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vodafone/BB Storm problem?

any one else's texting, facebooking and BB chat down at the moment?

i can call, go on the internet, get into my voicemail, but messaging services dont seem to want to send?

full reception, inc 3g etc

mine seems to be now, very bizare, but nothing a turn off, battery and sim card out for 10 mins hasnt cured.

(and yes i had tried turning it on and off before i posted up lol)

  Fiat Bravo Active TJet
Mine decided spend 10 mins booting the other day when I performed an obligatory reboot.

Probably just a dip in the network or something
yeah mine did that a couple of days ago as well, security software upgrade or something?

  Fiat Bravo Active TJet
Possibly, would make sense if it was something that was rolled out. No biggie, everythings back now.
