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What would you do

Right, im gonna be getting a Cup in a few months time, but would you wait til September and get the 53 or would you go for the 03 and try and save some money?

Got a quote with Tescos for £1259 comp, was quite chuffed. As im only 20 (3 yrs NCB)


p.s Has anyone found that Renault Toomey (near a127) have been akward?


  Audi TT Stronic

I would wait.. but I understand if you jump out and get the Cup now.. the advantage ? slightly more on resale.

thats what i was thinking, im only gonna be keeping the car for 3 years, so i spose the 6 month difference would make a bit of a price increase. How much do you think it would loose in 6 months? any ideas


  Audi TT Stronic

Well If I had a 03 and a 53 model infront of me and they were both the same spec/condition what would you pick ?

I would pick the 53 cause it is newer.. and Im sure you would too, people will pay extra for the newer car.

Plus when you get the Cup on the day you can drive around and pose in your brand new 53 car...knowing that everyone else knowes that your car is brand spanking new..

Very true, and me likes your thinking.

Anyone know how many Cups we have in Essex? I think ive seen 3. But there MUST me more.
  Astra 1.9cdti XP

Yeah but you could then wait for the 04 model cos its newer!!

Get the car now and enjoy it now. I doubt anyone will ever be lucky enough when buying a second hand car to come across 2 identical car same price but one 53 and one 03


  Audi TT Stronic

Quote: Originally posted by Clio Cup on 05 June 2003

im gonna be getting a Cup in a few months time
Geordiepaul, so a few months time might be August.. why not wait a few days and get the 53, are peole really that impatient as to not wait a few days ?

fact is, if you ordered it in august you probably wont get it to september anyway so there you go..problem solved.

Well I know for me if I look on autotrader and see an 03 and a 53 at the same price im gonna go look at the 53 first.. so it will be easier to sell than an 03
