. I mean, your gona be comfortable taking your car to SQ for a simple ICE system, when you know they are capable of building something like the c2!
Most of the companies whos name appear in the car (powerflow,alpine etc) simply gave SQ the products, knowing full well it was going to every major show in the UK+a few in europe. Its advertising!! Aparantly, it paid for itself in the first couple of months of touring, because everyone wanted to see it.
25k is alot of money for a c2, but not to the boys who spend big money on ther cars (Special paint jobs,body kits, ICE,engines,Big wheels,retrims,hydraulics etc).Not my cup of tea, but immpresive none the less. Your looking at a £100k+ car, for 25K!! As for driving it everyday?? I dont believe it was ever intended for that,but it is fully road legal,lol