Racing blue 182 turbo :-)
So do ii wana hear this thing lol
So do ii wana hear this thing lol
Lol trust youits gonna blowNo lsd bahhhhhhhhh
Ye will be on a car transporterHow you getting it to mapping dude? trailer?
Unlocked standard ecu mate. Will prob change it for a omx start of next yearwhat management are you running ryan? standalone?
Ye will have to look into it more in new year at mo funds have run out have been looking into it few things iv got planned to add in new year.^^ was gonna say..if funds allow opt for standalone........much cheaper in the long runs when you come to map for more boost
addaptronic in the system you wanna be using, quite a bit cheaper than omex and far far more advanced
Will get back to you and norm for bit more info when i come to get oneLook into megasquirt mate, A nice alternative to emerald and DTA etc.
Ye well thanks for all your help mate text me when ever you like bud for anything.Coming on well mate, looking forward to you finishing yours and let me know what to expect![]()
Cheers mate will look into it bit moreTo give you an idea, on my metro, i paid £550 for the emerald ecu, £300 for loom, and mapping was around £300- Total £1150
Megasquirt from the USA for a punto,but i can find out what you would need for the clio broke down as this-
MS130-K $187 Megasquirt-I kit with V3.0 PCB - ECU Kit
MapDaddy4 $65 4 bar MAP sensor with barometric correction - Better map sensor standard one is 2 bar, 2 bar can only run up to one bar boost as the first bar is atmospheric pressure
MK-BIP373 $9.50 Mod kit for second VB921 - To run standard fiat coilpack
MK-PWMIAC $7 Mod kit for PWM Idle control - Mod to run standard fiat idle control valve
MK-Boost $7 Boost control mod kit - For Closed Loop Boost Control
GM_BoostSol $24 Boost control solenoid
GMBoostPiggy $14.50 6" pigtail connector for boost solenoid
JimStim-K $65 JimStim Stimulator kit (can simulate 60-2 wheel) - Tests whole ecu off car and in stages of construction
SM-WireBund 23" $12 - 23" Wiring harness
TuneCable $5.50 6' DB9 tuning cable - Cable to laptop
USB-2920 $20 (Only needed if your laptop doesn’t have a true DB9 port)
MS139-K_BL $6. - ECU In Black
Total cost was around $435 = £220 Bargain!!
Total could be around £520 for MS fully mapped if fitted yourself, which isnt to difficult
But i would look into whats needed in more detail for you, but its a very cost effective stand alone system on a budget![]()
Ye well thanks for all your help mate text me when ever you like bud for anything.
Will do mate thanks i wont have any of the turbo bits tomorrow thats the only problemYour welcome mate, happy to help a fellow DIY'er. off work tomorrow if you need anything just txt/call
Wont be starting it tomorrow an jords not coming down so you still coming???LOL @ the state of his driveway and the bonnet on the lawn! Hero
See you botg tomorrow!
I thought that. Much less messing around fitting when engine is you put the engine in before fitting the turbo, that wasnt too
Nar easyer to fit turbo in lol. you can come tomorrow if you like??I thought that. Much less messing around fitting when engine is out.
Sensor have arrived ryan, so car is running fine nowSo let me know when i can pop round
Nar easyer to fit turbo in lol. you can come tomorrow if you like??
come after then if you likeDont finish work until 6 tommorow![]()
wont do mate will see if it starts then comeTry not to run the car much before you come here mate. I will run the car in on the dyno to try get the rings to seal on the bores![]()