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Welshname's Monaco 172


ClioSport Club Member
Not do the oil, filter and spark plugs when you did the belts?

Did my dogbone mount yesterday, tried to do it without a vice... top tip, use a vice. I did in the end.

LOL! Cheers for that, and nah, I am completely skint this month. Wasn't meant to be buying one till payday so I'm really stretched. I've done the belts purely because I didn't want to drive it without them done and the PAS needed doing so it made sense.

Mr Trailer Man

ClioSport Club Member
Ahh right, that makes sense.

Are you doing the bushes on the dogbone? Just thought then, you'll only need to use a vice if you're polybushing it.

If you're just replacing it for a new oem one then it's just unbolt and bolt back on.


ClioSport Club Member
Yeah I know how to change a dogbone LOL. I've got a spare one which I'm debating poly bushing but I might stick it on for now and poly bush the current one at a later date.


ClioSport Club Member
Doing mine was one of the best things I've done to be honest. Although I did the upper gearbox and engine mount at the same time also.


ClioSport Club Member
Been eyeing up what I want to order for the car. I've come up with the below list. I know a lot of it isn't really necessary but I want to do it the right way round, get the car tidy and mechanically spot on, and then start with mods.

My list so far is as follows:

  • Front Brembo HC discs
  • Front Ferodo Racing DS2500
  • Rear Renault discs
  • Rear Brembo OEM pads
  • Ate Superblue
  • Rear disc spacers
  • Rear hub nuts

Service Bits

  • Renault Type D Coolant
  • Oil filter
  • Sump plug
  • Washer
  • Gearbox sump plug
  • Washer
  • Air filter
  • Pollen filter
  • NGK Spark Plugs
  • Engine Oil
  • Gearbox Oil

Misc Bits

  • Headlight Washers
  • RenaultSport mats
  • Both handbrake cables
  • Rear wiper
  • Cup splitter
  • Upper engine mount
  • Battery terminal cover
  • Rear number plate light

I've got prices from people for the above and it's floating around the £800 mark. Unless I change my mind on a few bits (e.g. cup splitter) then it will all be ordered on Monday :) should be busy next weekend!


ClioSport Club Member
So tomorrow I get to order all my bits and pieces to get the car mechanically at a stage where I'm happy. So thought today I'd double check that it was the brakes that just needed bleeding causing my spongey pedal and nothing too sinister. No pictures of that but then I realised that the weather was pretty awesome so decided to give the car a quick clean.

Products used:
Werkstat Acrylic Prime
Werkstat Acrylic Jett
Zaino Z6 (Used as a drying aid)
No tyre shine (disappeared)

Went to get the camera out but both batteries are dead (sorry) so you'll have to make do with some very poor phone pictures.




I've noticed that the drivers side has 100% seen paint. There are sanding marks on the door and the rear arch. It looks more like it may have been vandal damage as the areas just don't tie in with an accident at all. Also some of the paint is pretty dull. Also as with any old Clio there are stone chips all over and the drivers side headlight REALLY needs correcting. Also there are plenty of RDS and swirls so I'll be giving it a proper going over with a DA at some point (I say I but it'll probably be a mixture of @Christopher @JoeyD @Jon.G and @Eddie. HAI GUISE!)

Also does anyone know how to get the old school format from Flickr for pictures? Can't find it and it's changed my view automatically to the "new" style. b*****ds.
Scrubs up well! What are you thinking paint wise? Full blow over, minus the roof because thats fine?

Your will have to wait whilst I get the LMAO paint sorted (fingers crossed for me). Might even give it jim at White Details. Oooooh.


ClioSport Club Member
FPSML at "minus the roof".

And dunno, I'm not too bothered by the paint tbh, I don't like that it really needs a DA running over it but stone chip wise I'll just touch them up (ooo errrr). And yeah fingers crossed for that, it's always seemed weird not seeing you in a red car.
Touch them up. Jesus, you're not exactly the most delicate person I know. Suppose its not really the same as taking a rattle can to an Aston Martin.
Not seen this, really happy to see you’ve got a project for the EP2? E28? Z3? 106? 172... ahhh yeah, that's the one.

Scrubs up well though, full lols at “minus the roof”


ClioSport Club Member
So far today I've ordered my brakes from George and yesterday I put up a wanted thread for an exhaust as mine is beyond repair. Dan from SJM got in touch so I've bought that off him.

Going to have to trim down my order of bits for servicing and do some next month though.


ClioSport Club Member
Right so I'm currently waiting on:

Brakes from George:
-Front Brembo HC Discs
-Front Ferodo DS2500's
-Rear Brembo OEM Discs (with bearings,abs rings and the spacers)
-Rear Brembo OEM Pads
-Ate Superblue Brake Fluid

Exhaust from Dan:
-Ktec Stealth (looks to be none resonated)

Oil from OpieOils:
-5 Litres of Millers

Service/Misc parts from Renault Wolverhampton:
-Oil Filter
-Sump Plug
-Sump Plug Washer
-Air Filter
-NGK Spark Plugs
-RenaultSport Mats
-Passenger Headlight Washer
-Drivers side handbrake cable
-Rear Wiper
-Cat to Centre Section gasket/bolts.

Decent progress so far, as said though I do reckon the spongy pedal is down to boiled/old brake fluid and completely flushing it will cure it.

Also when are you booking this?


You know the score, I'm getting the car right first before track days.

Nice Rhys, just spotted this tread. I'll keep an eye out ;)

Cheers, Gavin. I keep looking out for you but that's the first morning I've ever seen you out and about. I must have gone in early/late. Honestly can't remember what time it was LOL.


ClioSport Club Member
  Raider, 172, the van
Rhys are you still wanting the special bus gearstick. Just so I know not to sell it. Having a clear out of parts I don't need at the weekend.


ClioSport Trader
So, somehow George managed to get my brake order to me today which is very impressive so I'll be getting on with that tonight. I'll attempt to get some pictures :)

Cheers G 172

No problem at all Rhys, you're welcome mate. I like to get brakes out asap :approve:

When fitting the front DS2500 pads, they may need a bit of paint filing off the ends of the pads backing plate. Nothing to worry about but just make sure they aren't wedged in too tight and have room to expand when hot. This is because I only supply the larger pad surfaced of the two available for these cars from Ferodo Racing

The shims aren't needed either. Do a steady 50 miles or so on them and then bed them in as per instructions in the box

Also don't let the reservoir get low when bleeding the brakes with the superblue as don't want to get air in the abs pump, nice and easy to do bleed through with the blue fluid though

Thanks again!


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks again George. Really lucky they turned up today as I'm pretty sure one of my front pads vacated the calliper on the way to work :/ nice steady drive home for me lol


ClioSport Club Member
I know what you mean. I really want a ph1 but the climate, xenon's and ability to retro fit cruise control make the ph2 a better daily for me.
I will own a ph1 eventually but only when having two cars becomes feasible for me. I was very close to buying a black one a month ago


ClioSport Club Member
So I got the brakes done tonight, started with a few pictures then had no battery :(.


Started with the drivers rear side, couldn't get the carrier off the calliper so decided to just remove the whole thing from the hub and do it that way (didn't matter too much on this side as the handbrake cable is snapped off, which will be replaced this weekend).


Quick inspection of the rear pads shows they're getting rather low.


Quick comparison between new and old discs.


Didn't get a complete picture but we all know what a discs with pads and a calliper look like.

Then got on with the fronts. Had nothing but problems getting the discs off so just got on with it. It does appear that along with the grooved and drilled discs on the front it also had EBC Green Stuff pads (can just see the little bit of green on the backing)


This is the condition of the front pads...


Today I drove to work and thought that a pad had vacated the car en route. But actually you'll see that the top of the two pads is NOT the reverse of it, you can actually see the wear on the backing plate near the clips at the top.

And that's where the battery died. Took it out to bed the pads in properly and it took a while but my God they are great. Not even properly bedded in yet and I've also not changed the fluid either as I didn't have time, can't wait to see what they are like when it's done.


ClioSport Club Member
Cheers. Just need to get the exhaust sorted now as that's the last thing that's really annoying me about the car. Headlight restoration kit should be here tomorrow so I'll probably give that a go after work.


ClioSport Trader
Took it out to bed the pads in properly and it took a while but my God they are great. Not even properly bedded in yet and I've also not changed the fluid either as I didn't have time, can't wait to see what they are like when it's done.

Glad you're liking them Rhys, get the fresh fluid in and bed the DS2500 properly and they'll be even better


ClioSport Club Member
So my 3M kit arrived today so tonight I set about doing whatever I could with the headlights. Now the pictures don't show just how bad it was. eddie Jon.G and JoeyD will vouch for just how minging the drivers side was.

So I masked it all up




Then set about sanding it down



Then polished it up



Still needs some work and I forgot to get pictures of the passenger side but that wasn't too bad in the first place.

Opinion of the 3M kit is that don't bother with the drill for the sanding stages, you get a much better finish/idea of how you're getting on without it, it just generates too much dust and destroys the paper. It also doesn't have good enough steps between the grades (500, 800 and then what basically feels like a sponge). I'll be buying myself some more varied grades and giving it another go. The drill bit and pad is worth the £20 I paid for the kit just because I don't have a DA/Rotary so it was very convenient.

So yeah, that's that. Next up will be sorting the washer jet, RenaultSport mats and a few other bits and pieces as soon as my delivery turns up. Exhaust should have been here today but UPS are f**king useless so that'll be here tomorrow but I'll be changing that and using the universal polybush exhaust mount at weekend.

Also today my climate control panel decided that a few of the pixels/bars won't work and it's annoying me, so that's another thing to add to the list.

Cheers for reading.
