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Wales Charity Black Mountain Run In Memory of Lee Davies.

Looks like it was a good day apart from the weather, great amount raised so far :) Glad I could help such a worthy cause, RIP Lee...

Now added to our facebook page, hopefully may raise some more.
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  GW RS 200
I didn't get that many pictures today with the rain being sideways and all, but it was a cracking day all the same. Tom I don't know how your kept you car on the road with those tyres you had on!!

The Stickers

Everyone gathered at Tesco at the end of the day

And from the other side...

On the drive down

No car was going to stay clean in this weather...

Everyone at the meeting point...just before Tom left to find some petrol....and took 40 minutes!!!


Christine hiding from the camera

B&Q has all the bits you'll ever need to fix a Clio

Caption competition!!

A quick Instagram shot as we left the top car park

And a final shot of the best 200 going....I may be a bit biased with that statement!
Great meet, well organised, great support, wicked pictures and nice to finally meet a lot of you.

Need I say more?

Here are some of Chris' pictures from the drive up and mine from the car park at Pizza Hut.


MB 172 Cup by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Silver 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Blue 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Silver 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


MB 172 Cup by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Black 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Webby by Tom Cash, on Flickr


LE55 FAT by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Mharvey by Tom Cash, on Flickr


MB 172 & Venga Bus 197 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


MB 172 Cup by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Meganes by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Trophy and RB 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


LY 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr


Black 182 by Tom Cash, on Flickr

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Some good pictures there Tom. ;) was good to learn a few basics with the camera. Cheers.
  Octavia VRS LE
Some good photos there. Was again a very good meet, enjoyed it a lot even if the weather was crap. Deffo needs to be a yearly thing for help the heroes. And to remember lee who was a top guy.

Would like to say thanks to Scott for giving me a second sticker as im a noob and didn't dry it properly and the M came off, once its dryer I will stick the new one on. Look forward to the next meet.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
The RB was my favourite car there. Looked great with 2118's on it too. Was jealous to say the least :(
  Octavia VRS LE
That's Owens, got throttle bodies too. Is always a nice and clean car don't think iv ever seen it dirty. Top bloke too.


ClioSport Club Member
Hi folks, apologies for arriving a little late to this thread...

I'm not one for words (much) but I think I can safely say that Lee would have thoroughly enjoyed the meet. It was a great way to remember Lee and recognise what he's done for us (along with a lot of other brave souls out there). I only had the pleasure of meeting him on a few occasions but nonetheless I'm glad I had that pleasure of sharing a word or two with him.

Many thanks to all those who made this happen - from organisers to attendees. The weather was less then ideal but what an absolutely fantastic and lifting response! It was great to see so many people out and paying their respects, and it was/is great to hear that so much has been raised to date. I enjoyed myself and it was great to see a few familiar faces again (as well as some new ones). Great to catch up with my boy band colleague Owen, too (thanks Scott)... :D

I only got a few photos from meet up at Merthyr due to the poor weather and I'll post these later.

My only regret is that I lost everyone on the return journey and had no idea where folks had gone. :( I would have loved to have been a part of the photo and banner line-up at Tesco's but sadly couldn't find you. I was under the impression that we were heading back to the starting point at Merthyr hence returned there and nipped to the loo. But everyone else went straight on! LOL! I did actually go hunting around and asked a few folks if they'd seen a bunch of Renaultsports but I just got funny looks or blatantly ignored! LOL! But nevermind, it didn't detract from a great day.

  Fiesta ST-3
Hi folks, apologies for arriving a little late to this thread...

I'm not one for words (much) but I think I can safely say that Lee would have thoroughly enjoyed the meet. It was a great way to remember Lee and recognise what he's done for us (along with a lot of other brave souls out there). I only had the pleasure of meeting him on a few occasions but nonetheless I'm glad I had that pleasure of sharing a word or two with him.

Many thanks to all those who made this happen - from organisers to attendees. The weather was less then ideal but what an absolutely fantastic and lifting response! It was great to see so many people out and paying their respects, and it was/is great to hear that so much has been raised to date. I enjoyed myself and it was great to see a few familiar faces again (as well as some new ones). Great to catch up with my boy band colleague Owen, too (thanks Scott)... :D

I only got a few photos from meet up at Merthyr due to the poor weather and I'll post these later.

My only regret is that I lost everyone on the return journey and had no idea where folks had gone. :( I would have loved to have been a part of the photo and banner line-up at Tesco's but sadly couldn't find you. I was under the impression that we were heading back to the starting point at Merthyr hence returned there and nipped to the loo. But everyone else went straight on! LOL! I did actually go hunting around and asked a few folks if they'd seen a bunch of Renaultsports but I just got funny looks or blatantly ignored! LOL! But nevermind, it didn't detract from a great day.


