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Xbox Series X|S - OFFICIAL News!


ClioSport Club Member
  4 wheels
Would i be right in thinking that we are now getting to the point with these new consoles that TV's no longer cut the mustard? i know a lot of people use monitors anyway, but i am sure a lot still use their tv's?

No matter what i do, i cannot stop the input lag of my Xbox One S on my XF90 bravia, tried everything, Game Mode etc, but it still takes half a second for the guy on the screen to move when i press the controller.

See I don't have a problem with my TV. I've always played on big screens. Mines a Samsung qled. My brother plays on a monitor and swears by it.


ClioSport Club Member
See I don't have a problem with my TV. I've always played on big screens. Mines a Samsung qled. My brother plays on a monitor and swears by it.

Same I did spend a small fortune on our LG oled TV but no gripes here. Not sure if I'd even notice the difference. Monitor should be better I imagine but I'd rather be gaming on the sofa than in an office chair.


ClioSport Club Member
Is the new Xbox going to be 120hz?
You need a monitor mate. Even if it's a larger one. Much better than a TV.

I will be looking to upgrade the monitor if we get 120hz
Agree mate, just a bit awkward as i don't really have anywhere to set a monitor up, i use the TV in the conservatory and just sit on the couch, i associate monitors with sitting in front of a computer table which would take up too much space in the conservatory.


ClioSport Club Member
See I don't have a problem with my TV. I've always played on big screens. Mines a Samsung qled. My brother plays on a monitor and swears by it.
i have watched people on youtube reviewing the XF90 saying its great, playing rocket league and stuff, no mater that i do the lag is awful, like playing forza i move the controller and the car turns half a second later, tried all settings, but can't get it sorted, which is a shame, as it would be epic playing on a 65" tv.


ClioSport Club Member
Same I did spend a small fortune on our LG oled TV but no gripes here. Not sure if I'd even notice the difference. Monitor should be better I imagine but I'd rather be gaming on the sofa than in an office chair.

Thats me, i prefer to sit back on the sofa and play on a tv.


ClioSport Club Member
I have to admit, i didn't think about it, but according to some it's 36ms in game mode, which should be ok for gaming?

You know better then that!

Ideally if you're into FPS you would want 1ms maybe 5 max before you start feeling it. Depends on the type of game you have got. I have one of those Sega Mega Drive minis and i can't use it on my TV because the lag is so bad. I need to try it on my monitor actually to see if that improves it!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Would i be right in thinking that we are now getting to the point with these new consoles that TV's no longer cut the mustard? i know a lot of people use monitors anyway, but i am sure a lot still use their tv's?

No matter what i do, i cannot stop the input lag of my Xbox One S on my XF90 bravia, tried everything, Game Mode etc, but it still takes half a second for the guy on the screen to move when i press the controller.

Sounds like a TV issue to me dude, I play on a 65inch 4K Samsung QLED and its great. New TV’s are coming out that support 120hz and even Freesync with Xbox.

EDIT: Just want to clarify, I do see the benefit of having a monitor for gaming. I do have monitors with my gaming rig. However, I just don’t see the point of using a monitor with a console as I see consoles as more of a casual/fun activity, instead of more of a truly “pro” or ultra competitive activity where milliseconds can make a difference. So IF you are more about “DAT PRO LIFE” then by all means get what suits you best lol. There isn’t really a wrong answer.


ClioSport Club Member
Right i am obviously missing something here, as my TV is listed at number 6 by games radar? whilst i appreciate it ain't no monitor, but it looks just as quick as most other tv's which people don't have any issue playing on?

  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Right i am obviously missing something here, as my TV is listed at number 6 by games radar? whilst i appreciate it ain't no monitor, but it looks just as quick as most other tv's which people don't have any issue playing on?


When a TV input lag is high, you get a disconnect between what you're doing with your inputs (controller etc) and what you see on screen - this is a massive pain in the butt. It really depends on the game you're playing for a, whether you'll even notice, and b, even if you don't notice whether you're suffering.

Let's say you're playing a shooter and all things being equal, the only lag difference is in your TV.

If your reaction time is 200ms on a good day, then if you have a 30ms lag on your TV and someone you're against does not, then you instantly give yourself a 15% reaction penalty against others.

Now.... That doesn't really matter when you're playing some generic shooter of today where the tick rate is quite frequently 10hz, because whether you see them first or not - there's a lot of chance as to who's shots are registered first.

So TLDR, don't worry about it on a TV. But usually you can have "game mode" or change TV settings depending on input, if you turn off all post processing then that will reduce input lag (basically turn off all advanced settings for your console in the TV display and sound settings)


ClioSport Club Member

When a TV input lag is high, you get a disconnect between what you're doing with your inputs (controller etc) and what you see on screen - this is a massive pain in the butt. It really depends on the game you're playing for a, whether you'll even notice, and b, even if you don't notice whether you're suffering.

Let's say you're playing a shooter and all things being equal, the only lag difference is in your TV.

If your reaction time is 200ms on a good day, then if you have a 30ms lag on your TV and someone you're against does not, then you instantly give yourself a 15% reaction penalty against others.

Now.... That doesn't really matter when you're playing some generic shooter of today where the tick rate is quite frequently 10hz, because whether you see them first or not - there's a lot of chance as to who's shots are registered first.

So TLDR, don't worry about it on a TV. But usually you can have "game mode" or change TV settings depending on input, if you turn off all post processing then that will reduce input lag (basically turn off all advanced settings for your console in the TV display and sound settings)

i don't really play FPS, even playing the likes of Forza on my own, playing on the old 47" LED i have in the conservatory i can't notice any lag at all, put if on the 65" in the living room and it's awful, like coming to a corner move the stick left or right, and the car continues straight for a split second then turns, even in game mode, i am certainly no games god either, the best way i could describe it, is like having to brake 20 yards before your brake marker for the car to brake at the actual brake marker if that makes sense.

I have turned everything off that i can think of or seen on youtube, switched to game mode etc, but it seems to make no difference, tried different HDMI ports, different cables, still the same.

Just seems weird that people rate it as a good gaming tv, i would imagine playing the likes of COD it would be really bad.


ClioSport Club Member
After a bit more investigation i think i have found the issue, cause my xbox one S doesn't support 4k gaming, i am stuck with 1080p, which takes the input lag up to 40ms, which would explain my issue, the tv goes down to 24ms in 4k.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
i don't really play FPS, even playing the likes of Forza on my own, playing on the old 47" LED i have in the conservatory i can't notice any lag at all, put if on the 65" in the living room and it's awful, like coming to a corner move the stick left or right, and the car continues straight for a split second then turns, even in game mode, i am certainly no games god either, the best way i could describe it, is like having to brake 20 yards before your brake marker for the car to brake at the actual brake marker if that makes sense.

I have turned everything off that i can think of or seen on youtube, switched to game mode etc, but it seems to make no difference, tried different HDMI ports, different cables, still the same.

Just seems weird that people rate it as a good gaming tv, i would imagine playing the likes of COD it would be really bad.

So CoD isn't a proper FPS game. lol (the elitist in me)

The tick rate (how often the server updates with info) on the big commercial games is awful (usually around 10hz, which means even if your screen updates at 120hz, the game is only updating at a 12th of that speed).

I spent like £1200 on my previous TV which was some Sony flagship with about 10ms input lag (best at the time). It had all sorts of issues. Next TV I bought was a £450 Samsung 4K TV and it's the best TV I've ever owned. Lovely picture and easy to use menu. I honestly don't see the point in buying anything fancy when you're just going to plug a console into it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
Any word on if the Series X will support ultrawide 21:9?
Currently the only thing putting me off vs PC


ClioSport Club Member
So CoD isn't a proper FPS game. lol (the elitist in me)

The tick rate (how often the server updates with info) on the big commercial games is awful (usually around 10hz, which means even if your screen updates at 120hz, the game is only updating at a 12th of that speed).

I spent like £1200 on my previous TV which was some Sony flagship with about 10ms input lag (best at the time). It had all sorts of issues. Next TV I bought was a £450 Samsung 4K TV and it's the best TV I've ever owned. Lovely picture and easy to use menu. I honestly don't see the point in buying anything fancy when you're just going to plug a console into it.
If i get a new xbox i will defo be buying a tv that i can use it on....😂


ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
Also, to get more than 4K 60FPS you need a TV with HDMI 2.1.

1080P and 1440P will be 120FPS "good to go" with HDMI 2.0 (Which most TVs released in the last number of years are fitted with).


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Hi guys,

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to gaming as I haven't owned a console for some time. I've been reading a bit tonight about GPU's, CPU's, refresh rates and millseconds trying to get my head around things. I've also been doing a fair bit of reading on both the X Box Series X and the One S.

From my understanding the cheaper model (the Series S) is not capable of 4k gameplay but IS capable of running games at 1440p with a refresh rate of 120hz, which to my understanding means the gaming experience will be much better.

The TV I have is around 2 years old but is a 4K UHD tv - this one

My question is this - Is my TV capable of running true 4k games if I was to go for say the PS5 or an X box series X or will it struggle and be laggy? Or would I better going for the cheaper X Box and run games at 1440p knowing the TV will cope better? It's for my fiancee and I and I can't see us buying loads and loads of games, so I'm just thinking is it worth going balls out for the top end one knowing it's never going to reach its full capability with the TV we have? We won't be buying an 8k tv anytime soon I don't think.

Hopefully I'm making sense here!



ClioSport Club Member
  Tesla Model 3
The TV I have is around 2 years old but is a 4K UHD tv - this one
That TV does do 4K and has game mode which apparently helps considerably on the "laggy" aspect of playing on a TV. Series X will play quite nicely on that one would think.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
That TV does do 4K and has game mode which apparently helps considerably on the "laggy" aspect of playing on a TV. Series X will play quite nicely on that one would think.
That's good to hear! I'm going to have a look into game mode on it and see if it's definitely there, so you reckon it would play at 4k pretty good then?


ClioSport Club Member
That's good to hear! I'm going to have a look into game mode on it and see if it's definitely there, so you reckon it would play at 4k pretty good then?
I have been pissing in the wind mate, so take my posts with a pinch of salt, i now know why i had a problem, should have realised earlier...👍


ClioSport Club Member
Any word on if the Series X will support ultrawide 21:9?
Currently the only thing putting me off vs PC
A couple of early development versions of the dashboard suggested support / options for 21:9 and 32:9 aspect ratios... so I heard. Whether or not they were actually realised and will be supported in final hardware is a different matter, though. Fingers crossed. :)
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Hi guys,

I'm pretty clueless when it comes to gaming as I haven't owned a console for some time. I've been reading a bit tonight about GPU's, CPU's, refresh rates and millseconds trying to get my head around things. I've also been doing a fair bit of reading on both the X Box Series X and the One S.

From my understanding the cheaper model (the Series S) is not capable of 4k gameplay but IS capable of running games at 1440p with a refresh rate of 120hz, which to my understanding means the gaming experience will be much better.

The TV I have is around 2 years old but is a 4K UHD tv - this one

My question is this - Is my TV capable of running true 4k games if I was to go for say the PS5 or an X box series X or will it struggle and be laggy? Or would I better going for the cheaper X Box and run games at 1440p knowing the TV will cope better? It's for my fiancee and I and I can't see us buying loads and loads of games, so I'm just thinking is it worth going balls out for the top end one knowing it's never going to reach its full capability with the TV we have? We won't be buying an 8k tv anytime soon I don't think.

Hopefully I'm making sense here!


Hi, lets see if I can clear this up for you :)

Yes, the Series S is aimed at 1440p gaming at up to 120fps. However, it also has dedicated hardware to upscale those 1440p games to 4K. So you are correct, the Series S is not made for 4K gaming, even though it can “output” to 4K via up scaling.

You said your TV is 4K UHD - thats all you need for 4K. Seeing as you do have a 4K TV, I would recommend the Series X.

Now all you need to check is whether your TV supports HDR, which HDR version it supports, if its an 8-Bit or 10-bit panel, if it has Dolby Vision etc etc etc - but most people don’t generally look in to this much. IF however you do want to check and let me know, I’ll be happy to advise on any more questions you have.
  Honda. Tesla Someday

Dolby just made an announcement...

Xbox Series S and Xbox Series X will be the “FIRST AND ONLY Next-Generation Consoles to support GAMING in Dolby Vision with Dolby Atmos!!”

This news is pretty freaking big!
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Just so you can appreciate how small the Series S is.... check the images lol

It is TINY!! LOL!! Its about HALF the size of a PS4!


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  Honda. Tesla Someday
Any word on if the Series X will support ultrawide 21:9?
Currently the only thing putting me off vs PC


I did some digging on this and found LOADS of Reddit posts of people speculating - but nothing concrete. Samsung even asked Microsoft to support 21:9, but again we don’t know what happened after they asked.

Philips, on the other hand, are releasing a 21:9 ultrawide for “The PS5 and Xbox Series X” (see the link) - however, we STILL have no official statement on whether or not it will actually be supported lol!

I’ll send out a few tweets and ask, if I get anything solid back I’ll let you know!



ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Hi, lets see if I can clear this up for you :)

Yes, the Series S is aimed at 1440p gaming at up to 120fps. However, it also has dedicated hardware to upscale those 1440p games to 4K. So you are correct, the Series S is not made for 4K gaming, even though it can “output” to 4K via up scaling.

You said your TV is 4K UHD - thats all you need for 4K. Seeing as you do have a 4K TV, I would recommend the Series X.

Now all you need to check is whether your TV supports HDR, which HDR version it supports, if its an 8-Bit or 10-bit panel, if it has Dolby Vision etc etc etc - but most people don’t generally look in to this much. IF however you do want to check and let me know, I’ll be happy to advise on any more questions you have.
Hello mate,

Many thanks for this information, it's a big help! I'll respond properly later on as I'm in work at the moment but I can confirm that it is an HDR TV, not sure on the full specs of the HDR but it's definitely HDR capable.

Many thanks



ClioSport Club Member

I did some digging on this and found LOADS of Reddit posts of people speculating - but nothing concrete. Samsung even asked Microsoft to support 21:9, but again we don’t know what happened after they asked.

Philips, on the other hand, are releasing a 21:9 ultrawide for “The PS5 and Xbox Series X” (see the link) - however, we STILL have no official statement on whether or not it will actually be supported lol!

I’ll send out a few tweets and ask, if I get anything solid back I’ll let you know!

I hope so. I'll be able to use the same 21:9 UW as my PC will use then.


ClioSport Club Member
  Macan S
I hope so. I'll be able to use the same 21:9 UW as my PC will use then.
This tbh.
been holding off getting a UW because I still play a few things on the One but would love the new one to support it otherwise can’t see myself getting one and being stuck with 16:9.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Hi, lets see if I can clear this up for you :)

Yes, the Series S is aimed at 1440p gaming at up to 120fps. However, it also has dedicated hardware to upscale those 1440p games to 4K. So you are correct, the Series S is not made for 4K gaming, even though it can “output” to 4K via up scaling.

You said your TV is 4K UHD - thats all you need for 4K. Seeing as you do have a 4K TV, I would recommend the Series X.

Now all you need to check is whether your TV supports HDR, which HDR version it supports, if its an 8-Bit or 10-bit panel, if it has Dolby Vision etc etc etc - but most people don’t generally look in to this much. IF however you do want to check and let me know, I’ll be happy to advise on any more questions you have.

Hello mate, apologies for the late reply.

I've had a look at the sound etc. It does have Dolby installed (Dolby Digital) but it doesn't have Dolby Vision or Atmos, I'm assuming this means I won't be able to make the most of the sound benefits from the better X Box?

It has HDR Pro and the Panel bit depth is 10 bits (8 bits + FRC). Not sure what FRC means sorry?

Does this help at all?

  Honda. Tesla Someday
Hello mate, apologies for the late reply.

I've had a look at the sound etc. It does have Dolby installed (Dolby Digital) but it doesn't have Dolby Vision or Atmos, I'm assuming this means I won't be able to make the most of the sound benefits from the better X Box?

It has HDR Pro and the Panel bit depth is 10 bits (8 bits + FRC). Not sure what FRC means sorry?

Does this help at all?



Ok so lets get Dolby out of the way first.

Dolby Atmos: If you want to take advantage of this, get a Dolby Atmos soundbar or headset. They can be a little dear, but are mind blowing. I have a Dolby Atmos enabled headset and I love it.

Dolby Vision: This is the industry leader for HDR, and you will find it included with most OLED screens. I didn’t realise you had included a link to o your TV, so I just checked it now. Yours is an LG but is not an OLED, so yes, Dolby Vision is not an option. They do say “HDR Pro” which is annoying (lots of manufacturers use their own terms which drives us all crazy) - By HDR Pro they mean HDR10. This is fine and is the minimum you want.

8bit+2bit FRC - This confuses most people. Ideally you want a ”True 10bit panel”, however lots of manufacturers opt for 8bit+2bitFRC as a way to reduce costs/price of the panel for consumers. This does sacrifice some colour depth and HDR performance, however most people either aren’t aware of it, or simply don’t care too much. Will you REALLY notice the difference? Perhaps in certain scenarios, but for most cases you should be ok. Oh and FRC stands for “Frame Rate Control”, for want of better words, its a way to fake 10bit when you only have an 8bit panel lol.

So to sum up: Dolby Atmost - get a sound bar or headset for it.

Dolby Vision: You will need an OLED. However, I have been avoiding OLEDs and opted for QLED instead (So I can’t use Dolby Vision either, but I do get HDR10+ which is the competitor to Dolby Vision, but not as well supported by movie makers! OLED has its own drawbacks - sure the blacks are better etc etc etc, BUT I do not want to baby my screen and worry about it - screen burn IS an issue No matter what anyone tells you. No manufacturer covers screen burn in warranty with OLEDs, and it CAN happen to anyone with an OLED.

QLED, for me and in my opinion, was a nice middle ground. The blacks are great and as its not an OLED, it came with a 10 years screen burn warranty from Samsung! I am in love with it lol! OLED purists will fight to the death for the OLED panels - which is fine - OLED is superior, but like I said I just didn’t want to have to worry about screen burn. Simple as that.

Wow that was a tangent, sorry lol! Excuse any spelling errors I am typing this up fast!

Bring on MICRO LED!!! Let’s not get in to that!

Any more questions or if you need me to clarify anything please just ask. I hope this cleared some things up for you :)
  Honda. Tesla Someday
Really wasnt gonna bother with this untill i saw the monthlys woth game pass. Thats a bargain imo. Gonna need a new tv tho sadly. My 10 year old plasma isnt gonna cut it

it truly is a bargain, and actually works out cheaper financing it lol!! Crazy crazy pricing!