I asked someone where you had gone mate? They said you had to leave as you were driving up to Newcastle lol.


ClioSport Club Member
I asked someone where you had gone mate? They said you had to leave as you were driving up to Newcastle lol.
That was indeed the plan, Scott... but I was planning on making the trip *after* the meet had finished! :D But not to worry mate - had a great time and it was good to see so many people out. Let's do it again sometime. :D


ClioSport Club Member
Sadly I didn't get many pictures (and none from on the mountain due to the poor conditions) but here they are. Don't forget that folks can still donate to a very worthy cause...


20120603_memorial_01 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_02 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_03 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_04 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_05 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_06 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_07 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_08 by SharkyUK, on Flickr


20120603_memorial_09 by SharkyUK, on Flickr
  clio 182
Hi folks, apologies for arriving a little late to this thread...

I'm not one for words (much) but I think I can safely say that Lee would have thoroughly enjoyed the meet. It was a great way to remember Lee and recognise what he's done for us (along with a lot of other brave souls out there). I only had the pleasure of meeting him on a few occasions but nonetheless I'm glad I had that pleasure of sharing a word or two with him.

Many thanks to all those who made this happen - from organisers to attendees. The weather was less then ideal but what an absolutely fantastic and lifting response! It was great to see so many people out and paying their respects, and it was/is great to hear that so much has been raised to date. I enjoyed myself and it was great to see a few familiar faces again (as well as some new ones). Great to catch up with my boy band colleague Owen, too (thanks Scott)... :D

I only got a few photos from meet up at Merthyr due to the poor weather and I'll post these later.

My only regret is that I lost everyone on the return journey and had no idea where folks had gone. :( I would have loved to have been a part of the photo and banner line-up at Tesco's but sadly couldn't find you. I was under the impression that we were heading back to the starting point at Merthyr hence returned there and nipped to the loo. But everyone else went straight on! LOL! I did actually go hunting around and asked a few folks if they'd seen a bunch of Renaultsports but I just got funny looks or blatantly ignored! LOL! But nevermind, it didn't detract from a great day.


u shoulda kept up. Lol, i tried but i dont like corners at the mo, need new bushes so i skip round corners. was great to meet every1. Thanks guys. Xx
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Matt W

ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo XC60 T8
Managed to get a couple of pictures of why we were held up slightly...

Good lane control.


Ahhh, that was you Matt! Every time you pulled out onto the other side of the road to take a look, my heart went into my mouth lol.

Flat Eric

Sing Hosanna!!
ClioSport Club Member
  F31 35d, Berlingo Na
Ahhh, that was you Matt! Every time you pulled out onto the other side of the road to take a look, my heart went into my mouth lol.

Suicidal Matt you should be nicknamed. Haha.


ClioSport Admin
My only regret is that I lost everyone on the return journey and had no idea where folks had gone. :( I would have loved to have been a part of the photo and banner line-up at Tesco's but sadly couldn't find you. I was under the impression that we were heading back to the starting point at Merthyr hence returned there and nipped to the loo. But everyone else went straight on! LOL! I did actually go hunting around and asked a few folks if they'd seen a bunch of Renaultsports but I just got funny looks or blatantly ignored! LOL! But nevermind, it didn't detract from a great day.

That's probably my fault, I thought that you'd heard Don shout that we were going to Tesco when we were in the last lay-by, so when you pulled into McD's I assumed you were grabbing food and heading up to your mates in Newcastle.

Good to see you again mate, I'll def say hello at Wilton House this year!


ClioSport Club Member
u shoulda kept up. Lol, i tried but i dont like corners at the mo, need new bushes so i skip round corners. was great to meet every1. Thanks guys. Xx
LOL! Keeping up in my pink shed wasn't a problem... :D ...the problem was more that I needed to empty my bladder!

That's probably my fault, I thought that you'd heard Don shout that we were going to Tesco when we were in the last lay-by, so when you pulled into McD's I assumed you were grabbing food and heading up to your mates in Newcastle.

Good to see you again mate, I'll def say hello at Wilton House this year!
No mate, it's not your fault - these things happen. It was cold, wet, windy and miserable up in the valley (and that was just me!) so it was easy to miss the message that Don shouted out. Anyways, it was great to catch up (the Newcastle trip was postponed incidentally!) and see you at Wilton all being well. I've just bought a ticket so no excuses. I'll be in the PH parking area again and my Ferrari collection will be just inside the main entrance to the estate... :rasp:
